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Help - working out in the morning???

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My progress is going up and down since two years now. I can gain muscle easily, but if I don't stick to my work out everything is gone within some weeks. Now I will kick my ass (again) and try to stay on track, BUT...


I am working as a massage therapist 40 - 60 hrs a week, which causes two problems:


1) it is heavy work, which makes me somtimes too tired to work out in the evening.


2) I don't have the time to work out in the evening, because sometimes I am working till 23.00 pm.


So, the only time when I can work out is between 6 - 9 am. I am definitely not a morning type, but I will give it a try.


Question: who is working out in the morning and how do you feel? How does your breakfast look like?

And what about getting rest? Is it better to work out late at night and then going to bed? In my case I would work out and then do my work. Is this bad for muscle grow?

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I have been training in the AM for several years. It is the only time I can really count on being open!


If I am doing weights (3-4 days/wk) I will have a couple pieces of dried fruit and a 1/2 scoop of Vega or rice protein. I cannot eat too much since I wake at 4:45am and leave for the gym at 5:25am. Then I have a larger feeding after.


Works well for me!


Good luck

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I like doing it but its hard to get acclimated. Normally it takes about a week or two of daily working out. I find myself not wanted to do it every now and then but you've gotta get over it otherwise you'll never get used to it. As for breakfast I normally don't worry to much. I eat a pretty decent meal before I go to bed and just a few fruits or smoothie in the morning. If its a long low intensity workout I may eat 2 bananas and some oat meal.

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