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Kettlebell Training

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I did my first training session with Kettlebells last week and it rocked! I was so impressed that I just ordered my own 36 pounder from http://www.dragondoor.com!


The workout consisted of a series of swinging and overhead pressing movements, done in sets that must be completed within a specific period of time. Between each set we would jog for about a minute.


[pic of Mike Mahler....vegan...holding Kettlebells]



We also did some pull ups, push ups and ab-work to round things out. As an added bonus, we carried the kettlebells about 1/2 mile to a nearby park. This was one of the hardest parts of the workout!


The workout was:


1. Pyramid Super Set: Do 1 clean and press with each arm using a kettlebell, followed by 1 pull up. Repeat with 2 of each. Repeat with 3 of each. A clean involves swinging the weight up and holding it close to your chest, and then pressing towards the sky.


2. 2 Sets of 10-15 snatches with each arm using kettlebells. A snatch involves swinging the kettlebell directly in front of your body and holding it overhead in one smooth movement. In between each set you jog for 1 minute.


3. 2 Sets of 50 swings with kettlebells. A swing is a movement where you squat and lower the kettlebell between your legs, and swing it up to about chest height. The goal is to finish each set in a minute or so. If you finish in less than a minute you jog around a bit.


4 . 1 minute each of twists, sit ups and push ups. The twists are a sit up movement where you just twist the body from side to side. For this exercise and the sit ups you are holding the kettlebell.


By the end of this workout, I was nauseous. My traps, upper and lower back, biceps and thighs were incredibly sore right now. I have never done much rowing before, but I would imagine this is how it feels. It was nice to get a solid strength training workout outside of the weight room. This was much more fun.


Does anyone else on the forum use Kettlebells? Any tips? How have they affected your overall strength and fitness?

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I got my kettlebell delivered today. A 16Kg monster.


I took it out for a 40 minute workout in the park near my place. Lots of throws, cleans, presses and push ups. My forearms are dead, as is my back. I'll be in for it tomorrow!




It was a lot of fun to workout like this. A nice change to get out of the gym.

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