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Article on ajcn on diets and disease


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Yeah, calorie restriction is definitely part of my long term plan. In this matter I'm already fortunate to have a very slow metabolism. If I could make a plan to get slim and stay there it would be good. Everything was working out great now until I got sick. I will get back on the horse on monday

The article talks about one theory on aging but there are many and it's still an uncertainty how it works exactly. But alot seems to indicate that it does in fact work. Longer fasting periods between meals also seems promising but it haven't been studied to the same extent. Again, I believe that CR is the main reason to why raw is most likely healthy.

Thanks, Zack!

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Don't you need lots of calories to be active? Like Bodybuilder or sports level? How low daily calories are we talking here? 100? 200? 300 a day? They reccommend eating at least 1200 calories. I want to eat more calories to gain more mouscle. Calories = mouscle. I'll proaboably read the article later. But right now I have other things on my mind. But in general I try and get a good amount of calories becouse too little is unhealthy too.

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At 23 it's not gonna hurt you to eat more and build up some. I think it's more for of a concern for older (not that you're old magnus!) people. My dad is doing it, he's 62 only eats maybe 2000-2500 nutrient-dense calories, he is extremely healthy for his age. Many people think he's in his late 40's/early 50's. He was raw vegan/vegetarian for over 10 years though, he's aged a bit slower.

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Caloric restriction is really for those who choose to eat unhealthy foods, in the "healthiest" manner possible. The science shows that chronic diseases are caused by animal products, period. The whole point of a healthy low-fat vegan diet is you eat as much as you want and you stay in robust health. Certainly if you only eat 1500-2000 kcal/d, regardless of the food you are giving your body quite a bit of room to heal. But why torture yourself for benefits that can be accrued through delicious low-fat vegan foods?

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