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I was doing so well. Keeping away from exercises and doing a lot of TGU's to help rehabilitate my shoulders. And it started working! I felt stronger than ever, and I actually saw size in my shoulders the first time in, ever!


Then yesterday I was in the middle of my first set of push-ups when I felt a small pain in my left front deltoid. That was the only pain and it didnt hurt very much and didnt even feel like an injury, so I continued on. The rest of the workout I didnt think of it and did overheard presses, overheard carrys, TGU's, and dead lifts. Felt fine!


After I took a shower I iced my shoulder because it looked like it was getting inflamed. Took some anti-inflammatory and went to bed. This morning I woke up with my shoulder completely stiff and tired (my other shoulder is tired and stiff from the work out also, my left one just feels more so).


I have been icing it all day, and using some arnica and some chinese herbs on it.


I guess push ups is just one more exercise I need to stay away from for a long time until Im strong enough (add this to incline db curls, bench press, and flys) I love push ups!


So my questions. I had a leg workout coming up tomorrow. Squats, lunges, box jumps. Should I be doing this? Should I let my shoulder tell me if its a good thing, or just take a rest for a week or so? I dont want to rest because, working out, is addicting. Its so hard for me to feel like I did anything with my life if I am not working out haha.

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Shoulder injuries can be tricky (and persistent), so definitely watch out for them. One thing you may want to look into is purchasing a Shoulder Horn for reabilitation (a lot of people swear by them) - http://www.betterfitnessproducts.com/shoulderhorn.html%23101 is one place you can get it. Otherwise, you can also do similar movements with an incline bench set up nearly straight (resting the elbot at the top of the pad) - definitely a good idea to rehab and strengthen that area if you have problems with it. If it doesn't seem to get better, you might also want to look into ART (Active Release Therapy), which has apparently worked miracles for some people who have had shoulder injuries that they once thought they'd never be able to lift pain-free again. Somewhere out there is a site that lists practitioners all over the country, so one more thing to consider if it doesn't get better over time.


As for doing a leg workout, listen to your body as far as shoulder pain and go from there. If you can hold the bar for squats and such pain-free, then there's no reason why you can't lift. If you get pain from it, take the day to do different lifts, even if you have to change to a leg press or something for a little while. Resting your shoulder can still happen while training legs since you can always get around it, so just see how you feel and go from there!

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If the shoulder hurts doing squats definitely stick to leg press, leg extensions and leg curls. As for lifting upper again give some light dumbell presses a try to see how that feels. My shoulders don't like being hindered by a bar or even pushups but when they can more laterally they hold up fine.

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Thanks. I am going to look into that shoulder horn. I have always had shoulder problems since a car hit me on my bicycle and my shoulders went out when it happened.


Currently I have been icing it at least three times a day, and putting that stuff on it. Its been doing good and now it just feels sore, like my other non injured shoulder. Things came up today so I am no longer going to be able to get to the gym, so I am just going to take it as a sign to let it rest a little more. Going to try my workout on Saturday.

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Thanks for that reply. I had an anterior shoulder injury for the first 6 months of the past year and a posterior injury for the past 4 months. I'm now losing range of motion and will be seeing a sports medicine doc in a few weeks. I've tried massage, ice packs, ibuprofen (which I hate to take), and accupunture. None have been 100% successful. Shoulder injuries suck. I'll post anything I learn, especially if it might help anyone else with a shoulder injury.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Puke. Just to let you know.


Turkish Get Ups are probably one of the best exercises to rehabilitate injured shoulders, and to get them very very strong. They are a full body workout, but helps your shoulder stabilization immensly. Ever since I have started doing these I have had less and less injuries arond my shoulders, plus the keep seeming to get bigger and bigger.


Check out this video:



This gives you pretty good explanation of what it does. (ps, this is not me).


Or just type in Turkish Get Up in google and see what comes up. Its best to do it with a Kettle bell, but if you cant find on a dumb bell will work.


Update on my shoulders:


They are getting bigger than they have ever been, and I feel stronger. I was lying down doing a stretch that puts my shoulders near my head and I never felt my shoulders against my face. Just a couple days a go I did, and it felt amazing.


My left arm bothers me only a tiny bit. Im doing another push up oriented workout today I think, Ill see how it goes.

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