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Veg story in paper, and I'm quoted :)


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A local paper called the Ottawa Xpress called me for an interview about the National Capital Vegetarian Association a week or two ago, and the story is in their current issue. Check it out:




Here's the first few paragraphs.



Dishing out the cure for cancer

Jen Lahey



New organization promotes the benefits of becoming a herbivore


The seemingly never-ending quest for better health is all wrapped up in what we dish out - and what we don't - at mealtime, say the founders of a new Ottawa organization.


The National Capital Vegetarian Association (NCVA) is the first group of its kind in Ottawa, and although Ottawa has had a grassroots vegetarian and vegan movement for years, nothing formal existed to link those members of the community who eschew meat and other animal products, says Pamela Eadie, the president of the NCVA's board of directors.


"We needed something to tie together the various vegetarian groups in Ottawa. We are the nation's capital, and we see what's going on in Toronto - they've got a very strong vegetarian association. And in Ottawa we had some meet-ups and a few little things, but nothing that was overarching, and nothing that really included reaching out to the public," says Eadie.


Activities for vegetarians, such as informal potlucks and other social events, have been organized before, but Ottawa is just now catching up to cities such as Toronto and Vancouver, where vegetarian associations have been thriving for years. Mark Faul, the executive director and founder of the NCVA, says Ottawa vegetarians and vegans have responded enthusiastically to the new organization, which was cooked up about a year ago, noting that 40 people came out to the group's most recent vegan meal event.

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Way to go Pamela! And just a few miles from me too I love good news. Ciao


If you're so close, then why aren't you coming out to the vegan potlucks we have here?


No I was joking, I'm in Québec city. I wish I could join you. We do have some hookups here with francophones, but not as often as I would like. If you're ever in this area I would love for you to look me up. Ciao

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