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Hello again all!


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Hey, I too have been 'lurking' here for quite some time, but will probably now be posting regularly!


I've posted here in the past, but the recent forum issues seem to have removed everything from the past month so I'm basically starting again fresh! haha. I'm looking forward to talking to you all some more, as many of you have already proven extremely helpful to me in the past.


I'm mainly focused on improving strength:weight ratio, and building lean muscle. I'm 6' tall and am currently around 170lbs. I was raised vegetarian from birth to about age 13, ate a lot of junk food and meat between ages 13-21, and then slowly made the move into eating a healthy balanced diet since then. I'm now 22, and have been Vegan for at least the last 6 months.


I'll upload some before / after photos soon, and should have a pic of me as an avatar as soon as I can get the forum to display it! (It's less than 6k, within 150 x 150 pixels, and uploads successfully but doesn't display once it's uploaded)

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Thanks for the welcome back everyone! I actually hadn't checked for replies to this for a few days so seeing all the posts gave me a bit of a warm fuzzy feeling, haha.


Tasha: Yeah, it really is beautiful -- I love it here (but Victoria is awesome too -- it's been too long since I've been out there!). It's funny you mention the skiing because I was actually supposed to skip out on work today to head up to Big White (my favorite local hill/village)! It finally opened today, but I ended up going to work... going to wait until Monday and hope they get some more snow up there so I don't scratch up my new board on any rocks! ;)

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