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I vote for calling her 8-track


I can't say I've heard of 8 track ( some kind of music format obviously ), but why not, I'm all for it.


I don't think we've exhausted the Little P option yet though. You could of have little sprout, little spud ( that's a potato in England ), little aubergine, little leek. Any vegetable you can think of I suppose........


I quite like lil spud.

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I don't know about Nat, but I would seriously object to anyone calling me Big "P" or Little "P"...



Yes, I most assuredly object to 8 track, Lil P, Big P, CD player, DVD, VCR, pash, lil spud, spud skins, baked potato, french fries, and all the other ridiculous names under consideration.


Do I not get a say in my own name people? I have finally just only recently warmed up to "compash." Let's stick to that!



Ediited to make sure I covered all the names under consideration!

Edited by compassionategirl
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Rich, YOU are the one that shortened my name from compassionategirl to "Compash". Now you want to shorten it even further from "compash" to "pash" and now to Big "P".


Stop changing my name.


Richard, as Nat is such a midget, I think Little P is far more suitable don't you. Or in Nat language Lil P.


I'm not a midget in my stilletos. I bet you I can look at you right at eye level when I am wearing them.

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I don't know about Nat, but I would seriously object to anyone calling me Big "P" or Little "P"...



Yes, I most assuredly object to 8 track, Lil P, Big P, CD player, DVD, VCR, pash, lil spud, spud skins, baked potato, french fries, and all the other ridiculous names under consideration.


Do I not get a say in my own name people? I have finally just only recently warmed up to "compash." Let's stick to that!



Ediited to make sure I covered all the names under consideration!


VCR - that's a good nickname.


I'd like the nickname VCR, although Betamax was better. So it would be better if you called me Betamax


If you have no idea what I'm talking about read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betamax

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I vote for calling her 8-track


I can't say I've heard of 8 track ( some kind of music format obviously ), but why not, I'm all for it.


I don't think we've exhausted the Little P option yet though. You could of have little sprout, little spud ( that's a potato in England ), little aubergine, little leek. Any vegetable you can think of I suppose........


I quite like lil spud.


Me neither

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Yeah, Betamax's were cool. We had one when I was a kid. Technically superior to VCR, there is a reason they didn't take off, can't remember it though.


We could call CG other reto 80's electronic equipment - Atari, Ghetto Blaster, Walkman etc etc.

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Rich, YOU are the one that shortened my name from compassionategirl to "Compash". Now you want to shorten it even further from "compash" to "pash" and now to Big "P".


Stop changing my name.


Richard, as Nat is such a midget, I think Little P is far more suitable don't you. Or in Nat language Lil P.


I'm not a midget in my stilletos. I bet you I can look at you right at eye level when I am wearing them.


Maybe so, but you wouldn't be standing in them for long........

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Yeah, Betamax's were cool. We had one when I was a kid. Technically superior to VCR, there is a reason they didn't take off, can't remember it though.


We could call CG other reto 80's electronic equipment - Atari, Ghetto Blaster, Walkman etc etc.


Ghetto Blaster would be a cool nickname.

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Some of you haven't heard of 8 tracks? I remember we had an 8-track car stereo when I was young. But it wasn't in our car, it was on a shelf in the library. I remember being excited about it, but it never got installed, so I never got to listen to it. That's kinda typical for my family.


I kinda remember having an 8-track deck for the home stereo as well. That's a vague memory, though. I know we had a few 8-track tapes. But I really can't remember ever being able to play them.

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