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Suffering from blurred vision and having headache!

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Is there really such thing as "detoxing"? I've heard some scientists say it's just a "BS term" thrown around by certain groups of people, but there isn't much science or fact behind it.


Yeah, I'd say, go see a doctor and get yourself sorted out. Drink lots of water, rest, those things we know to be helpful.

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heart, liver, intestines, lungs, and skin are organs of detoxification. Bodyfat can store toxins as well I believe. Detox does exist, but some people are just extreme about it. The body is always detoxifying... it's not some magical process that happens when you go raw.


Water is very important...stay hydrated and the headaches may likely go away...

Edited by Zack
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I think what they are referring to is that is a form of elimination of sorts. I'll try to find more from their side to get more detailed answers.


Specifically, they didn't like the raw food movement's use of "detox" because it was used in many ways that didn't make scientific sense.

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Is there really such thing as "detoxing"? I've heard some scientists say it's just a "BS term" thrown around by certain groups of people, but there isn't much science or fact behind it.


Yeah, I'd say, go see a doctor and get yourself sorted out. Drink lots of water, rest, those things we know to be helpful.

The cells clean out continuously otherwise it would be a mess in there. If you feed yourself the right nutrition (or just drink water for awhile) it can speed up this process which can be uncomfortable.

What is BS is people still detoxing after 5 years of raw food. This is over quite fast which mostly everyone knows who have gone from a bad diet to a better diet.

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I recently came across a site called http://www.healthpads.com/ that provides health pads. Health Pads, also commonly known as footpads or Detox Pads help to relieve fatigue, joint pain, headaches, skin rashes and many other health problems naturally. It’s very simple to use and follow. You could try hope this will work out for you.

See you, Bye!

Detox pads work just like the osmosis pressure in a plant. Tree roots transport water to other branches utilizing its semi-permeable membrane. The heat from the pads helps absorb perspiration from the bottom of the foot. The sole of the foot is the location where most of the nerves in the body end. Therefore, footpads are best used here to help clean out the waste and toxic materials that are expelled in the form of sweat.

Impressive load of bullshit mumbo-jumbo .

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