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Synaptic Facilitation - "Constant Repetition Works&quot

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Good article.

It's the same as i believe.

As the author points out, it's not for the average person with a life outside the gym. But we can benefit from the knowledge. I think the HST principles are saying the same as this article, transfered to a managable training plan.

Doing these constant reps is impossible if you want to do more than one exercise and are not a professional lifter. Therefore i recommend doing whole body workouts as often as possible without reaching muscle failure.


Cluster HST is using the same principles.


Important to point out is to build up gradually, not exaggerating. This also prevents injuries in your joints.

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I thought years ago I invented this system I literally made it up, then thought of the same name Freaky when I saw exactly the same thing later on I always think maybe I saw it somewhere, but forgot, but this little voice keeps going "You KNOW you didn't!". Maybe there's something to this telepathy thing

I think it can work, as it seems to for some. I reckon it might well overtrain some individuals if they squatted, did O-lifts, etc, but for chins I think it could well work (as long as you didn't suffer any overuse injury) & focussed on one goal (like 20 chins etc), while keeping the rest of your training balanced.

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