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I hate working out my back.


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hey Will,



I just hate working back. I have always hated working back. I find I get very bored when working my back.



I usually chnage it up every three weeks (as I do with other muscle groups as well) but these are the ones that I do:


Seated rows

Wide Grip Pulldown

One Arm Dumbell Rows

Dumbell pullovers



As you can see, I prefer using free weights, since, in my opinion, you recruit more muscle fiber with free weights if your form is perfect.


But I still hate working my back. It is my least favourite part of the bdoy to work out and I DREAD back days, even more than I dread leg days.


My favourite part of the nody to work out is definitely arms and shoulders.

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Hi Jonathan,


Deadlifts I do for my legs, not really for my back, although I suppose I could come up using my back muscles instead of my legs.


As far as bent over rows, I think we are talking about the same thing - I called it dumbell rows though.


It is funny how, in my experience anyway, men love working out their backs more than women.


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I really love back exercises. I used to love the back day.

But i also love all other days...


The only exercise i don't like very much is pull ups, 'cos they're quite frustrating.


I can't understand how you can NOT love the back day! Back is a big muscle group, allowing you to use HUGE weights!


I think you have to work on your attitude


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interesting that you do deads for legs, as its primarily a back and hips movement. but that said, when you do it with correct form (as i am just about getting my head around) it is a full body exercise.

do a little research into different styles of deadlifting if you like. find one that suits you, and give it a bash, making it your main back exercise for 6-8weeks. i guarantee you will enjoy your workouts more and make good progress. plus you may have the added advantage of probably being able to pick up heavier boxes than some of the guys you work with!



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Daylwaker: Hmm.. I am in need of an attitude adjustment because I hate working out my back?


Wow!! I'll be sure then to get right on that.


Jon: I disagree that deadlifts are primarily a back exercise. It depends. They could be for back, but they are also a major exercise for your hamstrings, if you focus on coming up with your legs. Try it and you will see how sore your hamstrings can get after doing dumbell deadlifts for your hamstrings. Dont use your back or your hips for coming up - recruit your hamstring muscles and focus on them 100%.



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I'm like Alex,


I LOVE training back. I go back and forth trying to decide what my favorite muscle group to train is, but back seems to always be first or second.


I'm not sure if it is because the back is so strong and can lift heavy weight or just the fact that the exercises are really fun.


Back is one of those muscle groups we can't see as we train them like arms or anything on the front side of our body so we can't always physically see it working. That might bother some people. I train in a sweatshirt most of the time so never see the muscles working anyway.


I would try to make it as fun as possible, set some goals, try to set new personal bests on lifts, join the hanging back contest, train with extra intensity.


All the best with the back attack!

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Back is one of those muscle groups we can't see as we train them like arms or anything on the front side of our body so we can't always physically see it working. That might bother some people.



Rob, that's it!!! You figured it out. I am a very visual person, motivated by what I can see. That is why I must get bored working out back!!!!


Thanx for solving the mystery (seriously, i'm not being sarcastic).

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No problem Nat


It makes sense. I've come across people at the gym who don't like training back a whole lot because they can't "see" progress. I go by feel and love the feel of training back. And of course, like most, I do like to take a look at it so I go in the back of my gym where we have a posing area with mirriors in all angles so we can easily see our back, side, etc. all at the same time.


I used to always train in a tank top or tight shirt to watch all the muscles work, but now that I train in pants and a sweatshirt for the past year or two, all muscle groups are the same, I can't see any of them so I go off of feel and intensity.


Have fun hitting the back and focus on the feel and see if that helps.


Take care,



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hehe, all you bodybuilders - i dont care what looks good or not - so long as im strong im happy


compash: deadlifts, done in a conventional or sumo stance, are primarily a back exercise. that is to say, it is not the only muscle used, but i would say 50% of the power comes from the lower and mid back. 20-30% comes from the hips, 20-30% comes from the legs. it sounds like you are doing straight leg deadlifts, which are quite different, and they hit your hams more. never the less, which ever deadlift you do, the back is paramount in terms of importance. strong deadlifters always have super strong backs.



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  • 2 weeks later...

My back is my least favourite muscle group to train too - despite this it's not in bad shape.


Lugging heavy bags around on my shoulders everywhere does my back no good at all though. You remember that bag I brought to Manchester with me Jonathan......

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