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HDTV's on Tredmills


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We got a huge lay out of brand new equipment at the gym I go to. I notice on all the tredmills that there was a HDTV mounted on top of the all of them

Crazy a tredmill that comes equip with a HDTV. That is news to me.

At least it might get a lazy potato actually off the couch.


Is that news to anyone else ? Or am I out of the loop?

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My current gym and previous gym had a lot of TV screens mounted near the cardio equipment, but not actually ON the equipment.


Sometimes I like it; if there's an interesting program it helps keep me from getting bored during a long cardio session. Mostly, though, watching TV just leaves me feeling agitated because of all the advertising and stupidity.

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There are a couple bikes at my school that have course simulators. I think they should take it up another notch and make it into a Road Rash game where you try to knock computer controlled cyclists off their bikes. They could also make it to where you can compete against other people in the gym. That would really get people on them.

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They actually have that for bicycles. It mounts to your rear wheel and gives you resistance...you take your front wheel off and mount it to a steering sensor. Its pretty cool. A few of our customers can't stop talking about it. They can either race in a pro event or race real people online...its very cool...you feel the draft and it even gets harder on uphills.

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They actually have that for bicycles. It mounts to your rear wheel and gives you resistance...you take your front wheel off and mount it to a steering sensor. Its pretty cool. A few of our customers can't stop talking about it. They can either race in a pro event or race real people online...its very cool...you feel the draft and it even gets harder on uphills.


That's a computerize one that hooks up to your bike right?

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Yup...most of the people I know that actually have one have enough money to put a bike on it that they don't even ride on the road since its not quite as quick as hooking up to a trainer...plus the can stress/ruin a bike they don't ride on the road instead.

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I read an article a few months back about an engineer and a gym that experimented with turning the cardio equipment into electricity generators. They got an impressive amount of power, for free.


At the very least cardio equipment should be made to power itself. I just don't get why these things have to draw electricity for the displays.

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Self running treadmills are complete crap but there are numerous stationary bikes and elliptical trainers that already do this. However I wouldn't be so concerned with the electricity in a display...it probably uses little more electricity than an alarm clock.

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Self running treadmills are complete crap but there are numerous stationary bikes and elliptical trainers that already do this. However I wouldn't be so concerned with the electricity in a display...it probably uses little more electricity than an alarm clock.


Every bit counts.


Almost all of the electricity in the United States is generated by older coal fired power plants that are exempt from the law requiring scrubbers on their smoke stacks. These older power plants are the dominant cause of acid rain.


Years ago researchers at Cornell figured out that if modern appliances were made to truly turn off instead of sleep ( TVs that respond to a remote control, computers that stay in a sleep mode etc ) the power savings across the country would be enough to shut down 11 power plants.


FWIW, anyone interested doesn't have to wait for appliances to get better.


They can plug their appliances into power strips and turn the power strips off when they are not using those appliances. Over the course of a year they will save a noticeable amount of money too.

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Every bit does count but I'd be more concerned about the lights on an automatic flushing toilet first...or better yet...clean the system that makes the electricity.

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