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My new cutting diet


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So after my trip to Ireland for spring break (April 19-26), I'm going to start [trying to] lose body fat. I'm planning on using this workout plan minus some nutrition and definitely using no supplements. It looks like a program that I'll be able to do. The problem is, I don't know how much to eat and when to eat certain foods.


I've just ordered a skinfold caliper so that I can measure my bodyfat percentage and use the guy's calculation to determine how many calories I will probably burn in a day. I'm guessing I'm somewhere between 16-18%, but I'm not sure.


So my questions are:

1)During bulking, I eat sugars (usually fruits) before my workouts and after my workout (usually orange juice, soy milk + sugar, sometimes fruits, potatoes, etc.). I read this is good for energy and healing, but do I want these sugars when I'm cutting? If not, then what do I replace them with?


2)What should I eat throughout the day? During bulking, I eat about 6 meals a day, give or take 1-2 depending on the day. I'm guessing I do the same during cutting. I'm probably eliminating a lot of the sugar I eat and a lot of the fat (peanut butter and hummus especially). I'm thinking I should eat a lot of raw fruits and veggies during cutting. Will this help?


3)I've read that a "cheat" day is somewhat necessary to keep your metabolism up and keep your body away from "starvation mode." I've read some places "eat whatever you want that day" but I've also heard "don't increase your calories much, just choose some fattening foods instead of what you usually eat" or something along those lines. So is a cheat day helpful or harmful? If helpful, which advice do I listen to?


These are the only major questions I can think of now. If I think of anything else, I guess I'll just post more.


Thanks in advance!



EDIT: I forgot to mention, I'm trying to get to around 10%bf or less (no less than like 7 or 8 though as I've read it's not very healthy). I currently weigh about 186, but I am unsure of my current body fat %.

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So my questions are:

1)During bulking, I eat sugars (usually fruits) before my workouts and after my workout (usually orange juice, soy milk + sugar, sometimes fruits, potatoes, etc.). I read this is good for energy and healing, but do I want these sugars when I'm cutting? If not, then what do I replace them with?


2)What should I eat throughout the day? During bulking, I eat about 6 meals a day, give or take 1-2 depending on the day. I'm guessing I do the same during cutting. I'm probably eliminating a lot of the sugar I eat and a lot of the fat (peanut butter and hummus especially). I'm thinking I should eat a lot of raw fruits and veggies during cutting. Will this help?


3)I've read that a "cheat" day is somewhat necessary to keep your metabolism up and keep your body away from "starvation mode." I've read some places "eat whatever you want that day" but I've also heard "don't increase your calories much, just choose some fattening foods instead of what you usually eat" or something along those lines. So is a cheat day helpful or harmful? If helpful, which advice do I listen to?



Go there to calculate everything:



Then eat about 500 calories less than this number, per day, and you should lose about 1 pound of fat per week.


The only important thing is to eat less calories than what you burn. So you can eat anything you want, anytime. But it's better if you choose low GI foods http://www.weightlossresources.co.uk/diet/gi_diet/glycaemic_index_tables.htm


Best time to eat is in the morning and after workout. Don't eat too late, like before going to bed.


The cheat day is important. Just eat more than you normally do the other days, otherwise your body will acclimate itself to the low amount of energy and you'll lose weight slower. The cheat day is to give a boost, then you start again with less calories.


I wanna lose weight this summer and here's what I eat (see the blog posted on Tue Apr 08)


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I need to lose some bodyfat too. (you guys are probably laughing at me haha) I just got a job working at a gym so I get to use the equipment for free!! I already started eating better.. Though today was very busy so I didn't eat as much as I shoulda. I'm gonna have a vega shake when I get home


I gained weight cuz I kept buying vegan chocolate and making vegan cookies.. Lol! Also eating all the wrong things at the wrong times (like carbs before bed.. Big no no !)

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Also eating all the wrong things at the wrong times (like carbs before bed.. Big no no !)


You know, i'm not entirely sold on this concept. So many people will agree and state it as fact. I was told it ever since I was a little chubby kid by my parents and by everyone into health.


I believe that it is the total amount of calories in a day not when you eat them. Like if you only had 500 calories all day and it is 11pm at night and you need that 1000 calories to suffice, will it be stored as body fat because it's late at night? Doesn't seem that way to me because it's a matter of calories in vs calories out.


Anyone have any more info on this matter. I'm not saying i'm right, just saying what I think sounds right. I could be wrong?


That being said, whenever I have a couple pieces of fruit before bed, I sweat in my sleep and usually have to wake up because my shirt and pillow is all sweated up. What is the logic behind that? How come I don't get sweaty during the day after the same type of meal?

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I'd think that the reason you sweat is because maybe while the food is digesting either A) It's due to not being fully awake therefore causing your digestive system to have to work extra hard to digest what you ate before going to bed or B) since your sleeping and your brain is technically off to some parts of your body during the process of sending vitamins and minerals to the proper parts of your body was shut off. Therefore redirecting all of the nutrients to the one gland( Among other glands ) that remain active even in sleep. The perspiration gland.


Usually when I eat right before going to bed it causes me to wake up every hour and take frequent "Breaks". Also I will wake up constantly to drink sometimes too do to the foods I eat. And the thirst won't go away and it will result in a tummy ache( And even then I will still be thirsty but only with a bad tummy ache to boot )


I don't think though that eating right before bed fluctuates weight in anyway. But it does have some nasty side effects like Tummy Aches, Poor Sleep and sometimes Heart Burn.

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Also eating all the wrong things at the wrong times (like carbs before bed.. Big no no !)



I believe that it is the total amount of calories in a day not when you eat them. Like if you only had 500 calories all day and it is 11pm at night and you need that 1000 calories to suffice, will it be stored as body fat because it's late at night? Doesn't seem that way to me because it's a matter of calories in vs calories out.


Yeah I guess you're right with your example of 500 calories. It also depends on each person and different metabolism.


But let's use an example of 3 000 calories (let's say, for the "cheat day"): if you eat many small meals (total of 1500 calories ) during the day before 5 p.m, and 2 big meals during evening (6 p.m and 10 p.m, let's say 750 cals each), I guess you could burn more of those calories if you reverse the things : the 2 big meals would go at breakfast and lunch, and eating small on evening. Because you're gonna spend this energy during the rest of day, while on evening you spend less calories on watching tv and going to sleep.

It's my opinion but after all it's not making any difference when it's just 1 day/week. But if you eat most of your total calories only on evening, everyday of the year, perhaps it can make a huge difference on bodyfat.


That being said, whenever I have a couple pieces of fruit before bed, I sweat in my sleep and usually have to wake up because my shirt and pillow is all sweated up. What is the logic behind that? How come I don't get sweaty during the day after the same type of meal?


I don't know, some people say fruits are a good choice if you're hungry at night, because they take only 30 minutes to digest so it won't disturb sleep or if it does it will do only for 30 minutes. But other people say we should avoid eating fruits before sleep.

I'm sure there's nothing that can help, we sleep better on empty stomach, as long as we don't feel too hungry. If I eat fruits following the food combining rules (fruits alone, and don't mix sweet or dried fruits with acid fruits) then I sleep well.

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I am so bad at having certain foods, like proteins, carbs, fats at certain times. So far it hasn't seemed to effect me, so I guess I shouldn't worry about it too much As long as I get my meals in that's whats most important. It is funny though, because if I skip a meal my body gets so hungry at night that I absolutely have to eat something before I go to sleep.

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Thanks for the tips, guys, but I'm, still wondering about my first two questions.


What do I eat pre/post-workout? Sugars, nothing, or something else?


Will raw fruits/veggies help me to lose weight? I'm sure veggies will, but there are conflicting sides on fruits.

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I eat a complex carb, some protein and a little fat pre workout.

A tofu stirfry with veggies on top of rice is a good choice. Brown rice is best since white rice will cause a spike in your blood sugar, then a crash. Have a glass of nut milk with dinner. It will provide more protein and some fats.


Post workout I ALWAYS have a shake! Vega is my fave. Then If I'm still hungry I'll have some nuts or something.

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