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my heart cramped after running


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I ran a mile and a half today. Which isnt so hard. Ive been doing it for the past month just about every other day and never had this happen. At the home stretch, probably 200 meters left, my heart started hurting. It got bad enough that I had to slow down to a mere light jog. Right when I stopped running. It stopped hurting.


I dont have money for a doctor, nor health insurance. I do have a chiropractor who is cheap, but I dont think I should rely on him with this.


Has anyone felt this happen? I looked it up online and all I got was either. See a doctor. Or that your heart is a muscle that is getting in shape also, it may hurt.




edited: I did more searching on google, and it could be a cardiac problem. But whats weird is that once I stopped running, I still did some lifting and wall sits, and didnt feel anything.

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It wouldn't surprise me if its heart burn(which really has nothing to do with your heart). It feels similar to what you're describing in terms of the sensation. As for dealing with it...if its a one time thing with heart burn its not a big deal. If it actually is your heart...I suggest you get it looked at and deal with the cost later...its better than finding out you have a true heart problem after being in the hospital after an emergency. I'm no doctor and even a doctor can't diagnose this online so I strongly suggest getting this looked at if it happens again.

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Exercise-induced bronchospasm also feels like chest pain. Allergen or environmental induced asthma can start at any time in your life, particularly the spring. The only way to determine if it's a cardiac problem is to do an exercise stress test. Or possibly wearing a holter monitor.

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It felt like a sharp pain just beneath my breastbone.


I actually have been trying to belly breath, but Im not in shape. So after about a mile and a half its near impossible for me to belly breath!


Im thinking its heartburn, after doing a bit more research. If it happens today (my running day) Ill get it checked out.

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I hope not either. Its never happened before until now. I asked a few people about it yesterday (runners and weightlifters at my gym), even my chiropractor, and they all said its happened to them before also. Just competely random. Sometimes it hurts for a couple days, sometimes its gone immediatley.


A couple even went to a doctors about it and was told it was nothing.


So I dunno. If I get too panicked, Im going to the doctor.

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Ok. So once a week I jog a mile and a half. Not very hard. Then 2 times a week I do HIIT. Which is very hard. I never had my heart hurt after HIIT, just the jogging.


In fact, yesterday, I played 2 hours of basketball, and not once did anything hurt.


Then when I got hom, and ate some spicy guacamole, it started hurting again. So I could be heartburn. I was eating the guac almost everyday for a couple of weeks. Im gonna lay off that for a while and see what happens.

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don't you feel heavy ? Maybe it's the protein.

When I started swimming a year and a half ago. I use to make a mango smoothie with vega a half an hr before a 3km swim. And I felt a burning sensation and I felt really heavy. When I used protein before a 10 km run. I also felt really heavy. I almost felt like I wanted to vomit.

I changed and stopped adding protein before my training. Sometimes I would run and swim on an empty stomach and it made my breathing a lot better.

The only time to add protein before a run is if you're running a marathon.

That just what I learned from. Anyways if you're running a short distance. Try eating a easy digestive fruit. Like kiwii's, melon, oranges, mango's, etc...

Give a try, It won't hurt !

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But the two HIIT sessions are running. So I really run 3 days a week, sometimes even four.


It seems you have trouble with sustained efforts more than anything. If I were you I'd keep my sustained efforts to endurance lifts that don't require an increased heart rate...at least for now.

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Well, I did some suggestions I found on other websites and what Tasha suggested also.


I woke up this morning and ran my 1.6 miles. I watched my form and made sure to belly breathe. And it worked! I think I was pushing my body too hard for something it wasnt ready for.


Before, I was inhaling every two steps, so left then right, then exhaling every two steps, left then right. It got me where I needed to go faster, but even after such a mild run as 1.6 miles I was dying at the end, heart hurting or not. It felt like I was hyper ventilating.


So I belly breathed this time, slowed down my run, and found my stride at inhale 4 steps exhale 4 steps. At the end of the run, I felt I could of ran another mile and would of been fine! No pain. NOTHING!


It did add 2 minutes onto my time though, but I really dont care. If I get used to belly breathing soon I should get that back in no time.


But dont worry. I am still going to get this checked out. It wont be immediatly, I dont have a penny to my name, but when I get my tax returns Ill see if I can find a doctor that takes someone without health insurance.

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Oh...you'll have no problem finding a doctor that takes a patient with no health insurance...they all do...thing is you have to pay full pop. If you don't make enough money I'm sure there are programs you can apply for. I know there are some for me but moronically I've been to lazy to apply for them.

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