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my training plan

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hey everyone, it's about time to get my training program down on paper and share it with this community of experts.



age: very close to 30

height: 187cm (6'2")

weight: 74kg (163 lbs)


i have been working out for a little over two years now, but barely gotten more serious about it since a little before christmas. unfortunately, the year started off with a monthlong flu and also some other factors that inhibited my training immensely (working in shifts, jamming in too many bands, surgery). which not only lowered my performance, but also my mood and overall wellbeing.


however, for two weeks now, i have been getting back to business and feeling 200% better, knowing that i am back in the process of working towards my goals.

so far, my short term goal is to gain at least another 5 kilos to hit a total of 80kg and long term getting up to 85kg (187lbs). With an overall consistent and balanced physique, though i must admit that i am quite focused on arms and chest. that is also why i have completely neglected the second split listed below for a long long time.


i felt that i have some trouble gaining weight, even though i get up to 5 meals a day. however, i think i might be a little too low on my carb intake. i will get a listing of my average day as soon as i can.



comments, suggestions and recommendations strongly welcome.





training program (current)


Split 1: biceps, triceps, pecs, traps


warm up:

10x standing dumbbell curls 14kg

15x push ups on bars

10x standing dumbbell curls 14kg

15x push ups on bars


Set 1:


10x standing dumbbell curls 14kg

10x lying overhead triceps extensions 14kg

13x one arm dumbbell rows 14kg

15x push ups on bars weighted 7,5kg


Set 2:


12x standing dumbbell curls 14kg

12x lying overhead triceps extensions 14kg

13x one arm dumbbell rows 14kg

15x push ups on bars weighted 7,5kg


Set 3:


11x standing dumbbell curls 14kg

11x lying overhead triceps extensions 14kg

13x one arm dumbbell rows 14kg

15x push ups on bars weighted 9kg



Split 2: abds,obliques, deltoid, legs



20x crunches

13x side bends lying


Set 1:


20x crunches

13x side bends lying

20x planches

12x lateral dumbbell raises 7kg

20x squats

20x standing calf raise


Set 2:


20x crunches weighted 10kg

15x side bends lying

20x planches weighted 10kg

12x lateral dumbbell raises 7kg

10x free-weight squats 20kg

15x standing calf raise 20kg


Set 3:


20x crunches weighted 10kg

15x side bends lying

20x planches weighted 10kg

12x lateral dumbbell raises 7kg

15x free-weight squats 20kg

20x standing calf raise 20kg



this would be the distribution over a week:

Day 1- Split 1

Day 2- Cardio (running ca. 35-40 minutes)

Day 3- Split 2

Day 4- Split 1

Day 5- Off

Day 6- Cardio (running ca. 35-40 minutes)

Day 7- Split 2


i like to alternate the day off however it fits into my schedule. so far it works quite well.


i plan to stick with this for this week and the next and then packing up more weight.


that's it so far. and like i said. comments more than welcome.

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Personally I think you should do less reps with more weight.And eat more carbs.You would definately gain more weight then.


Thing is though, if what you are doing is working for you, dont change it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, following you guys' advice, i reworked my workout. here is the updated version. i must say that the split workout is going fantastic. i feel that the intervalls give me exactly the time i need to recuperate.

i have also paid more attention to a higher carb intake. but i must admit i really need to discipline myself a lot harder concerning my diet.


please add any comments or suggestions you might have. and thanks a bunch to you all for the advice so far.



Split 1: biceps, triceps, pecs, traps


warm up:

10x standing dumbbell curls 14kg

15x push ups on bars

10x standing dumbbell curls 14kg

15x push ups on bars


Set 1:


12x standing dumbbell curls 14kg

12x lying overhead triceps extensions 14kg

13x one arm dumbbell rows 14kg

15x push ups on bars weighted 9kg


Set 2:


7x standing dumbbell curls 18kg

6x standing dumbbell curls 18kg

4x standing dumbbell curls 18kg

9x lying overhead triceps extensions 18kg

8x lying overhead triceps extensions 18kg

7x lying overhead triceps extensions 18kg

13x one arm dumbbell rows 18kg

13x push ups on bars weighted 17kg


Set 3:


6x standing dumbbell curls 18kg

5x standing dumbbell curls 18kg

4x standing dumbbell curls 18kg

9x lying overhead triceps extensions 18kg

7x lying overhead triceps extensions 18kg

6x lying overhead triceps extensions 18kg

13x one arm dumbbell rows 18kg

12x push ups on bars weighted 17kg



Split 2: abds,obliques, deltoid, legs



20x crunches

13x side bends lying


Set 1:


20x crunches

13x side bends lying

20x planches

12x lateral dumbbell raises 7kg

20x squats

20x standing calf raise


Set 2:


20x crunches weighted 10kg

15x side bends lying

20x planches weighted 10kg

12x lateral dumbbell raises 7kg

10x free-weight squats 20kg

15x standing calf raise 20kg


Set 3:


20x crunches weighted 10kg

15x side bends lying

20x planches weighted 10kg

12x lateral dumbbell raises 7kg

15x free-weight squats 20kg

20x standing calf raise 20kg



this would be the distribution over a week:

Day 1- Split 1

Day 2- Cardio (running ca. 35-40 minutes)

Day 3- Split 2

Day 4- Split 1

Day 5- Off

Day 6- Cardio (running ca. 35-40 minutes)

Day 7- Split 2

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I can see your programme contains a lot of the right movements but to me reps are too high, 4-8 (upper body) 6-10 (lower) max.

Also big muscles should rule. For example when training chest and arms, do chest first, work the big muscles hard and merely finish off with the small.

When you are doing any squat, do it first and foremost. Be careful with how you do the movement, lower slowly, no bounce and slowly rise. You can increase intensity by slowing things up. then it's your muscles doing the work not your ligaments. Legs should be squat, front squat and lunges, all the muscles groups are covered by these big movements.

Do basic movements and you will muscle up, progressive increase in intensity, either increased weight or by slowing the movement up will develop your physique.

I think a two day split, legs,back and biceps, one day and the next chest, shoulders, triceps. rest on day three or do some aerobic work, if you like.

Keep it simple but do the basic right.

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