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Posts posted by escapee

  1. Of course soymilk is not "milk of another species".

    I'm sorry, Soymilk is a human refined milk made of another plant species.


    I have already answered that raw cow or goat milk is a a better option than Pasteurized milk when breast milk is not an option ( eg : The mother is sick ) .

  2. The general understanding that our diet is over abundance on the real functional Omega 6 is disputable. You just have to open your mind and read the article below.




    Skin ( 1000 : 1 ) Omega 6 : Omega 3

    Brain ( 1 : 1 ) Omega 6 : Omega 3

    Fatty tissue ( 25-35 : 1 ) Omega 6 : Omega 3

    Muscle ( 6 : 1) Omega 6 : omega 3


    unprocessed organic raw nuts and seeds (I'm eating some now . hmm) are good source of EFAs .


    Seventh Day adventist


    On the other hand, life expectancy dropped nine to 10 years for Adventists who were overweight, past smokers, and non-vegetarian, and who did not exercise or eat nuts regularly.
  3. There are plenty of Quakery related articles agaist vegetarian, so what's the point of bringing up Quackwatch here ..... ?




    Vegetarianism has taken on a "political correctness" comparable to the respectability it had in the last century, when many social and scientific progressives advocated it. Today, crusaders extol meatless eating not only as healthful but also as a solution to world hunger and as a safeguard of "Mother Earth." The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) aggressively attacks the use of animal foods and has proposed its own food-groups model, which excludes all animal products. Several scientific conferences have focused on vegetarian health. And nutrition policymakers have urgently recommended that people eat more fruits and vegetables.


    I disclaimed vegetarianism after many years of observance. Although the arguments in favor of it appear compelling, I have learned to be suspicious, and to search for hidden agendas, when I evaluate claims of the benefits of vegetarianism. Vegetarianism is riddled with delusional thinking from which even scientists and medical professionals are not immune.



    Let's run through some other examples of ideologic vegetarian extremism:


    It caused mental and growth retardation in two boys underfed from birth to ages 3 and 5. Their mother had become a vegetarian, later eliminated sugar and dairy products from her diet, and eventually adopted a macrobiotic diet [4].

    Ten cases of nutritional rickets were reported among infants (most of whom were breast-fed) of strict-vegetarian mothers who had not sought medical counsel during pregnancy but had obtained advice from health food stores [5].

    Scurvy and rickets occurred in two boys, 1-1/2 and 2-1/2 years old, whose parents were adherents of the Zen Macrobiotic diet [6].

    A 36-year-old former college professor who was a follower of the Temple Beautiful diet died of malnutrition attempting to become a "breatharian"—one who supposedly feeds on air alone. First he became a vegetarian, then a fruitarian, then a "liquidarian" (consuming juices only), and finally, a would-be breatharian [7].

    A 2-month-old boy died because his mother, following the invalid recommendation for colic in Adelle Davis's Let's Have Healthy Children, overdosed him with potassium [8]. In a television interview, the mother said that, as she became increasingly estranged toward conventional medicine, she had adopted vegetarianism and then veganism.

    A 24-year-old woman who was head of San Jose State University's student art program died after taking an extract of pennyroyal to induce an abortion. She was described as "a strict vegetarian who was involved in holistic medicine.'' [9]

    A review of the literature includes more reports of cases in which vegetarian zealotry played a role in harm to a child [10].

  4. As a Ex Vegan myself ( almost runied my health going on low fat high carb diet) i'm here to share some critical information that would help fine tuning the vegan diet so that less ppl are falling ill. So dont accuse me of trolling here .






    Dont shut yourself down to "The china study" or " Eat to live"


    Sunlight is all you need to get Vitamin D.

  5. It is even more unnatural to drink the milk of another species.
    Sure , that's why human breast milk is still the ideal choice for infants.


    Say no to soy milk and Pasteurized cow milk. There are both bad for infants. Take anima,l raw milk instead if breast milk is not an option .





    Drinking ‘raw’ milk could reduce children’s risk of suffering allergy-related conditions such as eczema and hayfever, new research suggests.


    British academics investigating why farmers’ families suffer fewer allergies than others found that even occasional consumption of raw — unpasteurised — milk had a powerful effect.

  6. Polyunsatyrated fatty acids oxidize in the body


    That 's what a functional PURA supposed to do, Absorp oxygen/get oxidized and provide the energy that your body needs. It's unfortunate that oxygen gives us life but also oxidize/age our cells via the production of free radical . This is the nature of life . That's where the antioxidant /free radical scavengers offered by vege, fruits and animal organs come into rescue.


    If you want PURA that does not oxidize, Pick a margarine or trans fats. There will not go rancid or oxidized under exposure of heat and light for years. There are guarantee to "boost" your cholesterol level with the formation of inflammation on the arteries. .


    Cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease but rather a potent antioxidant weapon against free radicals in the blood, and a repair substance that helps heal arterial damage (although the arterial plaques themselves contain very little cholesterol.) However, like fats, cholesterol may be damaged by exposure to heat and oxygen. This damaged or oxidized cholesterol seems to promote both injury to the arterial cells as well as a pathological buildup of plaque in the arteries.50 Damaged cholesterol is found in powdered eggs, in powdered milk (added to reduced-fat milks to give them body) and in meats and fats that have been heated to high temperatures in frying and other high-temperature processes.
    Weston price Foundation



    EFAs absorb sunlight and keep membranes fluid. Their tendency to disperse gives biological systems the power to carry substances such as toxins to the surface of the skin, intestinal tract, kidneys, or lungs, where these substances can be discarded.


    EFAs are involved in producing life energy in our body from food substances, and moving that energy throughout our systems. They govern growth, vitality, and mental state. They hook up oxygen, electron transport, and energy in the process of oxidation. Oxidation, the central and most important moment-to-moment living process in our body, is the 'burning' of food to produce the energy required for life processes.


    EFAs are involved in the transporting of oxygen to all our cells. EFAs can be likened to oxygen 'magnets' that pull oxygen into our body. Linoleic Acid and Linolenic Acid appear to hold oxygen in our cell membranes, where it acts as a barrier to viruses, fungi and bacteria.


    EFAs substantially shorten the time required for fatigued muscles to recover after exercise. They facilitate the conversion of lactic acid to water and carbon dioxide. This is especially important to athletes.


    EFAs increase metabolic rates. They increase the metabolic rate and burn more fat into carbon dioxide, water and energy sometimes resulting in weight loss.

  7. Everything you need to know about Vitamin D



    Yes, Vitamin D promotes powerful anti tumor activity. 10 -15 mins daily exposure to summer sunshine appears to be enough as according to experts. ( Requirement appears to be higher for ppl with darker skin )


    Combine that with Essential fatty acids (The missing key fats that heal in the over processed modern food ), adequate exercise, rest , the food pyramid recommended by Udo Eramus - The founder of Udo oil blend.




    We can only predict a comprehensive victory over the war of Chronic illness.

  8. 116 is too low, Low ( and high in bad cholesterol composed of damaged polyunsatureated fats ) cholesterol level has been linked to stroke , depression and cancer . Why cancer ? Because Cholesterol is composed of mainly the anti-cancer polyunsaturated fats (if it's not damaged ) and your body needs cholesterol for conversion to VITAMIN D (Another Anti cancer nutrient ) Via sunshine.






    [P]erhaps the biggest bombshell about vitamin D's effects is about to go off. In June, U.S. researchers will announce the first direct link between cancer prevention and the sunshine vitamin. Their results are nothing short of astounding...those taking the vitamin had about a 60 percent reduction in cancer incidence, compared with those who didn't take it, a drop so large—twice the impact on cancer attributed to smoking—it almost looks like a typographical error.





    One of cholesterol's many functions in the body is to act as a precursor to vitamin D.

    I would recommend that you see a doc to find out the cause of Low Cholesterol . ( Eg : Dyfunctional Gallbladder and etc )

  9. Pasteurized Cow Milk is bad because it is Pasteurized and heated at high temperaure. As a result of processing, most of the nutrients and healthy fats are denatured by high heat processing. The hormone and antibiotics that get added to the commercial milk make thing worse.


    You would see the same adverse effect if human milk is pasteurized before it's fed to the babies.


    Avoid pasteurized milk and processed soy milk at all cost .


    Try clean Raw milk (especially goat) instead if you're Lacto -ovo vegetarian . ( of course nothing beats the raw human breast milk if u are able to get it )


    I dont drink milk myself because i find it nauseating . so milk is not of my concern .


    Why Raw Milk?


  10. You cant explain the problem of Osteoperosis any better than Weston price foundation. They addressed all the contradiction well with great explanation and reference





    The research of Dr. Herta Spencer, of the Veterans Administration Hospital in Hines Illinois, supplies us with clues. She notes that the animal and human studies that correlated calcium loss with high protein diets used isolated, fractionated amino acids from milk or eggs.4 Her studies show that when protein is given as meat, subjects do not show any increase in calcium excreted, or any significant change in serum calcium, even over a long period.5
  11. I proclaim that every disease are caused by laserbeams from intergalactic spaceships that fly around in a distant galaxy.


    Otto warburg was a noble prize winner for his contribution in Biochemisty back in early 20 century. So equating his finding to such a childish fantasy is a little disrespectful to community of science .



    Lack of physical activity is one . There are other major causes of Osteo like alcohol abuse, lack of Calcium, lack of Protein, refined sugar, coke and etc

  12. To me


    Excessive Grain (es refined) + sugar + Trans fats ( Margarine ! ) + Sedentary lifestyle = Diabetes and chronic illness


    Animal fats + EFAs + Vege + nuts + some fruits + exercise (for insulin/blood sugar control ) = Longeivity


    Centenarian studies


    There are three major centenarian studies going on around the world. They are trying to find the variable that would confer longevity among this group of people who live to be 100 years old. Why do centenarians become centenarians? Why are they so lucky? Is it because they have low cholesterol, exercise a lot and live a healthy, clean life?


    Well, the oldest person ever recorded was Jean Calumet of France who died last year at 122 years of age. She smoked all of her life and drank.


    What researchers are finding from these major centenarian studies is that there is hardly anything in common among these people. They have high cholesterol and low cholesterol, some exercise and some don't, some smoke, some don't. Some are nasty as can be, some nice and calm and some are ornery.


    But, they all have relatively low sugar for their age, and they all have low triglycerides for their age.


    And, they all have relatively low insulin.

  13. AlMost all of my relatives and friends who had 100% cure of Diabetes ( 100% remmision ) stopped/limited the consumption of grain, trans fats and refined sugar (+ exercise of course ).


    Egg, Animal food, vege and some fruits are main staple of diet for them .


    YOur grandfather is a very special man

  14. Here is what you need to do to shut off those so called "diabetic gene" of your future offspring, a low grain/low refined caborhydrate diet and plenty of exercise. I supposed you are already doing with your vegan diet .





    Diabetes has nothing to do with animal fats . If you are afraid of saturated fats , then you should be more afraid of Carbohydrate because it's readily converted to saturated fats by insulin when in excess .


    Some critics claim that reduced carbohydrate diets are a fashion trend. Well, this so called trend actually dates back some time. Anthropological study of early hominids has concluded that they lived as hunters-gathers. While nuts, seeds, vegetation and fruit made up an important part of the hunter- gather's diet, his mainstay was hunted or scavenged animal prey.
  15. I do not know where you get your common sense from . But Osteoperosis is a pretty big problem in India .





    According to estimates, there are about 300 million people with osteoporosis in India. I suspect it may be more - over double the population of Australia. The evidence based on ageing population indicates that there may be a 50 per cent increase in the number of people with osteoporosis in India in the next 10 years. So, this is a huge problem in India.


    The results of the Asian Osteoporosis Study suggested

    that many lifestyle factors might be associated with

    osteoporosis.11 To name a few, these include a low dietary

    calcium intake, a sedentary lifestyle, cigarette smoking

    and alcoholism.



    Protein vital to fight osteoporosis

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