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Posts posted by nod85

  1. I wwoofed in Hawaii last year. It was awesome. I was on the Big Island. There are tons of farms all over Hawaii that offer internships. Some are more vegan friendly than others obviously. The farm I was at was very supportive of my veganism and bought me all the food I could eat. Sometimes they would cook meals for me too. I stayed in an old RV and there were three other interns who stayed in a huge tent. I worked 25 hours per week in exchange for food, lodging, and knowledge. I would love to go back. It's beautiful over there and the weather is great. There are plenty of farms to choose from. I found mine at organicvolunteers.com.

  2. Hey everyone, I am wondering if it's necessary to do specific rotator cuff exercises to avoid injury. Does anyone do this? If so what kinds of exercises? I've noticed some pain when I've tried to do upright rows and shoulder presses lately and was wondering if this might be the cause. Thanks for your help.

  3. Thanks everyone! Portland is a great city. I train at the Hollywood 24 Hr fitness. I go about three times per week. I'm 5'9" and weigh about 148 right now. I've been training for about a year and feel like I would have made more gains if I had been eating more in the beginning. Although I'm not trying to get huge, I just want to be healthy and in good shape. But I also train because I love the way it makes me feel happier and more energized. Thanks for the kind welcome everybody.

  4. Hey everyone! I've been reading these forums for a while, but I've finally joined. This seems like a great community and I'm excited to become a part of it. There's so many inspiring and positive people here. Thank you

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