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Everything posted by Arun

  1. Arun

    i am Arun

    thank you! oh! will you be ridiculed if you follow vegetarianism? those type of mockery doesn't even touch the dust of determination we vegetarians have! some meat eaters ridicule us also.. they say 'where do you plant eaters get as much strength and power as we, meat eaters get?' n similar things.. i'll just turn it into a moment of humor n laughter.. but it seldom happens.. if people do something they can't do, mockery,envy n similar things kick in and they start ridiculing! but if they mock n ridicule, it will be them who waste their time! we always stick on to our discipline n schedule.. don't we? my fitness schedule is no big deal! i just run for 10 - 15 minutes, do some push ups, some yoga exercises, abdominal exercises and i'll lift dumbells.. but i enjoy doing it! i don't specifically do it to shape up my body.. i do it for fun and mental strength! swami vivekananda had once said "unless you have a healthy n strong body, strong mind is impossible" i also do some pranayamas (breathing yoga exercises!) if you want to learn pranayama, i'll send you a link of a video! it is around 1+ hr long, but very informative! if we do kapalabhati and anulom vilom pranayama daily, our mind and health will be in very good condition and bramhari pranayama bring peace and focus of mind! it is very good!
  2. Arun

    i am Arun

    male vs female? males are bigger, more muscular and tend to be very possessive about their territory! females are smaller when compared to males and are also possessive! due to their maternal instincts, they tend to be more protective of their people! but most of the gsds of both sexes are possessive of both! people and property! females come to heat twice a year! it is quite messy! she might attract other dogs in that period.. it is better to get a male! but sometimes, if males find a female on heat, they tend to run away behind her n get hurt, fighting for her!
  3. Arun

    i am Arun

    thank you! ya.. vegetarianism is common here! i haven't been to goa so far.. being a vegetarian here is nothing special here.. it is something for one to be proud of! vegetarianism has always been and is a respected way of life of people here!
  4. Arun

    i am Arun

    thank you for the great site!
  5. Arun

    i am Arun

    ya sure! shepherds are one of the most loyal dogs i have ever come across! i have had guard dogs all my life! and shepherd is unique! his intelligence, his caring attitude and his common sense and emotions can not even be rivaled by any other breed in general! they are extremely heroic when situation demands their inherent fire too! and their love is also as pure as fire! i just love shepherds! he is a wonderful companion and an audacious defender! dogs, defending humans may sound silly! but dogs have saved many n many lives in wars! http://www.uswardogs.org/id16.html (read about nemo here!) http://www.vspa.com/k9/Nemo.htm below is my tony! http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp293/bright6333/A10079_032A.jpg http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp293/bright6333/A10079_018.jpg http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp293/bright6333/rivalry.jpg _________________________________________________ never buy a hunch backed german shepherds (show lines) unless you aspire to bag a blue ribbon in a dog show! buy a gsd from working lines instead! he'll have the true gsd attitude which show gsds lack!
  6. well, i have never had a problem.. because many people are plant eaters like me! in fact in my caste, people never eat dead n burnt animals.. but i don't debate about plant eating and meat eating n all.. if people ask me, i say, it is my life style and my choice. i stick on to my lifestyle and you stick on to yours.. it is futile to analyze and find out which is actually correct. because i never agree that my lifestyle is incorrect and you never agree that your lifestyle is incorrect!.. but most of the people in india admit that plant eating is better and more religious n etc!
  7. Arun

    i am Arun

    thank you guys!
  8. Arun

    i am Arun

    thank you.. it surely feels good to be in this forum.. among non meat eaters.
  9. Arun

    i am Arun

    hi, i am Arun, http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp293/bright6333/Image000-1.jpg i am a vegetarian from india. i was born in a vegetarian family and i love animals. especially dogs! i have a german shepherd and a himalayan mastiff! i was impressed as i went through the board! it is simply magnificent! impressive! - Arun
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