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Posts posted by dean

  1. I saw this interesting bit go by on physorg. ( I physorg. )


    In the report, Gwendoline Baxter, Ph.D. and colleagues discuss how their past research revealed that SA exists in the blood of people who have not recently taken aspirin. Vegetarians had much higher levels, almost matching those in patients taking low doses of aspirin. Based on those findings, the researchers previously concluded that this endogenous SA came from the diet, since SA is a natural substance found in fruits and vegetables.



  2. Well, robert looks like he could benchpress me with 1 arm so I figured I should do what he says...


    Ok, so I was listening to NPR's talk of the nation and there was a discussion about growing industrialized hemp (rope, not dope) in the US and a caller mentioned something about hemp protein and I didn't even know there was such a thing (so much for being observant) and some random googling later I found this forum and have already had a few good chuckles and learned some info, note to self: try not to mention poop. I've been meatless for a few years but have recently been seeking something to round-out my diet and hemp protein seems like a most welcome addition. I don't want to be huge and carry extra weight but I do feel best with some muscle on me. And besides it is the trying that is satisfying.


    For the longest time I "haven't cared" whether my mate were a meat eater or not but actually as I've become increasingly veg*n I've realized it does matter, point driven home when on recent date the very nice new potential informed me about being on the hi-protein/low-carb phase of a "diet" and waves of halitosis came to me from across the table, I said to self, "Self, this matters". So, as if pairing up wasn't already difficult. Sigh,...


    I probably won't post much but I hope to read everything and of all the online diversions that one can be preoccupied by, a cruelty-free diet and overall health seem like a good thing to be surround with, eh?



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