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Everything posted by Saunz5

  1. I'm LFRV (Low fat, raw vegan) and just started my cutting cycle a little more than a month ago. I'm always open to peoples opinions. I'd like to know if there is anyone else out there who is raw as well? I eat lots of fruit, starting my day with 2 apples before going to the gym for cardio wearing a 30# weighted vest, and then I lift (yes, I combine them because it works for me). I make gains and continue to break PR's every week! Then I come home and make a big bowl of ice cream (bananas and another fruit of choice). For lunch I will eat a salad with a homemade dressing of mango & red bell pepper. Another snack will be more fruit. And dinner is a big salad with a dressing of mango & avocado. That's pretty much what I eat. I change the fruit up a bit depending on what's in season and at the farmer's market.
  2. Thank you! I will check it out. If not done correctly I assume they probably could, but then again, so could regular vegans, vegetarians and meat eaters. Right?
  3. Are there any raw vegans out there? I could use some advice on my diet/workout routine please!!!
  4. Saunz5


    Hey everyone! I'm Sonja! I'm from Maine and I've just begun my new lifestyle as a raw vegan at the beginning of this year! I'm finding it a little tricky because of all the different views/opinions on raw-vegan and lifting. I love this way of life! I am also gluten-free (I have Celiac Disease). I'm excited to be a part of this site!
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