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Posts posted by IronMum

  1. missed legs day yesterday due to illness, and not the sort where I feel better if I train


    mostly-Chest + Abs today. 4 sets of everything, with 8 reps except for the ab work (3 sets of 25r)

    - close reverse grip flat chest press

    - Superset of dumbell bench press + tricep dips

    - Superset of incline dumbell press + flyes

    - cable flyes

    - ab crunches with medicine ball

    - hanging ab raises (x15)

    - reverse ab crunches

  2. Yep! But it's even better when others notice the changes!


    Arms and Abs day today. Trainer-buddy has dropped reps to 8 for most exercises and increased the weight. 4 sets for most exercises. Yeeeeah!


    (I think this order is correct)

    - 4x15 narrow pushups (for triceps)

    - seated overhead dumbell press

    - Superset of one arm suplinated cable tricep pulldown + the same but a pushdown

    - Superset of skullcrushers + tricep press on the bench press (20kg bar)

    - incline bicep curls

    - alternating bicep curls

    - 2 sets of 21's on barbell bicep curl

    - ab ball crunches

    - ab jacknife crunches holding ball

    - reverse ab crunches (holding ball with the feet)


    (those bloody balls really do make you work harder!)


    25 mins slow jog on an incline (treadmill)


    After the arms workout my forearms and hands were numb and also felt so incredibly heavy. I will be in pain tomorrow or the day after

  3. whoops forgot to update...

    Have done heavy arms and back this week (missed legs and a bootcamp session). Started hanging ab crunches, 10 reps but my hands are slipping by 8 so I have to go faster


    Today was Shoulders. Had to change it up a bit as someone was on the smith machine for ages when we (trainer-gym buddy) were about to start our workout.

    - Superset of upright dumbell row + standing dumbell shoulder press

    - Smith machine seated shoulder press (OWWWW)

    - seated incline dumbell front raises

    - rear delt cable flyes

    - Superset of side lat raises + bent over dumbell rear delt flyes


    Really liking my shoulder work, out of all my body parts my shoulders have shown the most physical change. I'm no longer as rounded looking, my shoulders have a hardness to them. And I love the way they look when I'm working (not so much when I'm slouching around the house!)


    Nutrition a bit crap this week, no surprise I feel very mentally drained today and quite crabby.

  4. Back day, my favourite lately!


    - assisted wide pullip

    - Superset of seated row + bent over barbell row

    - lat pulldown

    - one arm bent over dumbell row (yay up to 12.5kg after all that exercise, the weights in my gym go from 10kg with a big jump to 12.5kg. New PB)

    - front pulldown

    - back hyperextension with 10kg plate


    20 min steep treadmill at brisk pace



  5. today's was more 'fun'


    Bootcamp early morning

    then Legs day. Major killer. I won't be able to walk tomorrow...

    - leg extensions

    - Seated leg curl (first time ever on this machine, it felt very weird)

    - Superset of barbell lunges + abductor work (felt a bit 'girly' on the latter but my trainer-buddy is following a female bodybuilder's programme)

    - Single leg barbell squat

    - Straight legged deadlifts

    - Superset of lying leg curl + adductor work

    - Dropset to failure of Leg press, 3 sets to failure (almost killed me and my throat from grunting so much)

    - seated calf press

    - standing single calf press (holding a plate)


    No way I could run for the bus after this workout so I got a lift home

  6. After I finish at the gym and come back home, my ear gets blocked. This only happens after a heavy session. I take care to breathe properly and not hold my breath but I could be more diligent. Today was a particularly strenuous gym session.


    Anyone else get this? It's driving me nuts. It resolves itself eventually but it's really annoying. I haven't been sick, no ear infections, nothing.

  7. Killer arms workout yesterday. I've forgotten the order and probably left out some exercises.


    - barbell bicep curls

    - superset of cable bicep curls + incline bicep curls (my memory has already failed, this could be wrong)

    - hammer curls

    - skullcrushers

    - superset of [something...] and bench dips

    - two handed dumbell tricep press

    - tricep pulldown (straight bar)

    (I've really screwed that up, I'm sure there was an additional exercise for biceps)


    Cycle class



    - superset of air bike + jackknife crunches

    - weighted cable ab crunch

    - roman chair lifts


    Today was Shoulders day:

    - smith machine standing shoulder press. OUCH.

    - Superset of upright dumbell row+seated dumbell shoulder press. Fatigue was setting in as I was struggling on dumbells that are 3kg less than my highest weight

    - incline front raises. By this time I could only handle pissy weights

    - dumbell side raises

    - cable delt something-or-other

    - bent over flyes


    20 mins on treadmill, steep incline, brisk walking speed


    Really enjoying this programme. So much harder but loving it!

  8. yep, can't help feeling I'm twiddling my thumbs though


    Yesterday's workout: Back day

    (from memory, which is already fading)

    - assisted pullup

    - Superset of seated row+bent over barbell rows

    - lat pulldown

    - bent over one arm dumbell row

    - front pulldown

    - back extensions with plate

    LOVED this workout!


    20 mins treadmill on speed 5km/h, incline 10

    1hr bootcamp session, lots of jogging



    Today: Chest+Abs day

    (possibly the wrong order here)

    - smith machine bench press

    - smith machine negative bench press

    - wide hands pushups

    - smith machine incline chest press

    - cable chest flyes

    - twist pushups (by this stage I was collapsing on to my face)

    - Superset of ab reach-the-toes crunches + legs up crunches

    - roman chair leg lifts

    Awesome workout, bloody hard!


    1 hr cycle class

    20 mins treadmill on speed 5km/h, incline 10

  9. new studio sounds great! My trainer-buddy and I are the only women who lift heavy at the gym (and who stay in there for a considerable length of time), we have a reputation for being the two loudest grunters. People have often asked if we get 'looks' from other people but to be honest I've never really noticed as my friend and I just talk to each other and do our own thing and don't look much at others. But last week she went on her own and told me she really did notice the 'looks' and it wasn't comfortable!

  10. Bootcamp this morning. Was supposed to do shoulders+abs in gym afterwards but there was a fair bit of ab work in bootcamp and some shoulders (light weights, high rep stuff...) So trainer-buddy and I called it a day. Can't express how much I dislike low weight-high rep work but as it's part of bootcamp, we have no choice


    Eating was a bit crap today but on the plus side, I see just how badly my body reacts to crap food!

  11. Here's my before shot from June 2011. No date evidence (doh) so you just have to take my word for it, plus some friends are reading this anyway I had bought those 'slimming' jeans but ordered the wrong size by mistake, so they were three sizes too small. As you can see, they barely did up. I could only just button them up for the photo, lying down and my husband had to help me get up to take the snaps. I wore them for the photos as a progress marker. I now wear those jeans all the time and fit in to them easily with no muffin top/souffle going on.


    In June 2011 I started going to the gym. I had lost about 10kg in the preceeding six months. I did a cycle class and Body Attack class in my first week of gym membership and thought I was going to have a heart attack both times. I was so unfit that it turned me off going back to fitness classes, so I stuck with weights and cleaned up my nutrition a bit (pre-vegan). Since this photo was taken I am three dress sizes down. My goals are to drop body fat even more and lose another 10kg. Although cardio classes are still unpleasant, I chant to myself "you're already in pain, get a reward from it!"


    Even though my photos are all headless it's still a little nervewracking making them public! However I need to be accountable and see where I've come from and where I plan on going.


  12. Chest + Triceps today:

    - wide hands pushups on toes

    - incline dumbell chest press

    - flat dumbell chest flies

    - decline dumbell flies

    - EZ bar overhead triceps extensions

    - dumbell tricep kickbacks

    - two handed dumbell overhead press

    - one arm suplinated cable tricep pulldown


    Bootcamp afterwards.


    Photos today before workout, forgive any mess!


    EDIT: my friend has asked me if I am 'standing funny' in the second pic, yes I am!




  13. Yep, that's the one Although my class is only a short course tailored specifically towards women and self defence. I've been thinking about starting regular krav maga classes now as I've really enjoyed myself and it's tough!


    Today was Back+Biceps:

    - front pulldown

    - lat pulldown

    - seated row

    - Tbar row

    - back extensions

    - barbell bicep curls

    - incline curls

    - hammer curls


    Followed by a cycle class where I worked a bit less because of this stupid leg/hip flexor thing going on.


    Eating recipes from 'Thrive' which really are incredibly filling. Love nutrient-dense eating!

  14. yesterday (Sunday) was rest day with great nutrition.


    P90X stretch dvd today to help with my terrible flexibility.


    Legs workout:

    - leg extension

    - smith machine squats (lower back was slightly sore)

    - smith machine lunges. Right quad still not good so this hurt with right leg in rear position and I had to stop that leg. Unweighted lunges hurt too. Time to see a physio.

    - leg curl

    - single leg deadlifts

    - seated calf raise

    - standing calf raise on smith


    Bootcamp, couldn't do the running but I kept up the slow shuffle-jog.

  15. Bootcamp this morning, pulled my right quad a bit during warmup jog Couldn't do any of the running. Went to a high intensity aerobic class and had to do it medium intensity because my leg was too sore and not moving past a certain point

    Had a Krav Maga womens class this afternoon which was great though.


    Nutrition has been great today, following recipes from the Thrive book. I took all my measurements and before photos last night. Awful photos but I'm motivated to go hard!

  16. Yeah exactly! I tell myself "well hey, this is a consequence of crappy lifestyle choices you made so suck it up!" But at the same time, I am frustrated by my big stomach rolls when doing crunches at bootcamp I also feel really heavy when doing the jogging and I breathe like a dragon.


    Speaking of which, morning bootcamp session this morning but where my right hamstring was really sore from the jogging element, my right quad is now super sore and I couldn't do the running without pain. I did a high intensity aerobics class after bootcamp but only managed medium intensity as I couldn't do much with my stupid leg. I couldn't even manage air bike ab crunches because the leg was too sore. so that's annoying.


    Today is also day one of me eating nutrient dense foods and trying to fuel my body appropriately for energy and recovery. So I'm considering this my real day 1 of a new program because the eating is going to be squeaky clean.

  17. Amazing workout! New PB!


    I had a great session this morning. Hit a new PB on shoulder press. Ate a Thrive (Brendan Brazier) energy bar recipe right before workout, and smoothie earlier for breakfast and a Thrive recipe for dinner last night. I haven't eaten like this before for a long time (really good fueling) and I felt so energetic. Previous PB was last week or so, and I was convinced I'd stay on that weight for a few more months, as that has been the pattern and even a 1kg jump feels different halfway through a set. Trainer-buddy only lets me increase weight when I can finish a set unassisted or with minimal assistance on the last few reps. I'm really excited that I've jumped up and convinced my new way of fueling has something to do with it.


    Shoulders + Abs day:

    - seated dumbell shoulder press (new PB)

    - rear delt bentover cable flies (I think...)

    - bent over dumbell flies

    - front dumbell shoulder raises

    - shoulder side dumbell lateral raises

    - ab crunches

    - oblique crunches


    Determined to start eating more nutrient dense foods based on Thrive. Loving some of the recipes but may have to add in more protein on the side. It's a tricky business this wanting to lose body fat but pack on muscle!

  18. Chest + Triceps day today:


    - wide hands pushups

    - flat dumbell press

    - incline dumbell flies

    - decline dumbell flies

    - tricep kickbacks

    - standing EZ bar triceps press

    - two handed overhead dumbell tricep press

    - 1 arm cable tricep suplinated grip


    1 hour bootcamp class which was boxing, skipping, jogging


    Felt sick all day with no appetite, wasn't sure how training would go but felt better afterwards and got my appetite back.


    post workout vanity tricep-under-the-fat photo...


  19. Back + Biceps day today, my favourite! Reps have dropped to 10 on harder weight, I'm loving it.


    - forward pulldown

    - lat pulldown

    - seated row

    - T-bar row

    - back extension

    - bicep barbell curls (slight problem with swinging my back a tiny bit when I'm getting tired, thank goodness for strict trainers!)

    - incline bicep curls

    - hammer curls


    Followed up by a cycle class.


    My best training this week has been reading Robert's book, in fact that's the best part of my workout because I read it on the bus


    post workout photo: yep, more evidence of how much body fat I have to drop! Some days I find it hard not to get discouraged but I started off three dress sizes bigger. I'd like to say I have visible abs but they jiggle too much for that


  20. I enjoy my bootcamp because it's exercising in the fresh spring air for a change, instead of stinky gym


    Legs day today. Trainer-buddy has changed our program to three sets of 10 reps on a heavier weight (instead of 10-12 on slightly lighter). Still grunting though so it's all good!

    - leg extension

    - squats (was having a very mild freakout about the weight of the bar on my back, need to get my mindset right cos the weight will only get heavier)

    - barbell lunges (started off with Olympic bar plus weight, felt too unstable and 'wrong' so I switched to a lighter barbell)

    - single leg deadlift

    - leg curl

    - standing calf raise (holding weight plate)

    - seated calf press (yeeoowww)


    Bootcamp class for one hour


    Some leg photos from today post-workout, forgive the skinned knee. I had to really change the brightness-contrast of the photos to give myself a tan I don't like these photos much, I think Imy legs are more muscular in person, heh!


    As you can see, quite a bit of work is need to drop body fat.




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