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Posts posted by Vegalicious

  1. Thank you! It is getting only better! I am about to make some updates to make it VERY mobile friendly, so cannot wait!


    Glad to have you in my community as well! We thrive on no sugar or oils


    I like your site! I'm working toward no added sugar or oils too so I will be keeping an eye on your info.



  2. I would not go crazy on oils--they are harmful in the long run. However, keeping a food journal for a while and having someone who knows what they are doing review it, would be the simplest way to go.


    It is possible that in one month you simply experienced some detox from your previous diet. I deal with that a lot with people in my program. Some experience it immediately, some after a few weeks having gone vegan. Not to worry about. Going from low fiber to high fiber diet will leave you bloated sometimes, but your body will adjust. One month is not long enough to be alerted.


    Do make sure to supplement with B12--some foods that have it, like yeast, are not a good source, since B12 is in its analog form and is useless. B12 costs very little and can save lives. Deficiencies are now prevalent in vegan and nonvegan populations alike. I personally developed it (although tested "normal" according to doctors) before becoming vegan. I had a lot of symptoms and could not even conceive and was diagnose with a tumor. When I got in injections, all problems went away and I got pregnant in only 4 weeks (after years of being unable to do so). So, make sure not to fall prey to the false thinking. There is more on the topic on my web-site.


    So, again, I do not think that 80/10/10 diet is what is causing you not to feel energetic. I have been vegan for 7 years. I do not supplement with protein powders, I use no oils whatsoever (I do eat avocados and seeds ), I am also a fitness trainer, and NEVER had a problem with that. It might be simply detox, or something that you are missing.


    I hope you are doing better by now.

  3. I used to be hypothyroid and it can cause weight loss problems. However, first and foremost, I would take a look at your diet. Iodine deficiency can be a contributing factor, as can be B12 deficiency, mineral and vitamin depletion from stress and medication. The best way to address it (and this is how I reversed my issue) is by overhauling your diet, to make sure there is no junk in it, no processed foods, etc., and then to add B12 and iodine rich foods (or take kelp drops).


    One of the best things you can do for yourself is to get labs done. If your TSH is over 2.5ish, there is a reason to start being concerned (I know some labs say 5.0, but by that point a lot of people are simply miserable and symptomatic). Once you have labs done it will be easier to pin point what is truly wrong and how to fix it.


    You can read more about my thyroid success story on my site.


    Hope this helps.

  4. Hello!


    My name is Elena. Both, my husband and I, have been vegan since 2006.


    I am a certified personal and group fitness trainer. I am also a full-time blogger. I blog about all things vegan, but primarily HOW TO DO VEGAN RIGHT, avoiding the unhealthy, junk pitfalls many new vegans fall into. I developed and run a 30-day online program, BODY BY PLANTS (http://www.vega-licious.com/services/vegan-30-day-boot-camp-weight-loss-health-improvement/), teaching people how to transition to a healthy plant-based diet, and, for those who are already vegan, how to make sure it is clean and healthful, as well as it is kind.


    I have released several finger-licking delicious vegan cookbooks (electronic format).


    I had a fabulous vegan pregnancy (http://www.vega-licious.com/category/health-nutrition/vegan-pregnancy/), while still teaching and training 10 hours a week, and snapped right back into my pre-pregnancy shape in less than 2 months. I actually went into labor on the day I taught 2 fitness classes and did side splits .




    I am raising a very healthy and bright vegan baby.




    This week I am kicking off a Vegan 101 Webinar series, and anyone is welcome to join . Details here: http://www.vega-licious.com/how-to-become-vegan-101-series-registration/


    I teach people how to be healthy, how to be lean, how to be fit, and how to be vegan and I love it!


    My current goal is to lean out, tone up and get my body ready for vegan baby #2 .

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