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Everything posted by grangi71

  1. Here I am breakaway from th group...don't worry, they reached me just before the finish line!
  2. Hi Mike, thank you, I'm happy to share my season of races! For true, I'm a racer but not a winner...I don't know where you live, but in Italy there is a lot of ex-Pro over 40 (like me) that still race with us, poor mortals. It's hard to compete with them... But, in the end, isn't important.
  3. Hello everybody, I like the idea to write here and share my training season to be ready for 2014! I'm Beppe, cyclist about 61 Kilograms x 174 cm. I prefer race in not to long criterium and road race (about 60-70 Km, at most 100Km). My bike is a Colnago EPS with DURA-ACE...and I'm still looking for a good saddle; my train is power meter based, I find powermeter is the best with a correct software to analyze the data. During the winter season I use the gym not for specific training...I'm so thin that I hope to gain some Kg. of muscles. Usually I train 6 days a week with, of course, one day rest. Next week I will start with my training plan to be ready for March (ih that period we have the first races). I hope I'm able to fill in this topic as often as possible, and that my english it's good enough to allow everybody want to read to understand! So, today I got my training in the gym, new schedule from the trainer: SQUAT 5X5 with 53 kg BENCH PRESS 5X5 WITH 43kG CHINS (?) 5x5 BICEPS 2X8 with barbell BICEPES 1X30 (LOW CABLES) I normaly do 60" rest every set After that, it was lunch break, I eated a lot of sweet corn with chickpeas and black beans + 1 apple. I think tomorrow will be time for a fitness session, like body ABS or other (I'm the only man inside the room, but that's ok. It's a good workout, especially for a cyclist this is always still on the saddle, with constrained -repetitive movements!
  4. Hi and thanks for the tips...I'll move to look for them!
  5. Hi! I'm new to this Forum too, but I'm happy I had found it! I'm Beppe from Italy, not a bodybuilder, I like race with the bike. In the winter I spend some days a week in the gym for improve strenght and fitness. There is NO vegan where I live, I haven't vegan friends so I understand you.
  6. Thanks!! Nice to find this Forum...!
  7. Hello everyone from Italy! My name is Beppe, I'm a cyclist (race road and criterium), but I don't dislike to train in the gym! I' become vegetarian 4 years ago...I was walking in Plaza del Sol, Madrid, when I saw this guys with little TV hungin around their neck, showing terrible images about intensive farms. Ok, before I did not feel good for my omnivorous diet, but from tht moment I could no longer eat animals. In this last year I moved in a vegan diet...but isn't easy! I think my diet "sports" is not so good, I hope to find here useful tips!
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