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Posts posted by VeganCutie

  1. Hey there


    I just finished my first month of the Insanity program , I have gained 3 pounds .


    I'm 5,5 , 128 lbs female


    I'm trying to get rid of the extra fat around my belly area , I know it's not a lot , but I'm going for the very fit & toned look , I want my abs to show ..


    Anybody here done the Insanity workout ?


    Hey there:)


    I have no experience with Insanity per se, however i have had years of experience with high impact training, to which at 36, am now paying a heavy price. I've very serious lower back problems (am awaiting surgery) as well as knee and shoulder issues. I would strongly recommend "low force" high intensity exercise, done lifting weights smoothly and under strict control. If you want to get additional cardiovascular benefits, simply reduce the rest periods between exercises. The most important factor of fat loss any exercise program is the maintenance of lean muscle tissue, strength training is the only reputable way to do that.


    Great advice , I stopped insanity & now focusing on weight training , my knees didn't agree with all that jumping also my ankles for some reason they hurt a lot doing insanity .

  2. Hey , why don't you try Jamie Eason live fit program ? My friend really toned her body by doing it , also i don't know know about insanity cause I quit at 7 weeks but I lost 0 lbs doing it even though I was working so hard , i wasn't fat & just needed toning up so I figured weight training is the solution cause my belly just never go away , I always had that fat layer that won't go away, check out my progress so far viewtopic.php?f=48&t=36349&start=15 I'm not saying that I made huge progress or I'm an expert now but I can see changes on my waist area & I'm so happy, also I cut off on fruits& I won't stop till I have the best body good luck!

  3. Hey there


    I just finished my first month of the Insanity program , I have gained 3 pounds .


    I'm 5,5 , 128 lbs female


    I'm trying to get rid of the extra fat around my belly area , I know it's not a lot , but I'm going for the very fit & toned look , I want my abs to show ..


    Anybody here done the Insanity workout ?


    Hey there:)


    I have no experience with Insanity per se, however i have had years of experience with high impact training, to which at 36, am now paying a heavy price. I've very serious lower back problems (am awaiting surgery) as well as knee and shoulder issues. I would strongly recommend "low force" high intensity exercise, done lifting weights smoothly and under strict control. If you want to get additional cardiovascular benefits, simply reduce the rest periods between exercises. The most important factor of fat loss any exercise program is the maintenance of lean muscle tissue, strength training is the only reputable way to do that.


    That's good , I lost 0 pounds doing insanity , also I quit at 7 weeks , it was so much for me & really hurt my knees but I have bad knees anyways since I was younger & insanity didn't help , I could do a push up! I couldn't before & I'm happy about that but that's it , I see more results from lifting weights , but that's only me.

    My husband lost 20 pounds doing insanity & his knees are fine , he only has lower back pain right after insanity but then he will be okay by the next hour , good luck!

  4. Hey why don't you try insanity ? My husband lost 20 pounds in 7 weeks! Of course he was weight training as well but we both stopped doing it , it was very hard & boring but you might like it?


    I lost 0 pounds! Even though I'm vegan & my husband isn't , he only eats chicken & brown rice.

    I thought I would disappear doing insanity but to my surprise I didn't , even thought I concider my self to eat much healthier than him

  5. Ok check out my progress I'm the abdominal area so far I'm leaving for my vacation in 7 days only! Still have one week & I'll push harder , I stopped insanity at 7 weeks, my heart wasn't on it anyways & it was interfering my daily life,plus I was doing it with my husband & he stopped so with having no partner I quit too,anyways I still lift weights 5 times a week & do cardio 3 times a week for half an hour ,I'm taking more protein & eating less fruits? I was eating lots of bananas before & now replaced it with apples, I'm not good with following diets,I just eat 5 times a day,clean & healthy ,

    I don't know if a lot can change in a week but of course I'll update again


    Oh yes I forgot to say my measurements ,

    I lost 1 inch for my lower belly.

    4 from my waist in the last 2 month .


    & I gained 1 pound in weight .



    What you think of my progress so far? Do you even notice a change?


    Thank you

  6. Thank you so much for all the replies (and compliments ) I appreciate it a lot


    I'm actually doing Weights at the gym each morning , then at night I'm doing *Insanity* !

    It's very hard & brutal but i still haven't lost one pound ?! Matter of fact I have gained 3 pounds but I'm assuming its muscle because as I mentioned before that my measurements says that I lost many inches .


    I just finished my first month of insanity & entered the "recovery week" & I'm so excited about it .


    And now I officially have only 35 days till my honeymoon & something needs to happen fast


    I did keep a log of what I eat , & everything seemed fine & my calories are all from clean eating .


    The crazy thing is I notice changes everywhere in my body so fast ! I tried on some dresses I have & I noticed a lot of difference everywhere ..just not my belly area ugh


    I'll try to eat less next month & see if anything changes , this is the last thing I want to do because I'm really small & I don't want to lose more weight but this is my last solution .


    35 days to go & I'll keep pushing hard & of course I'll keep you posted


    (By the way Sorry if I make mistakes typing or wording my posts, English is not my first or second language , more like third )

  7. I never tried pea protein so I'll look more into it now


    I do want to look great because it's my honeymoon pictures , I been married for a year and our honeymoon got delayed , so it's a anniversary/honeymoon pictures , bikinis and all


    My husband tells me be patient and results will come , but I guess I'm really expecting a 6 pack and a V line in 2 weeks haha unrealistic I know but I'm impatient that that


    My husband says he is seeing muscles , and I do notice my arms when I flex them has a little itty bitty muscle ,

    But with my excessive workout plan I'm afraid that I will lose more weight and my belly stays the same ..and trust me that's the last thing I want

    And my goal to become a bikini model in 2 years .. It seems so hard for me right now and I never expected to ever be even considering this , but it's a promise I made for my self and my husband and my imaginary future babies


    Also I DO want to show people that vegans rock !


    I'll keep posting progress photos till my honeymoon and you guys tell me if you notice a difference

  8. Thanks for the replays


    I know it doesn't show in the picture , but it's really frustrating to work out as hard as I do , and it seems I can't tighten my body up!

    I was always skinny with a little fat around my belly area and that is not cute ! Like I'm super skinny (rips showing and all) but have side handles !! Makes me cringe really


    I do not count my calories anymore , I get bored of it easily ..

    I know my routine sounds like a lot , but I'm going in vacation in 2 months and I want to look fabulous ..

    Maybe I'm being impatient since I really only took working out seriously 6 weeks ago .. It seems like I'm putting on pounds even though my measurements says different !

    I lost 3 inches of my waist and half inch of my lower belly


    I guess that's good but I'm expecting more


    It could be genetic I don't know


    I just want to see my abs , shape that area that leads to my hips and have some definition


    I think I eat too much trying to get a lot of protein ,but also I get nauseous when I eat cause this is very unusual for me


    Is there any protein powders that has a high amount of it? My sun warrior is only 19 and it's frustrating cause I really hate drinking it


    I do abs almost everyday , I used to do them weighted but then I got afraid that my waist would appear larger ?



  9. Please tell me what to do To reshape my body! I'm stuck it that's how I feel!

    It seems that I can't get rid of my belly fat, I'm a vegan and the only thing that I eat that I might think that is not so healthy is vegan soy burger , what can I do?

    I workout twice a day , I lift weights in the AM , and at night I do a HIIT routine


    What am I doing wrong here ?


    Any advices will be very appreciated



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