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Posts posted by WeAreAllBrothers

  1. Have you considered that your problem might be in your tendons and ligaments and not exactly in your muscles?.

    After all you can produce as much force as your tendons let your muscles use.

    Connective tissue becomes stronger at a slower rate than muscle around ten times slower, maybe you stressed your tendons too much during some time in your life and didnt gave them enough time to heal.

    I hurt my shoulder while working out poorly, i took some weeks of rest, did some rehab which i found on internet, corrected my form and now i'm taking glucosamine and chondroitine. I think it's worth it if you don't want it to progress into something worse.

  2. I haven't gotten a pull up bar yet, but I may in the future. I'm just trying to work with what I have currently, as I'm on a budget as well now. What exercises should I drop and what are more compounds I could add? The reason I did so much is because I can't really lift heavy for things like squats, so I thought adding more, and adding accessories would help me where I'm lacking. :/


    I think your upper body workouts should look something like this.

    I recomend the exercises made in 5x5 or 3x10 sets and reps.

    Upper body.


    Pressing: Two exercises per workout is enough.

    Bench press in the elbows tucked in form to not emphasize just the chest.


    Shoulder press.



    Chin up(more biceps)/Pull up (more lats). Both can be made with assistance.

    If you cant make enough reps of those then you can make rows.

    Underhanded row.

    Overhanded row.



    Squats (try them with wide stance to work your hip adductors).

    Step ups with weight as you said you cant get to load more your squats.


    Hip thrust and single leg hip thrust more info here.


    Drink a carbs and protein shake after your WOs.


    If you gain mass and keep gaining considerable amounts of fat with this plan, i would suggest to drop some calories as the fat gains suggest a high calorie surplus.


    I hope someone with more experience can shed some light though.

  3. I think you are using way too much exercises in your workouts, i suggest you to drop most of your exercises as i think you may be over working some body parts and use compound exercises like bench press and squats, deadlifts.


    Separate your workouts a bit more to allow your body to heal and grow, i workout the same body part every 5-7 days.


    You may benefit from incorporating an exercise like the chin up, pull up or pull down in your upper body wo because they work the antagonist(?) muscles of bench press and other pressing exercises, bench press works chest, triceps and front delts while the pull up/chin up works the biceps, lats and rear delts.


    Edit: Sorry i didn't pay enough attention to your initial question, what comes to my mind is, due to the high amount of exercises working the same muscle groups ypu are distributing your strength in small amounts between this exercises making the work out more oriented to endurance instead of strength and mass.


    Now endurance training is not optimum for mass gains acording to some studies i have read about and it can in turn make you lose some mass. You also have to consider that womens naturally tend to have a slightly higher body fat % so that might be helping you gain fat.

  4. Personally what has helped me to gain some weight is a daily shake since it's an easy way to consume calories, i use a nutritional supplement powder (i guess you could use a protein powder if you think you need it), 3 or 4 spoons of oats, some dark chocolate powder, 3 bananas and maybe other fruit like strawberries or grapes.


    I drink it after work outs the days that i WO and at least 2 hours after my last meals the days that i don't work out.

  5. It could also be that that you have a anterior pelvic tilt which provokes your stomach to bulge out to the front of your body, since i adopted a proper posture with a posterior pelvic tilt my abdomen looks more flat and muscular even when i think my bf% remains the same.


    I think you are confused since you said you have no fat anywhere, we all have fat and muscle in our abdomens but the amount of each one will determinate how our waist looks, try searching for examples of people with different body fat percentages.

  6. TY guys, i'm into calisthenics mostly, i want to learn some nice and fun skills and gain some mass to not be the usual skinny vegan guy. My real name is Aaron btw.

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