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  1. Hi bodyartt - a few thoughts came to my mind when I read your question. 1) Have you ever been tested for food allergies or insensitivities? It may be possible that you are experiencing bloat and inflammation in your gastrointestinal system/gut and that is causing your stomach to push forward more. Inflammation can easily create a distended belly. 2) Have you had any surgeries that involved cutting into your abdominal wall? If so, abdominal dysfunction may have occurred causing a lack of neural drive to your core muscles - and ultimately, a "belly that sticks out". 3) It is also possible that you have weakness in your abdominal muscles, especially with your transverse abdominis, the deepest, innermost layer of abdominal muscles. I have written an article explaining the importance of working this muscle (and how to). If you would like to check out my article, you can go to: http://bamboocorefitness.com/the-transverse-abdominis-the-spanx-of-your-abdominal-muscles/ . Core exercises like crunches and sit-ups do not work the deepest layers of abdominals... These exercises put more focus on your rectus abdominis muscles (your "6 pack" muscles). To hit the transverse, I recommend that you add exercises like planks, forward ball rolls, tummy vacs ("draw-ins" - http://bamboocorefitness.com/get-a-strong-core-with-the-lying-draw-in-maneuver-tummy-vacuums/), etc. I hope this helps. Good luck! - Jennifer M. Regan, MovNat MCT, C.H.E.K HLC, NASM-CPT
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