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I had a Personal Training Interview today...


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I have applied at a gym and I had an interview today. It all seems to have gone well, I had an interview with the fitness manager and now I have to visit his manager (or something like that) and he's going to call me when I need to visit his higher up.


Now I have a question for you vegans. If I am hired, what would be your ideas if I had to give out "nutrition plans"? I know I would educate them on the manner of how farm goods are bad, have too much hormones, etc. and to try and go organic. Any ideas? Of course I am not going to tell the person to turn vegan, but what should be my approach in your eyes?

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I absolutely would mention diet. How much protein, fats etc. You may mention you're vegan of course and more so over time. I bet they start to intake more plant based foods just working with you. Forcing it off the get go may scare them away and then you'll never get the chance to gain their trust in your knowledge. JMO of course.


I hope it works out for you!

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Congrats dude!


As for the nutrition info, just print out basic info sheets. You know like:


Carbs Sources: fruit, veg, whole grains, pulses

Protein Sources: nuts, seeds, pulses, whole grains,

Fats: nuts, seeds, olive oil








etc etc



Then you'll be there with them and they'll be looking through it:


- Hey, wait a minute, there are no animal products here


-Here, in your list of all the nutrients that humans need. There's no meat. How am I supposed to build muscle without meat?


etc etc


Have fun : )

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Congrats on the interview Kollision!!!!


Yes, this can be tricky. I don't think you even need to mention anything about veganism, or even the word vegan. It may scare some people away, which could lead to problems with how your manager feels about your presentation to the client. You can still promote and suggest all plant-based foods with lots of variety and they may not even realize it is all vegan


Just break it down for them like Gorilla suggested. Give them options for protein-rich foods, carb-foods, fats, some supplement advice, and just general health and nutrition advice regarding vitamins, minerals, etc.


You can be quite clever and at the same time stick to your vegan lifestyle, help them to a healthier lifestyle and if they ask, give them a reason or two why animal-based foods might not be the best for them.


Make sure it sounds like you are speaking in terms of THEIR best interest......which you actually are, but as a client, they will want to feel that vibe coming from you.


Ok, I'm off to the gym now but maybe that helps. I could write more later perhaps.


All the best bro,



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Maybe just say well you need x amount of protein, they can get it how they want. if it needs to go farther you can tell them you are not really familiar with the nutritional content of meat since you dont eat it. Rob's right though, the manager may not like you presenting veganism, maybe even putting your personal opinion in your plans. more veggies and fruit are scientifically valid recommendations though.

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Thanks yall, I really appreciate the response guys.


Richard, I do want to tell them to go vegan but I do not even tell others. Of course I do not like to shove things down peoples throats, but I'll elaborate on it in response to Gorillas...


SS, I'd not just come and and say, "I am vegan" as it would have no relevance, of course unless they asked. I agree that it might scare them off.


Gorilla, actually some ISSA trainers awhile back had told me that they do that by giving out papers with that exact stuff on it. Thanks.


Rob, thanks dude. The thing is, I am not sure as to whether I can list foods specifically for them to eat or not. I believe that I am not supposed to, as in some states it is illegal to do so without being a dietician (which requires a seperate certification). I agree though, it's for their own health benefits as well, so I will work to that goal.


CollegeB, exactly what Gorilla said and that is what I am going to do. My problem though is when they ask about meat products or dairy.




If they ask me about dairy or meat, how would you respond? From a health point perspective of course. Just list them ideas please I got some already, but I would like to hear yours. Of course, not from a vegan standpoint, but a health issue.



Thanks again everyone!

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It sounds like you have some good ideas Kollision. I would stick with the health benefits and stay away from animal rights stuff. Of course, it's hard not to when questions are asked, but the best way to handle things in a professional setting and with the general public is to just speak in terms of their own health and ways it could be improved. The animal rights stuff can turn people off, and supervisors don't want to hear about it. You are a smart guy and I think they will be impressed with the knowledge you are able to share with your clients.


From a training standpoint, you can walk the walk, so you're covered there.


All the best man,



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If they ask me about dairy or meat, how would you respond? From a health point perspective of course. Just list them ideas please I got some already, but I would like to hear yours. Of course, not from a vegan standpoint, but a health issue.



Thanks again everyone!


Meat - cholestrol

Dairy - cholestrol, and not good for the respiratory.....we have freediving customers who are really into their breath-hold diving (compete) all of the puriests give up dairy since it affects the respiratory (they also give up caffine to lower help their heart rate, as well as alchohol for obvious reasons)


Good Luck with your job, I really hope you'll get it. You'd be an awesome trainer!

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shouldn't be a problem. might be best to ask Mike Mahler about this. i think your main point should be that since you consider yourself one of the finest personal trainers in the world, you are inclined to advocate the healthiest diet in the world. best to work with them, but that doesn't mean you have to endorse what they already decided they want to consume.

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Meat - cholestrol

Dairy - cholestrol, and not good for the respiratory.....we have freediving customers who are really into their breath-hold diving (compete) all of the puriests give up dairy since it affects the respiratory (they also give up caffine to lower help their heart rate, as well as alchohol for obvious reasons)


Good Luck with your job, I really hope you'll get it. You'd be an awesome trainer!


I was going to list that, as that is a good point and that a lot of people consume too much of these stuff, as well as the saturated fats and other aspects which causes high blood pressure.


However, any ideas as to why the cholestorol inhibiuts good breathing?



And to anyone, I remember someone here stating that dairy is bad for your stomach and that the body doesn't get anything out of it. I want to know, is this a fact or is it just a pro-vegan stance?


shouldn't be a problem. might be best to ask Mike Mahler about this. i think your main point should be that since you consider yourself one of the finest personal trainers in the world, you are inclined to advocate the healthiest diet in the world. best to work with them, but that doesn't mean you have to endorse what they already decided they want to consume.


Totally forgot about Mike Mahler. However, he has his own business, therefore the position would be different since he decides as to how he operates, and doesn't have a person above him. He would have a good source of knowledge for how he approaches his clients, and I could gain from that. Anyone know his email as to where I could contact him?


Also I agree with the healthiest diet, and that is all I will provide (unless asked), and I want to go with that approach, then just my vegan reasons.


i agree.


focus on the health stuff, so your job is not threatened.


but take every opportunity to tell them that you are vegan and the health reasons that you are vegan.


good luck Cool


The vegan aspect will set myself up for sabotage later on. They will get scared and such, so I will leave the veganism out of it unless asked. However, I will promote a healthy diet based on veges and such. If they ask about meat, I'll just tell them the truth about all those hormones pumped into them.

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In response to the diary issue its not the cholestrol, but I found some links which may assist you. This was one of the first things which I gave up on my journey to veganism, which help with my migraines (which I no longer get after being vegan) and the amount of congestion and colds I would have throughout the year.


Dairy products in particular have


a reputation of being a major cause of mucus / sinus congestion, closely followed by wheat products,


although there are likely a number of other person-specific beverage or food allergens (i.e. cocoa) that


may have to be isolated and subsequently avoided in order to control sinus congestion and headaches








And as with most things, there are also pro milk articles as well. So if you want to approach this, it would be entirely up to you.

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Meat - cholestrol



...& hormones & antibiotics. Also contributes to higher risk of colon cancer since it has no fiber. The book "Fast Food Nation" talks about the amount of feces in meat due to the speed of the "production" line. And we won't even go into the whole mad cow issue -- which I believe is more prevalent than our governments are letting on.


It really is sad how ingrained is the belief that vegetable protein is inferior to animal protein.



Good luck Koll! It would be such a perfect job for you!

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And we won't even go into the whole mad cow issue -- which I believe is more prevalent than our governments are letting on.

I saw a documentary about that (here in Sweden). Both the EU and USA says that they look for BSE in cows. In the EU we have a lot of people who has the right to go everywhere to check for it and they check thouroughly everywhere in Europe. In the US they have like 12 people who has no authoroty at all to check for it.

Be sure, BSE is in the USA too. Wherever they feed animals other animals these kind of diseases exists.


And kollision, good luck with the job!

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