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Hello from Florida


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Hi all! My name is Kevin 17 years old, 135 lbs, 5'11. I started working out last year in weight training in school and that taught me a lot but now it's the summer. I workout at my house now at least 3 times a week: exercise bike for 25 mins, doing push ups, sit ups, weights. I don't feel like I'm pushing myself and I want my potential to the max. I been vegetarian for 10 years and tried going vegan for a month but went back vegetarian. I eat three meals a day and sleep 8 hours. My goals is getting body type similar to Bruce Lee. I would be really thankful if you guys can help me with a schedule or what to do. Some of my interests are playing guitar, meditation, skinny dipping, etc.


Thank you, Kevin

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Wow, you became a veggie when you were 7! Hope you'll try veganism again later since it is easy when you have enough information (which can be found in this board)!


You are very light so I'd suggest that you increase your meals to 4-5 a day. After you get some muscle mass, cut some extra off and you'll look like Bruce (but taller)! Also, devour nuts and seeds without pause and you'll get mass easily.


I'd say ~ 170-180 lbs might be a good target for now and ~ 160-170 after cutting. But it's up to you to decide.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome. As you get older, your body will continue to mature and fill out. Resistance training and lifting will maximize that potential. As for now, i'm curious, what made you go back and forth from vegan to vegetarian. Did you not feel that being vegan was as beneficial to keeping weight on and tapping into your power to build lbm for you? Just curious. You'll find tons of resources to help you with that here. Feel free to pm me if you have any specific questions in regards to this.

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