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Supplement absorbtion

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I was wondering how effective vitamins and supplements are when taken all at the same time. If I take, let's say a multivitamin, some calcium, some E, and so on...am I going to be wasting a lot of it because I take them all at once? Or, because some of them absorb differently, am I going to be getting the full (or close to full) benefits of them? Or should I take them throughout the day so my body doesn't get overloaded all at once?

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As with any nutrients, out bodies can only deal with a certain amount at one time. For example, it's not effective to take more than 500 mg of calcium at once, because it can't be assimilated, so space it out into several doses.


Some nutrients also conflict with each other, like calcium and iron, and are best taken at different times.

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  • 3 weeks later...
i think it's fine to take all your multis together...and i also think it's better not to take them with food since it will decrease their absorbtion..thats what ive heard.


I think taking vitamin and mineral supplements with food would INCREASE absorption, because the food is tellling your body to treat the accompanying supplements as real food, instead of some fractionated, isolated nutrient.

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