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Hi I am new to this site just swtiched to veganism and have benn workng out just satrted. First let me say these last three days without meatand benn so good I have more energy im more happy I just feel more healthy. I have a couple of questions do i need to take a multivitamin and if so which one and is there a website where I can find what foods are vegan like a complete list with name brands okay well once again nice site and any help would be nice.

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Hello and welcome DJLexus. Thanks for joing. Glad to hear that things have been more brighter on the vegan side.


As for multivitamin, any will do so long they are complete. A good multivitamin that most stores and even Costco sells is called Centrum. It has all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs and you take one per day.


If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Enjoy your stay!

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Hey djlexus,


You made one of the most important decisions of your life. Studies show that vegetarians/vegans live years longer than people who eat dead animals. They are also less likely to get scary diseases like cancer, diabetes, etc. You have given your body such a great gift - it will pay you back in spades. Just watch and see.


I recommend a book called Going vegan. It is a great resource for new vegans - it tells you pretty much everything you need to know.


As far as supplements, make sure you are getting your B12 vitamins (can be found in soy milk), and Omega 3 fatty acids, which can be found in flax seed oil.


If you have any specific questions, just post. We are here to help you get healthy and have a great quality of life. The people on this board are very nice and helpful, and some of the hot bodies you see here will inspire you.


I am curious, what made you decide to go veg?



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Great to have you here. Thanks for joining our group. Awesome to hear that you are a new vegan.


Feel free to check out the main site as well www.veganbodybuilding.com. Under Nutrition we have a bunch of lists of vegan foods and some lists have protein content for each food and stuff like that.


Post questions anytime, we have an awesome group on here.


All the best,



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thanx guys i wanna know what about vegan cheese the veggie slices have milk in them ewwwwwwww dont want it and they have no egg subustite that isnt made from egg whites yeah any syggestiosn on anything else i can use instead of eggs yeah let me know thanks

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hey djlexus, welcome to the boards, congrats on going vegan. GNC has a good vegetarian multivitamin, their brand. I can't remember the price, mine bottle has lasted me forever because I always forget to take it. But anyways, are you looking for an egg substitute for baking or just to eat for breakfast or whatever. If you need a sub to bake there is a commercial egg replacer called Ener-G. You can also use 1 tbs arrowroot + 1 Tbsp soy flour + 2 Tbsp water well blended, 1/2 banana mashed, or 1 tbs flax seeds plus 1/2 cup water well blended. Those are just a few, you can easily find more on the net. In place of eggs for breakfast alot of people like to make a tofu scramble.


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