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  1. Haha, and french mother! I was just lucky with languages since a was kid... anyway; For what you suggest, I asked already some time ago I don't remember what company about shipping the goods but I had no response. I guess the answer was "no". I will try with other companies. I found on a chinese website that they sell soy protein but I don't know if it's vegan. Is there a way to know that looking at the ingredients? Maybe I can share the specifications so people could tell me if it's vegan or not... Thanks!
  2. THIS is what everyone should do before they start any new "diet" or "meal plan". So many people tell me "I eat sooo much food you just don't get it! I can't gain weight!" and then I ask them ok, how many calories you eat a day? NO ANSWER! Once they actually do an HONEST food log for the span of atleast a few days they realize they have absolutely not been eating enough. Some people gain well on only a few hundred calories over maintenence and others, like myself, need almost 1000 cals over maintenance to see a progression. Any suggestions for doing this meal plan properly? How to calculate the calories of what I'm eating and know how much do I have to add?
  3. Looking at the example from Robert's post; At the 7am meal, if I remove the protein powder and the multivitamin supplement does it affect a lot? Is really so important a vitamin supplement? At the 10pm meal, a "soy protein drink" is not just soy milk? how to make that? I live in China and I don't have access to a lot of stuff like "VEGA" or other proteins and vitamins, etc. Any advice? Thanks!
  4. So I've been trying to workout for many years but my total lack of knowledge on the subject and not knowing anybody who did bodybuilding stopped me from trying it. I also wasn't very confident only with the information on the web. Luckily I recently met a bodybuilder at my working place who is helping me. He is not vegan but he still can help me with the workouts. I started two weeks ago. The first week without equipment (I'm doing it at home). The second week I started using dumbbells, barbell, etc. I will be writing my progress here so I can keep a record of what I'm doing and hopefully people can give me tips and correct errors. That would be great! Hight: 184cm Weight: 65kg So yes, I'm very thin. I started eating a lot more but the problem is that I live in China and it's difficult to have access to many products like VEGA for protein powders, energy bars, etc, and I'm not sure about multivitamins. I saw many kinds in pharmacies here but I don't know if I can trust them. I'm not even sure they are vegan. My training program: Dumbbells: 6kg for each arm. barbell: 10kg 5 series of 12 reps for each exercise. MONDAY - Chest: push-ups, bench presses. - Shoulders: dumbbell front raise, lateral raise, bent over lateral raise. WEDNESDAY - Biceps: hammer curls, concentration curls, barbell curls. - Back: dumbbell row exercise FRIDAY - Triceps: dumbbells, kickbacks, dips 2 benches. - Abs: 8 min abs exercise SATURDAY - Football (soccer) I'm on my third week now. Push-ups it's the most difficult for me. When I start my workout for example in biceps, the first three series I can do them pretty easily. The last two become much harder. The same happens with the other exercises I do on that session. Does that mean I need to put more weight? But if I put more wight I probably won't make it to the 12 reps on each exercise. I'll keep posting. Great site by the way. And congrats for Robert Cheeke! PS: In case my english looks strange, it's because I'm spanish.
  5. Hi there! I'm spanish but living in China since october 2009. I've been vegan for around 5 years and a half, very healthy since then but too thin. Not so long ago I met a guy who did bodybuilding for a long time (not vegan) and he will help me start. Of course I will rely on this forum for nutrition but it always helps to have somebody at your side watching what your are doing wrong. I decided to start bodybuilding because I had enough from people saying I was too skinny due to veganism. I've always been like that, even when eating meat, so I need to make a big change and demonstrate vegan diet is the best! I've been reading a lot about nutrition in the forum and my big concern is if I'm going to find everything I need here in China. If by chance there is somebody who lived or is living in China... get in touch! So I hope I can learn a lot from this forum and make a big progress and reach my goal. See you! Marc
  6. Hi! Thanks a lot for your information! Some time ago, when I decided to start to do exercise (for muscle gaining I mean -excluding running, soccer, etc.-) I checked a lot on the internet on how to do push upps, abbs, etc and I bought dumbbells, but after seeing no progress I gave up ( I guess I give up things too easily). But If you worked just with dumbbells and you've seen improvement, I will try harder this time. In how much time did you saw progress? About the eating part, I try to eat a lot (most people are surprised how much I eat) but the fact is that i lost 3 kg!! Now I'm 61kg. for 1,81m. I need to organize myself to do more meals during the day. Thanks again for your words! I'll write some news soon. See you!
  7. Hello everybody! I'm a Spanish boy. 23 years-old, 182 cm and 65 kg. I'm vegan since January 2006 (almost 4 years now). Since then I never got sick and I feel much better. The only problem is that I would like to gain more body muscle. I'm very thin and many people attribute this to being vegan (I was that thin even when being omnivore) and I want to change their point of view but I don't know how. Here there should be many people with this same experience. What kind of diet can I follow? What exercise can I do? I live in Spain. I do not have access to a gym. Thanks for any kind of advice! Marc
  8. Hi! First of all congratulations for your hard job! Great results! I'm new in this webpage and I didn't know where to post this following message: I'm 23 years-old, 182 cm and 65 kg. I'm vegan and I would like to gain more body muscle. I'm very thin and many people attribute this to being vegan (I was like this even when omnivore) and I want to change their point of view but I don't know how. Here there should be many people with this same experience. What kind of diet can I follow? What exercise can I do? I live in Spain. I do not have access to a gym. Thanks for any kind of advice! Marc
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