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Vegan from Lithuania

Guest xzebrasx

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Hey, everybody! Introducing myself was always one of the most difficult things for me to do, but I'll try my best


I've been vegetarian for about 2 years and vegan for about 1 year. In case you're wondering - no, it isn't difficult to be vegan in Lithuania. Of course, we don't have as much vegan junk-food and 101 flavors of soy milk, but other than that, it's pretty much the same as anywhere else. Beans, legumes, veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds is all that is needed, and we've got plenty of those.


I had been exercising (lifting weights) for a couple of times before, but those attempts lasted no longer than 1-1,5 months, so it doesn't really count I guess


My current goal is to cut fat, so I've decreased my caloric intake (to about 2000kcal/day currently) and added cardio 2x/week on non-lifting days (I lift 3x/week). I haven't noticed any observable loss of belly-flab so far, but maybe it'll kick in a wee bit later. Or, at least, that's what I'm saying to myself in order to not get demotivated


Anyway, it's nice to be here!


P.S. Sorry for my poor english - I'm workin' on it!

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Hey welcome to the forum The effects of training tend to take a few weeks before they are noticeable, keep it up and be consistent and you will see the results. Also it might be a good idea to take some photos of yourself (not necessarily to share, just for you to look at) and then take more photos in a month's time, then again in another month. That way you can keep track of what you used to look like and see what has changed.

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I had some problems with the monitor of my PC, so wasn't able to use it for a few days. That's the reason of my late reply. Thanks a bunch, eveybody!

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