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Vegan Training and Nutrition Programs

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Any recommendations for training and nutrition programs (lose fat, gain muscle) that are "vegan-friendly"? I have bought so many books, ebooks, manuals, videos, etc.! But almost all of them are not very vegan firendly. I would not like to rely so much on supplements because they can get very expensive. Any and all recommendations are greatly appreciated!


All for now

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Thanks! I actually have quite a few of those books and they are my favorites! I am more or less looking to build some muscle (but I have some stubborn fat that won't go away either!). I love the McDougall books in particular. He stresses that one shouldn't eat too much protein and not to consume too much soy. I also try not to eat too many processed foods. Nevertheless, it seems many of the programs out there really emphasize the protein and supplements. Basically, what I am looking for is a program that is vegan-friendly and details workouts, what to do, how often and how long to perform them, as well as nutrition guidelines. Does anybody have any vegan-friendly programs to recommend that encompass that criteria? If not, are there any programs that come close and are easy to adapt to the vegan lifestyle? Thanks so much!


P.S. I have seen advertisements for "Turbulence Training" and they are very intriguing. Has anyone tried this program and is it vegan adaptable?


If there are no programs developed yet, does anyone have any recommendations as to what I should try doing? I have always had a slow metabolism and every single person in my family and extended family are overweight or obese. A few years ago I severely restricted my calories (to the point that my body started literally falling apart). Luckily I finally came to a point where I realized that what I was doing was not healthy. During this recovery time I gained a lot of weight (more than I would have liked) and it still seems it is very easy for me to gain weight. Therefore, I am looking for a program that is easy to follow, will give me results, and that will adapt to my vegan lifestyle (vegetarian since I was 3 years old and turned vegan at 11-12 years old). I have read extensively on this subject and I also read a lot of scientific information (pre-med student!) so I also get overwhelmed by what seems to be a lot of conflicting information. Due to all this conflicting information I would just like to set aside all this information for a while and just follow one program strictly. That would help keep things simple.


Thanks Everybody!

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I read the reviews and websites about Turbulence Training, but have not read the book (there is a PDF sample that I looked at). It seems to be something that someone who wants to have everything laid out for them to do. You will have to change the diet around to fit the vegan way though. You will have to calculate what the protein and carb and fat ratios are for the day and use other foods to get that amount. But the workout is all laid out for you and all you have to do is follow it (which with your schedule is probably a good idea). It is a place to start that is as good as any. Then as you go along, you will find out what works for you and what doesn't (and this will be with anything you start to try out for the first time anyways). You have a learning curve to do. And the learning is your genetics and your lifestyle/environment. One question that comes to mind is can I do all of this workout in the time that is allotted? And how sore will I be the next day, so that I can function in the way I need to? Those are the questions you will answer during your learning curve (and all learning is individual).

And we are all still learning. Yeah!!!!! I love to learn new stuff!!!!

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Obviously the fitness porgram should be no problem for a vegan. But the nutrition aspect always gets me! Any suggestions or links as to what a vegan program should entail. Many of the fitness programs recommend eating every few hours and including protein. Are there any ways to do this without relying much on protein supplements? Anybody out there getting muscular and lean on a vegan fitness? Care to share your experience and what you do?



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