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MaryStella's Triathlon training crossfit endurance

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You're going to have the first EVER 100-page journal in this forum's history! So cool!


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We gotta meet up sometime!

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It felt so good to hit the water again this morning! it seems like its been a long time. I loved being back in the pool. surprisingly my legs were sore from yesterdays endeavor but my shoulder were. Only felt the calves a little but when pushing off the wall. warmup and drills then 3 x 300 yds on 1 min rest.

1 - 5:56

2 -5:45

3 - 5:48 - clipped Jeff, who I was sharing a lane with. thankfully it was the good hand

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Doctor's appointment isnt until monday. Did two short but painful workouts today. Warmed up for about 10 minutes on the trainer then did bike tabata on the trainer. 20 on 10 off for 8 rounds. Painful from round 2 on! Good stuff though. Then 30 goblet sqauts with a 44 lb kettlebell. time 1:41.


Got a great surprise today my tri coach is interested in trying out a vegan diet so I am working with him on it. Surprised excited about that as he is an incredible athlete.



chocolate soymilk

vega wfo. w/coconut water

tempeh bacon

peanut butter

grit tofu

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woke up feeling great today. Wish the race was today instead of tomorrow but I guess I can wait! I just hope I feel this good tomorrow! Went to the pool warmup and drills then 20 minutes with 3 - 25yard sprints. I decided to not tape my hand when swimming today just to see how it felt. it was ok no major issues. Came home and did a 20 minute easy ride on my bike. some of it with the splint on but most of it without it! just to see if I can. Good news - it is much easier to shift and brake the bike without. Easier to ride in general. Bad news when I got done I did feel like there was some swelling etc. from it. Not sure what I am going to do tomorrow. Honestly I want to not wear it and just hope for the best. But it isn;t really healed yet so the safer thing to do might be to wear it. I do think I could make it through the race with it on. Then again I also think I could make it through the race faster without it. Practiced my T2 Transition 10 times. 1 time - bike fell over. 2nd time forgot to take helmet off. Then I did well for awhile until rep 10 when I forgot to put my helmet on to ride. Just a reminder I need to think about all of it still. The race tomorrow is a sprint distance. 750 lake swim, 17 mile bike and a 5k. Curious to see how it's all going to shake out. Im pretty excited for it! With any luck my race report will not be as full of distaster as the anthracite one was.


sprouted grain bagel

chocolate soymilk

2 whole grain waffles

tempeh bacon

peanut butter

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No I don't do that or the side saddle riding to dismount. YET! I started practicing it on my trainer just this week. Will start it outside once I get the splint off. I want it to be the only way I mount/dismount my bike. I won't do it in a race until then. Probably next season unless I get good at it fast. I am not at the point where doing those kind of things will really affect my race time all that much. So I won't risk falling which would take even longer than just running my cleats. Even if I can't run that fast so I don't fall in them. Although I agree totally slick. Good luck to you too! I can't wait to hear your race report!

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Today's tri went well. I was excited to do the race this morning instead of nervous like last time. Didn't feel much like eating so I had some vega sport with coconut water and half a bagel i forced myself to eat and got out the door with all of my tri stuff. Got there with enough time to check in, setup and warmup so no issues there. It was a wetsuit legal race. I decided to go without taping my hand or wearing my splint. Yes I know Im a bad girl. It just too cumbersome so I just tried to be careful. I felt like the swim went well! It was definitely the most agressive open water swimming I did yet. The distance was a short 750 so I just went for it. I think my sighting was the best it's been yet. I caught some of the wave that went off about 6 minutes ahead of us and I think I was in the beginning of my wave getting out of the water!!!! wetsuit came off without any real problems. Headed out on the bike and it began to rain and it rained the entire rest of the day here. Some serious downpours, where when the rain hits you it feels like hail. The bike course was tough! Even though it was only a 17 mile course it was really hilly and I was hurting from the beginning. At first I thought it was because I pushed it on the swim but it was just a lot of climbing. The rain didn't help the situation because when I did get some downhills it was hard to take advantage of them especially since they were curvy winding country roads and had at least 2 - 180 degree turns as well as some other lesser turns off of them. So I put a good bike workout in! My legs were hurting, my heart was thumping, labored breathing but I pushed through. I managed not to crash my bike which was a good thing. Got back to T2 and everything was just soaked! Didn't bother to put my wet socks one just ran with my wet sneakers. Heel hurt on the run. some hills but nothing near the bike course. Both lower legs felt really tight on the run. Overall time was 2:12. Got 4th in my age group. Curious to see the breakout. legs hurt after the race and didn't have much of an appetite for awhile. But overall I feel pretty good now. I posted pix on facebook if anyone wants to check them out, just look me up.


vega sport w/coconut water

half bagel

gatorade on race course (haven't had this in a long long long time didn't feel too)

carob mint date coconut water agave sea salt dulse coconut oil recovery drink

slice-vegan pizza

vega wfo w/coconut water

2 waffles - maple syrup

tempeh bacon - not much couldn't stomach it

guacamole w/ lime corn crackers & steamed broccoli

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headed to the foot dr tomorrow morning. I felt pretty good coming off this race for wilkes-barre tri next weekend. I've used that lake for open water training swims, I've biked the course and I know there are not that many serious hills and I've done part of the run course in a race before. From the parts ive seen there are some hills to deal with but reasonable ones. The big difference I think will be the number of participants.

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@vj & Rc - thanks sooooo much!


@ lobster - Thank you. I am looking forward to seeing my splits to see if it went as well as I think it did. The swim felt good but I know I need work in that area. I just got back in the water a few months ago so It's going fairly well for that amount of time I had doing it. Yeah it was a little long for a spint and those were a hilly 17 miles! I am curious to see what happens next season when hopefully i am healthy. No broken hand and heel spurs. I've got lots of room to improve but it has been a fun first season so far!


I didn't sleep all that well last night. i expected to be more tired. Got myself to bed on time but was up earlier than usual. A little tight when I first got up but nothing more significiant than I would get from a CF workout. Hit the pool. Did my warmup and drills. Then put a tshirt on and did a warmup 50 just to get used to the t shirt and hit a 500TT with the t-shirt on. took 10.21. This is a good improvement over last time I did this workout both timewise and in the way I felt while doing it. I didn't feel as if I was fighting as much to just keep swimming this time around.


4 rounds of

row 200 meters

20 box jumps @ 24 inches

15 ghd situps

lost the time becuase I never stopped my watch. I think it was 11 something.

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I'm curious to see your swim time - you should post that! You did so great! I am so proud of you! You're going to be a great swimmer on our vegan dream team relay team next year.


I found a swim coach here that does 1-on-1 sessions for triathletes, but he wants $138 for a two hour session. I think it includes video though so that would probably be helpful. Although I don't really want to see just how awful my stroke actually looks, haha.

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@lobster - I will post the times when I get them. Looking forward to the VBBF dream team relay next year for sure. I am actually thinking about going to a swim coach during the off season too. Im sure seeing my stroke is going to be scary but facing it is the only way to improve it!


@viva - I didn't pre ride this bike course. That training ride was a bike course for my oly tri this weekend. If I prerode this course I would have known how hilly it was! I like to pre-ride courses if possible so I can check out the hills, any nasty turns, where I can turn it up etc.



I went to the foot doctor and not much to report. I've got stretched and exercises to do, more icing, an rx anti-inflmmatory drug, my night splint, gel pads. Then I think I am going to get new sneakers, and only wear them as much as possible. Of course he wants me to do no running. I am still going to do the races but not run otherwise. I go back in a week. He wouldn't even discuss surgery at this point and said a cortizone shot wouldn't help yet. That I need to work myself back to a place where it can be effective. I was really frustrated when I got out of there and not happy with the way the appt went. I am not sure if i am going to go back next week or go to another doctor. I tried to explain to him that I have already being doing these things and I think I need more aggressive treatment but he wants me to do it his way first and then we can talk about other options when he sees this doesn't work. His whole thing was that running on it stops it from ever healing up so everything that I have been doing is just keeping it somewhat manageable. He also wanted to try orthotics. Ive had them before and I swear they make my feet hurt when I run in them. I am going to take a few days to think about all of it.


chocolate soymilk


sprouted grain bagel

tempeh bacon

vega wfo w/coconut water

enchiladas with tofu, black beans, veggies

peanut butter

thai salad

thai tofu and veggies over brown rice

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