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cutting fat

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I'm new to this board. I'm not really vegan, but I'm seriously considering going vegan because of many many reasons (health being one of them). I'm between 6' and 6'1" and weigh about 180lbs (skinny fat though, cause I look almost normal shirt-on... Somehow I wear size 34 pants, but I definitively don't have a six-pack and have love handles and flabby legs, chest and back of my upper arms). I eat a lot of vegetarian food (There's been times when I don't eat meat for weeks at a time, just tofu, vegetables such as peppers cabbage, lettuce, onions, drink almond milk instead of regular milk and so on. But still eat eggs, but if there were a high-protein low-to-no-carb substitute for it, I'd stop eating eggs too), but it seems to me like it's way too easy to eat too many carbs. I mean, I'm not really a carb-o-phobe, but I work out pretty hard and just can't seem to get lean. I would like to get cut first, then work on bulking. I've done boxing but I think maybe because of my diet and having no heavy weight lifting combined with it, I just never lost a lot of fat.


So, if I were just trying to improve my endurance, or trying to bulk up, I would have no problems, but I would like to cut fat... So what would a good diet look like for me? I know it takes preparation and what not, but despite being willing to learn some recipes and cooking some meals, I have to add that most of the time I just don't have time to do more than going to an asian restaurant and ordering vegetarian, or frying some vegan patties on olive oil and stir-frying some frozen veggies in olive oil... So, will someone give me a hand, please? Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

not being a vegan only makes your plight more difficult at the same time you can store fat in what ever path you take. Now, to answer your question about cutting fat, I'd reccomend 2 ways:


First. The portion size, regularity of meals and caloric intake. Portions should be medium to small and regular 4-6 times a day and you should be burning more calories than your intaking. If you run for a half hour straight and do some lifting then eat a steak (ewww) you defeated the purpose of your "cutting".


Secondly. Weight to rep ratio. I personally (This is my reccomendation, others may disagree) think, Lifting heavy to increase your mass and encorporating cardio will give you your desired results. REason being is, while burning fat your muscle underneath will protrude and take shape. Simple concept.


Good Luck and I hope you leave the animal carcases alone, the discipline that comes along with eating will help you with your exercise goals as well as being a compassionate human being!

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carbs versus fat is not an issue in weight loss, only calories ( energy ). Take in more calories than you need, then you put on fat. Take in fewer calories than you need, you lose fat. Everything else is a gimmick to sell something or make someone feel like they have a magic something or the other.


If you want to clean up your diet and go vegan this is the best info you can start with



Nobody gains or loses muscle without gaining or losing some fat. Bodybuilders put on muscle and fat at the same time then diet down for contests. That is when they get their pictures taken. The rest of the time they don't get photographed if they can avoid it.


The only way to get un-skinny fat is to put on muscle and fat at the same time, diet some of the excess fat off, start building muscle again and repeat to you get to your desired size and body fat percentage.


Your best bet for starting on that road is to get committed, hire a coach in bodybuilding gym, do your own reading, read forums dedicated to bodybuilding ( VBB is a fitness board ) and stay the fuck off drugs, excessive supplements.


Good Luck

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Nobody gains or loses muscle without gaining or losing some fat. Bodybuilders put on muscle and fat at the same time then diet down for contests. That is when they get their pictures taken. The rest of the time they don't get photographed if they can avoid it.


The only way to get un-skinny fat is to put on muscle and fat at the same time, diet some of the excess fat off, start building muscle again and repeat to you get to your desired size and body fat percentage.


Your best bet for starting on that road is to get committed, hire a coach in bodybuilding gym, do your own reading, read forums dedicated to bodybuilding ( VBB is a fitness board ) and stay the fuck off drugs, excessive supplements.


Good Luck

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Nobody gains or loses muscle without gaining or losing some fat. Bodybuilders put on muscle and fat at the same time then diet down for contests. That is when they get their pictures taken. The rest of the time they don't get photographed if they can avoid it.


The only way to get un-skinny fat is to put on muscle and fat at the same time, diet some of the excess fat off, start building muscle again and repeat to you get to your desired size and body fat percentage.


Your best bet for starting on that road is to get committed, hire a coach in bodybuilding gym, do your own reading, read forums dedicated to bodybuilding ( VBB is a fitness board ) and stay the fuck off drugs, excessive supplements.


Good Luck


First I'd like to say I agree stay off of drugs! Hydroxycrap and all thermogenics. But, I disagree with the notion of putting on fat along with muscle. It has some truth to it but there are some factors worth considering like: Body type ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph, plz look these up if your not familiar, its really nothing fancy just a break down of what different ppl's genetics tend to do w/ muscle and fat. Also, your weight lifting sessions burn alot of calories, it's the level of stress you put on the muscle that stimulates growth. So if you lift light weight and run swim or bike. Your doing all cardio since your keeping your heart rate up more than fatiguing the muscle.


Most importantly experiment, use proper form always and do what works for you.

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