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Create me a building program...

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Hey people

I'm wondering if anyone could really give me a good training/building program to get my body good and strong.


A little about me.


I'm 27, though most people see a 22-yearold cos im pretty unravaged by time.


I'm 6ft 3, and I weigh 10 and a half stone, or for you Americans, 66.5 kg. Is that right?


I'm skinny, except the fat around my upper legs.


I weight-lift every day or so, 20lbs weights, I'm not sure what the excersises could be called but i carry em while practicing elbow strikes to someone approaching from behind, and other simple stuff.


I'm going to down-size the weight to 10 for a few days while I start excersising new musclesjust to get em ready.


I'm looking for useful muscle that can be built on rather than anything showoffy,


ie: David Belle, parkour master. Useful, running fighting climbing etc.



I have and until further notice can only afford what I have- hand weights- and that's with a maximum of 25 lb.

oh and i also do this thing where i punch upwards slowly holding 5 lb weight.


What speed do I lift at?

How many sets and reps? Should I just work til it starts to hurt/give in, wait a minute an go again?


I also wouldn't mind some dietry advice, right now I finish my routine then have porrige mixed with a spoon of soya isolate.


I eat as healthy as I can, but I'm poor.





Yorkshire, UK

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I'm afraid a 25lbs dumbbell wont get you fare strength wise. You might want to looking into a bodyweight routine instead seeing as your own weight will provide more resistance. (check out bodyweightculture for inspiration)


If however you decide to invest in a gym membership I'd advise you to go with free weight compound exercises like the squat, deadlift, pull-ups, bench press and Military press (aka overhead press). Go with a 5x5 or 5x3 program like Stronglifts or Starting Strength, both programs are great for developing functional strength and will give you some really good gains, if done properly. As for the diet, just eat and eat lots! you'll need it to recover

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check out your local `for sale` pages in the paper and on the net ( gum tree is good for this). so many people tend to get a set of home free weights and then after they sit there gathering dust for 6 months they sell them! Often you can find the york bar bell/dumb bell sets for sale second hand.this could open some more options. I used to train at a gym but had to quit as i could not afford the fees. I now train at home,no bench just a bar and some dumbells. I cant lift as heavy as i could in the gym so i have to train smart, sometimes you have to adapt to what is available!


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