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Hemp and Coconut Oil

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I have been using Hemp, Quinoa and Coconut oil in many of my dishes and I love it. I don't see many people on this site incorporating them into their diet. Are people just not aware of the nutritional benifits of these foods or are there opintions against using them.

Happy 4th of July.

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I enjoy quinoa.


I don't see any reason to use coconut oil, especially since it is one of the few sources of vegan saturated fat.....no thanks.


I try to get my fats from food so I at least get some nutrition with the calories. Eating oil is like eating sugar, you get just the calories and next to no nutrients. I use little bits of each to enhance the taste of my food, but I try to limit each to a teaspoon per meal.


I think Hemp is overrated as a food. Most Americans, even vegans have a lopsided omega 6 -> omega 3 balance, so even though hemp allegedly has perfectly balanced EFAs my needs are better met using ground flax seeds to get a big boost of omega 3 to even the EFA imbalance out. The other nutrients in hemp seeds are not unique to hemp and can be gotten from far cheaper and more convenient sources.

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I use both..and actually 80% of my total daily calories comes from fat!

I was a little concerned when I analized my diet and went for a blood test about 2 months ago. My bad colesterol was lowish, which is the first time I can say that because I have that faimily inherited colesterol thing when your body just produces a lot of it naturally. Also, my GOOD colesterol was above the recommended limit! My doctor was a little stunned but assured me it was no cause for concern!

By the way, coconut oil protects against muscle loss actually so it's not just empty calories

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I use both..and actually 80% of my total daily calories comes from fat!

I was a little concerned when I analized my diet and went for a blood test about 2 months ago. My bad colesterol was lowish, which is the first time I can say that because I have that faimily inherited colesterol thing when your body just produces a lot of it naturally. Also, my GOOD colesterol was above the recommended limit! My doctor was a little stunned but assured me it was no cause for concern!

By the way, coconut oil protects against muscle loss actually so it's not just empty calories


80% of calories from fat? But why? Is it temporary (eg. for fat loss) or is it your regular diet?

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By the way, coconut oil protects against muscle loss actually so it's not just empty calories


Not even sure what you mean by this.


Sugar also prevents muscle breakdown since the body produces insulin because of the blood sugar rise that occur when consuming carbs. So according to you sugar isn't empty calories either, right?

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