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Need help: Over shotting calorie intake

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So, I am 124lb and I want to weight 150 pounds. So I am trying to gain weight through strength training. I just converted into Vegan about 3 months ago, and just started training regulary again 2 weeks ago.


according to a article I read http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/sculpt_rock_hard_abs/


It states that if I want to weight 150lb I need to consume around 1950 calories a day. (I exercise 4 times a week). You take 1 hour of exercise a day and then add it to 10. So since I work out 4 times a week, it would be 13. Multiply 13 by the weight you wish to have (which is 150 in my case) and I get 1950 calories


For protein I need 150 grams of protein a day (600 calories from protein)

For fat I need 75 grams of fat a day (675 calories from fat)

For Carbs I need about 168.75 grams a day (675 calories from carbs)


So, if I were to divide this into 6 meals... I would get

325 calories per meal

25g of protein per meal

12.5g of fat per meal

33.75g of carbs per meal


but...here is the problem. If I want to get 25 grams of protein per meal the calories go over board! For example...

1 cup of Romain lettuce

1/2 cup quinoa

1/4 cup of almonds

1/2 banana

1tbsp of ground flax seed

blend it all up for a smoothie and...

I am looking at about


700 something calories

23 grams of protein

77 something carbs


So as you can see, I did not even make it to 25 grams of protein and I consumed roughly about 700 in something calories.


And A lot of my meals are like that. When Ever I try to shoot for 25 grams of protein per meal I usually wind up with more calories then what I should be eating. I don't eat any soy products and I don't have any hemp protein, and my budget is not the greatest. I want to avoid things like soy, and protein powders.


Are there any whole food (Raw as well) that is low in calories but high in protein? I have been using Hemp seeds a lot... but it seems that they are really high in calories as well. per 4 tbsp of hemp seeds I get 15 grams of protein and 240 grams of calories


I realize the protein makes up about 4 grams of calories per 1 gram of protein and fat is 9 grams of calories per 1 gram of fat and carbs is 4 grams of calories per 1 gram of carb.


So my questions again


-Are there any whole foods(Raw as well) that is low in calories, but high in protein and that are healthy as well? No soy products or protein powder please (Unless there are no other options)


Thanks for your time

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You might try replacing your quinoa with adzuki, Almonds are around 80% cabs/fat, and only 20% protein by volunme.

Taste will become a factor as you get closer to your goal.



Thanks, but I have another question,

-how does one determine the volume of % of carbs, fat, and protein in food (example, the Almonds example you gave to me)

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