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Body By Ginger, episode 4. I told people that this would be the day that people started hating me...


jog around for a bit. stretch it out/limber it up.


30 meter cones.

bear walk out, crab walk back. 2 each.

lunge out. squat jump back. 2 each.

fireman carry, wheelbarrow back. 2 each. (had Zeman. 285lbs. couldn't get my arms all the way around him well, though...)


then, 70lb sandbag

front squat 8x (instructed to do 5-8) then sprint up the hill. (ha! take that!) x3


then, the lay down, spring up and sprint towards ball carrier. ~20-30 meters. x5 each person.


that was all. nothing SUPER crazy.

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I'm not that tough. When people start to slow down I ease up a bit.


The body by ginger guarantee: I'll never make anyone do something I can't do.


Edit: workout above, the sandbag was dropped before the sprint up the hill, just to clarify! I'm not that crazy!


Also, in a classic example of 'I never learn' I ran around with Bill again and threw/kicked rugby/soccer balls after BBG (the same thing that put me out of commission last week. But I feel good today. Gotta strengthen the weak bits!).

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Today was a designated "find out one rep max's and then work myself into the ground day." I did both.

I told myself I would be happy with 250 squat, 300 dead and 150 bench...


200 on the nose bodyweight.


15 pull ups (neutral grip)

Squat. 1x10 @ 135 for warm up. 1x5 @ 225. 1x1 at 250. 1x1 @265. attempted 275 twicebut stalled and failed both. 265 max. cooled down with 3 front squats/push press w/knee kick(thrusters, mary?) @ 135. Then 20 reps @ 135lbs. (backsquat)


deadlift. 1x5 @ 225. 1x1 @ 275. failed the rest. started at 325, then down to 300, then down to 295 and couldn't do it. I could probably do more than 275 if I went up instead of down though. Next time.


I saved bench for later because it sucks and i wanted a spotter.


overhead press. 1x6, 1x6, 1x5 @ 95


row. 1x9, 1x9, 1x8 @ 115


shrugs. 3x10. 75lb dumbells.


tri pullovers. 1x13, 1x8 @ 65lbs.


I did curls today too. why not. like I said. into the ground. 1x12, 1x10, 1x8 @ 70lbs


Now was bench. 1x5 @135, 1x1 @145, 1x1 155, 1x1@ 160, 1x1 @ 165. Max 165


Leg Press for kickers (even though 20 rep set of squats burned a good one. only 2 plates per side (+118lb machine = 343 lb total). 1x50 calf raise. 1x50 both legs. 1x20 each leg single and then 1x50 both legs to finish (literally) my legs.


then I waddled on the treadmill for a few minutes to undo the hurt.


Pretty ok with my results. 705 for a total I'm ok with for now. I'll check this once a month.


BBG tomorrow should be fun!!!

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Next time Mary, next time. I'll show those weights who's boss!


Body by Ginger!!!


passed a rugby ball for a solid half hour. then went for a short jog.


then did some buddy carries and wheelbarrows (meesh, 190lbs. downgrade! no one big showed up )

then some lunges and squat jumps (still the squat jump champion)


more sandbag action, front squats then hill sprint x4 each


then 3x lay on the ground, spring up sprint 30 meters each person.


Not too hard, but those front squat/hill sprints make me want to try. or walk. Funny thing is, it's like stair running. Going DOWN is so much worse than going up.


Next BBG is a special edition challenge day. Exciting stuff. Will try to take pictures. It'll need to be documented.

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Thanks Chewy, you're a big inspiration.



Mary, I like running stairs too!




   /ˈmæsəˌkɪzəm, ˈmæz-/ [mas-uh-kiz-uhm]


2) gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself, either as a result of one's own actions or the actions of others, esp. the tendency to seek this form of gratification.


Gratification, by definition, isn't necessarily sexual. Therefore, pick the appropriate part. just the hurting oneself and others putting us in the hurt locker.


Good times.

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today. kind of a disappointing day in the gym, but it's because I had a pretty intense day in the gym on tuesday, bookended with BBG's. UNLIKE MARY, I need a rest day every now and then! tomorrow. and saturday. then one of my fitness minded friends (and coworkers) are going to put each other through the ringers of our routines (he's a dumbell believer...) That should be interesting experience.


anyhow, to the topic at hand


199.5 bodyweight.


squat. 1x10 @ 135. 1x5 @ 225 (shouldn'ta done that) 2x5 @ 245. 1x3,f @ 245

deadlift. 2x5 @ 250 mixed grip. (grip held. mega cool!)

clean/front squat (not hang clean. from floor each rep) 2x5 @ 135

overhead press. 1x4, 1x1 @ 115 (ugh. didn't it. I blame the cleans right before)

bb row. 3x5 @ 115

leg press. 1x50 calf raises. 1x50 both leg, 1x20 single leg, 1x50 both leg. @363

tri pullover. 3x5 @ 75

curls ( ;( ) 3x5 @ 80

shrugs 3x10 @ 75's

bench 3x5 @ 140


that's all.


yeah buddy. REST DAYS!!!!

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Thanks Lobster! (and ok, fine mary. you took A rest day this year, and you also had heel spurs AND a broken thumb. You're just tough, that's all, we've been saying it since well before I got here!)


Rugby clip for your viewing pleasure. My two favorite players (Shane Horgan, #14and Brian O'Driscoll - also physique ideals, to be honest, but I'm not 6'4, ala shane, nor as stout as brian. )



Anyhow, special edition BBG is the Pocket Challenge. we've got a guy on the team that's 5'4 and 154 lbs. His nickname is Pocket. (not because he's so small, but because he peed in some guys pocket at a bar. classy dudes)


Round one, Squat him. Backs (smaller faster guys, generally) 10x and forwards (bigger slower guys, generally) 15x. I realize 154 isn't much weight, but it's human shaped and balanced weight, so it'll be harder. awesome!


round two, race him. One at a time for 30 meters. backs first to tire him out, then forwards.


Beat him, and then it's the final round. Everyone does a plank at the same time. Last person standing (planking) wins my $50. (If I win my own money I'll be upset, but that's fine. )


Should be fun, and a good bonding experience. Pocket has agreed to all of this. It's also challenge day at BBG. If you've ever wanted to call out a teammate, this is your day to do it. Foot race, pushups, wrestling, whatever. Now's your change to prove you're better.


I'm excited. and pictures will illustrate the size difference between guys on a rugby pitch.

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today was AWESOME! trained with buddy brian. only had time for my routine, though. he was into it. went as expected. he was ahead me on arm lifts, but i crushed him on leg lifts. training with a partner is AMAZING!


squat 1x10 @ 135, 3x5 @ 245, 1x20 @ 135

dead 2x5 @ 260

tri pullover. 1x5 @ 75, 2x5 @ 80

bench. 1x5, 1x4, 1x4 @ 155 (happy with that.)

shrugs. 3x10 @ 75's

bb row 3x 5 @ 115

overhead press 3x5 @ 105

some towel pullups.


think that's all.


OH! and 202lb bodyweight on a sunday morning! that's big. i tend to not eat and drink as much on weekends. Ive neever had to click over to the 200lb notch on the scale before. happy day.

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I didn't win. Pictures are on my facebook page. I made an album, but I'll post another one here...


squat pocket 15 times. Not so hard. I got to 10 and everyone expected me to stop (i'm a back..) but today I voiced my desire to play #8. take that, team!

Sprint pocket. We had to redo, since I told pocket to start on pause, rather than engage (we used "crouch. touch. pause. engage" as a count. ex and current rugby players will get it...). No one had time to catch him, so he beat everyone. It was hilarious. BUT, we redid and about 3 or 4 backs beat him and 4 forwards did. It was a lot of fun.


Then we planked. started wiht a front plank, then side planks, rotating through. after a minute he said hold the front plank, and the winner held it for another couple minutes for a, i believe 3:40 seconds of planking. it was nutz. I was out at about the 2.5 minute mark. I'm too long to do that crap!


It was awesome. Hugo won. pictures to follow.

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no pictures of the footrace. It would be pretty boring. Hugo is the guy in blue. big champ!

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Thanks Lobster. it was a lot of fun.


today, on the other hand totally blew/blows.


back is sore from sunday/monday duo. I wasn't super psyched about the gym at all, but then my semi-recently ex wife tells me she went on a few dates with someone. that was unexpected and totally ruined my day. Oh well. Back to the "you can't break a stone heart" way of thinking.


SO, I came home pretty depressed and promptly took a nap to tune out the world. Woke up at 6:30 and said "fuck it, i might as well do something". I wasn't into lifting heavy today, so I did a trial run of the German Volume Training thing I'll be doing soon.


Legs and shoulders.

Squat/ham curl superset. 10x10 each. 135 and 90lbs respectively. weights too low on this. and i stopped at the bottom of my squat to force myself to start from a dead stop at the way bottom each rep.


then shoulder press and front/side raises. 5x10 each. 75 and 15's respectively.


That's all. It wasn't very bad at all. I think I need to go heavier or be patient. At least i did SOMETHING...

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