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Hello, I'm very excited because finally i have decided to go do some workout.

My plan is going 4 days a week from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. and 2 days of running at the park.


Any suggestions of what kind of routine should i do? I want to start with some muscle gaining

What should i eat? any supplements?

Soy protein, creatin?


Any help would be very appreciated.


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If you're new to lifting, compound exercises (squats/deadlift/bench press/overhead press) are great. Any program that centers around the main lifts are good for starting out (usually 3 days/week, and an hour will be plenty for these workouts - Stronglifts and Starting Strength are great programs).


Supplements/powder isn't essential when you're starting out. Just start phasing into eating more frequent meals (6-8) of between 15-25g protein per meal and you'll start noticing a difference right away.


Beans/grains (brown rice/quinoa)/nuts/seeds/soy products are great for protein and most of these are cheap too.

Remember to eat loads of veg and include dark leafy greens into your diet.


I like your enthusiasm, good luck!

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Oh wow, that's a great help! Much appreciated.

I'm looking forward to start training, tomorrow is my first day!


I'll be posting how's everything going and if i have some new questions.



This is from where i get all my motivation every morning:


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  • 3 weeks later...
I like the part:

"No alcohol, no weed, no cigarettes, no E, no milk, no cheese, no eggs, no meat, just meditation and peace. Red lentils, chick peas, good workout, good sleep, more sunshine, light breeze.


Uh-huh! And the "Thats why I had to stop drinking. Cuz when I start drinking is when I stop thinking" part.

Not that I feel identified with that... ...but yeah.

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