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Need help making it work!!


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I have tried unsuccessfully to be full blown vegan. It seems so difficult to find things to eat and I'm so hungry I just eat whatever is available! Recently I had a baby and am breast feeding. I have been trying to start a body building routine. I don't like to be skinny at all!! I think a woman with curves looks beautiful. But I find that if I do a "diet" I lose pounds of muscle and just look flabby and when I eat regularly I get chubby. There must be a happy medium!! I joined this forum in the hopes that I find encouragement and am able to achieve my goals.. To some degree!!



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You can do it, sounds like you just need a plan of some sort. I try not to think of eating clean (and vegan) and working out regularly as a diet, but instead a lifestyle change. Figure out what your goals are and go from there. Looking at everything at once can be overwhelming, but you have to figure out what works for you personally. This site and all of the members are tremendously helpful and motivating. Welcome to the clan! Best of luck to you.

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Thanks for your warm welcome...Its true!! Its a lifestyle change. I know when I used to eat tacos the beans and veggies were my favorite and I used to take out the meat. I didn't know anything about being vegan.. I actually like to workout but I find it difficult to work out in the gym. all the guys look at you so strange like some how you don't deserve to lift weights!! And many ladies don't want to work out with weights for fear of being bulky. Then I try to work out at home and I get hungry.. LOL! I am very motivated however by everyones before and after pictures.. I hope to have some of those as well....

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Hi there!


I agree with everything Barb has already said.


Don't worry about getting weird looks in the gym if you are lifting weights - just concentrate on what YOU are doing, not on what other people are doing. I know that's easier said than done. Get a good weight lifting routine and stick with it for a few weeks.


As for food, if you find you 'slip' when you are hungry and just grab what is available, make sure there is always healthy vegan food available. Fruits, cut-up veggies with hummus, etc. These are easy things to snack on when you are hungry. When I cook meals I always cook extra...that way I can put some food in the freezer. Then someday when I am busy and I don't have time to cook, voila, there is a healthy meal already prepared for me!


And congrats on your baby.

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Today I had about .. well too many roasted pumpkin seeds... They really helped me out throughout the day but I understand they are very caloric!! I ate berries with them.. Black berries blue berries.. YUMMY.... Its very hard to lift weights in an almost all male section of the gym! they always want to come over and "help" you do it correctly or tell you to stop because you will look like a man etc... I will have to revert to working out at home. Its just too distracting... Thanks for the congrats.. He is the love of my life!!! I did pretty well today had a chick pea salad and that pretty much filled me up.. I will keep at it!!

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Don't let those guys stop you from lifting! My gym is a similar situation, weight area mostly male dominated, but even though it can be intimidating I keep going. I just crank up my music and go about my business. Sometimes if I can't get to the gym I do work out at home with free weights, but I like using all the equipment at the gym. Good luck no matter what you decide.

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I am going to give it another shot.. I really enjoy lifting weights! I feel like I'm doing something. Sometimes when I take an aerobic class and I don't feel sore or anything I just feel like I wasted my time. I'm trying to find a way not to eat to much fat and eat enough protein. I absolutely love nuts and nut butters and bread but I do understand that is not going to work!! I spent about 3 months in the past as a raw vegan and I was super thin in a good way. I had curves and a small waist but I was so tired of preparing food and I would get stomach aches from eating raw nuts and carrots and things. But I may have to go back to that if I see that I don't start getting trimmer.... Lets see what comes of it!

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You might try vegweb.com for more recipes so you can have more variety.


Sorry all the guys are hasslin' you at the gym! I'm the only girl powerlifter at my gym, but people just leave me alone nowadays. I kind of have a determined scowl on my face the whole time. Seems to work for me.

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