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Hello from PA! Warning: long introduction!


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Hi all!


I have been an (aspiring) bodybuilder for 20+ years, never really quite making the connection...Did the creatine/whey protein/vanadyl sulfate and a laundry list of other supplements that never really did much for me.


I have been vegan for 10 years, 95% raw for about 1.5 years. At one point during my lifting "career" I was 199 lb. 15" arms, 35" waist, 21" thighs. I am 5' 8 1/2". From those stats, you can see what I mean by not being able to make the connection.


Right now, I am about 160 lb. 14" arms, 33" waist, 19.5" thighs.


Classify me as a hardgainer with a slight belly that I need to get rid of! After going vegan/raw, I have become more lean/toned, but still have that slight belly that needs to go.


I work out at home with a power rack/free weights, as well as the versa-bell dumbells.


Actually, I was kinda giving up on the "getting big" idea, since it never seemed to materialize for me, no matter what I did or tried. I've been down the Weider principles road, Mike Mentzer "Heavy Duty", Bill Phillips, & others, nothing seems to really work for me.


Oh yeah, also David Wolfe/Steve Arlin - "Raw Power"...



After recently viewing a youtube vid with Robert Cheeke, I have become "re-inspired", if you will.


So, that's where I'm at. 43 yrs. old, slight bulge belly, have the energy & stamina of a 25 yr. old...


Can this work for me? Can I get fit, lean, strong, & BIG? I got the healthy part down, I never get sick...



Even though I get discouraged with the minimal gains, I will not throw in the towel. I appreciate any and all information. I will be sure to check through the threads & look foward to chatting with you all.


Feel free to comment/suggest.




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wow, this was like deju vu. I'm an ex-Philly boy and back when I was in college our stats are pretty darn close. I did the whole mentzer thing and if you recall cybergenics (holy crap that was painful)! The upside with your height and proportions you probably have strong legs for your size. I know I always did, leverage, psychological or whatever. I'm sure you'll get lots of other advice but I jumped from 160 to 175 while staying cut by getting back to basics. Before anyone says it for bodybuilders going from 160 to 175 not that impressive, but I was stuck for at least a year like this.


First and foremost I went back to big movements, 5 sets of dropset squats (worked up to 405) or 90% max until positive failure strip down half the weight to 225, for example, and squat to positive failure, back out of the rack and squat without weight until you can't push yourself away from the floor, superset 2-3 sets of leg extension/curls (I did a triple drop on these if you have a spotter), 4 sets of calf raises. heavy bench and flyes (dropset the flyes). And the last thing that finally started adding weight...I added in deadlifts (I could only work up to 275lb), pullups, and bent rows.


I did bi's and tri's every couple of weeks just for fun and to change up the routine. I eradicated any cable or pully movements during this 6 weeks. I cycled this 6 by 4 weeks of my old workout then 6 again. Yes it took about 16weeks for me to gain. I was also doing a lot of training for martial art tournaments and didn't bump my diet up. So lots of extra aerobics so you may pack on more than 15.


I can't stress this part enough...do not break form. If you feel your form break I consider that reaching positive failure!!


have fun - keep us posted.

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cybergenics - lol, I forgot about that. Yeah, I did 2 of those kits, never ended up looking like the "after" pics though...


I recently returned to the "big/basic" movements as you mentioned;

bench, squats, cleans, & deadlifts. They are feeling good right now, really bringing out a "hardness" to the muscles.


I know too often we can get stuck in a routine & our progress stagnates, I am guilty of that.

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