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Out best friends are tortured death in Phlippine


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For example, when I spoke about SOME homeless people with mental problem, Jay quickly accused me of discriminating homeless people.

Somebody needed to point to Jay that Violet said SOME homeless people have mental problem and cannot be responsible pet owners.

What the heck are you talking about? Let me guess, you've mixed me up with some other poster.



Yes, Violet, you have mixed Jay up with Jonathan. Jay said nothing of this sort. And he defended you on more than one occasion so your assertion that he has a personal dislike for you is ridiculous Violet.


So once again, the story plays out as it usually does - you have misspoken and should apologize. Not that I think Jay is particularly interested in your apology and I dont blame him.

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Cactus and comet:


On the issue of hunting to preserve species and all that, I dont have an informed opinion because I am not informed on the environmental arguments in favour of hunting to preserve and all that stuff. But my response would be to choose the soundest sollution that is most consistent with an animal rights position. And of course, any option that involves needless suffering I would dismiss out of hand because there is simply no excuse (other than monetary gain) to not be compassionate and humane.


As far as the wearing of animal products, I agree with what was said. If you owned an item before you went vegan, then just wear it until it gets old and throw it out (unless you are rich and can afford replacing everything asap). The only concern with this would be that you are "advertising" wool by wearing it. Nevertheless, we do what we can and some of us just cant afford to throw away clothes that are still wearable.


However, what is obviously unacceptable is BUYING from, and thereby supporting, animal products industries AFTER you become vegan.


my two cents

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Reasons why I dislike Asia....freaking sick. I remember one Filipino telling me that they torture the dog because it brings out more flavor. Talk about savages.



kollision, exactly!

If I said what you said, some people on this forum attacked me and called me racist.

Edited by violet13
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compassionategirl, please stop sounding like you are biggest boss on this forum.

If I am confusing between Jay and Jonathan, I apologize but you never got confused about something in your life?

I know you are one of moderator but it is not necessary for you to sound like biggest boss on this forum.


Jay is asking Robert to ban me.

Does he sound like he is defending me?

I am sure not everybody on this forum is hateful and against me but only handful of people who are vocal.

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Violet there is no way you are insane!! I am in much the same position as you with people telling me I need to control my anger. I still have not made peace with my family because I cannot stand to see day after day they continue to support and finance the evil industries I fight to bring down.


It enrages me more than anything when people speak about compassion towards animal abusers, when people say things like "we must not stoop to their level", "We should not fight violence with violent", "I don't condone illegal activity" etc. Why people cannot comprehend that violence is the only language these bastards understand is beyond me. I wish for nothing but suffering for animal abusers. I know it won't bring animals back and I can't explain why I feel like this other than to say I feel so overwhelmed with rage and thoughts of revenge that I need a release for it all.


There is no way I can show love and compassion towards animal abusers. In a way I still love my family but not the way I used to before I was aware of the extent animal abuse is ingrained in our society. My mum says she wishes I'd never got involved in animal rights and things could be the way they used to be. What she really means is she wishes we could all carry on supporting animal abuse without thinking about our actions. I feel that if she truly loved me she would at least cut down on dairy consumption and cut out eggs and fish which she only has once or twice a week anyway. I love my animals but the only person I truly love is my vegan son.


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I do not think you are insane. I think you need to find a harness for your anger...and when you do you will be unstoppable. You are most awesome Violet, you have what so many lack...a firey passion.



I asked people on other forum about how they view my messages because I get so much hate and criticism from some people on this forum.

It is very interesting to know that different forum has different group of people and interpret my messages totally differently than some people on this forum.

The reason why I am copying messages of other people is because I just wanted to show difference in people and that is all.

Don't worry, I already asked permission to copy their messages on this forum.

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"I still have not made peace with my family because I cannot stand to see day after day they continue to support and finance the evil industries I fight to bring down."


Gee, I may as well not contact my family, friends or anyone who isn't already vegan because they must not be worth knowing or speaking to. Whoever said this is going to be one lonely person and will probably burn out before they make any major accomplishments for the movement.



"It enrages me more than anything when people speak about compassion towards animal abusers, when people say things like "we must not stoop to their level", "We should not fight violence with violent", "I don't condone illegal activity" etc. Why people cannot comprehend that violence is the only language these bastards understand is beyond me."


Obviously, if this person believes that violence is the only way to combat violence then they have a lot of things that are beyond them. Hmmmm....I wonder why people who used nonviolent activism are remembered and revered while those who go out of their way to use violence to fight back are rarely discussed. There can be instances where it is necessary to fight, but stating that it is the only way is absurd and directly contradicts the main philosophy of veganism, which is to lead a compassionate lifestyle. Very silly indeed that someone would say these things.


"I wish for nothing but suffering for animal abusers. I know it won't bring animals back and I can't explain why I feel like this other than to say I feel so overwhelmed with rage and thoughts of revenge that I need a release for it all."


Again, a statement made on emotion and lacking in all rationality. I support direct action for the animals, but I do not support and condone direct violence in any way and this should not be the face of the movement. When non-vegans picture the stereotypical "insane activist" that they use for their resoning on why they think veganism is stupid, this is the kind of person they describe. Why does the image of veganism need to be hurt with this kind of stupidity?


"There is no way I can show love and compassion towards animal abusers. In a way I still love my family but not the way I used to before I was aware of the extent animal abuse is ingrained in our society. My mum says she wishes I'd never got involved in animal rights and things could be the way they used to be. What she really means is she wishes we could all carry on supporting animal abuse without thinking about our actions. I feel that if she truly loved me she would at least cut down on dairy consumption and cut out eggs and fish which she only has once or twice a week anyway. I love my animals but the only person I truly love is my vegan son."


It gets even more ridiculous here. This person bascially says that if you aren't already vegan then you don't deserve love or respect because every action that's not vegan is a crime to them. Why would you hate your family or love them less because you decided to go vegan and they have not? Why not use your own learnings of injustice toward animals to teach with compassion rather than drive people away with hatred? I have never, EVER heard of someone going vegan because someone insulted them or told them they're worthless because they still consume animal prdoducts. I do not believe that this tactic has EVER worked. Why would anyone want to quote a person who adopts this attitude and use them for a reference?


Violet, this person sounds more like a time bomb waiting to explode moreso than anyone who really cares about compassion. They spew hatred at every chance, which only makes them hate even more. It is okay to be angry, but to be angry at everyone who is not the same as you is just plain wrong, and this person sounds borderline crazy. I certainly hope that this isn't the only person who has offered support for the way you phrase things because they are one of the types of AR folk I do not wish to associate with (and most everyone I know in the AR community feels quite the same). Even the people I've met who have participated in direct action doing things such as animal release have a compassionate side which drives them, not a side to do it out of hatred and anger first and foremost.


Funny, this person you quoted sounds amazingly like some of the AR-infiltrators I've heard about who actually get into organizations to try and incite people to violent acts purely to damage the movement. I'd be very, very careful about associating with anyone like this.

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Ok VE, I think I caught up to what was going on on this thread.



To tell you all the truth, I have no problem with Violets outlook on it. It is her own opinion and she can justify it for whatever reasons. It's like making peace with a child molester/rapists, a lot of people are just not going to do it. So what is the difference if she feels the same way to people that abuse animals? At least she is not blaming people that are innocent or lack the knowledge there of.


However, I do think that a lot of the arguments here is due to misinterpretation as well as perhaps too quick to comment without analyzing or thinking on what the other person may have meant to have said. I can say that I have gotten in a few arguments over such things on other forums because the internet is not really the best way to relay your opinions. I can type one thing and you can interpret it a different way.


All I can say is that this is Violets outlook, and she is vegan. Sometimes violence is the only answer, and sometimes it is not. When you see that things do not change and you rally over and over again, then the likely hood of violence will be even greater. Sometimes it is the only choice of action. At the same time, a peaceful protest may be better for the "image" of the movement and community as well as changing other peoples hearts which would normally may not have happen if done by force.


If you say "Death to Child Molestors", then "Death to animal abusers" should be allowed.

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Ok VE, I think I caught up to what was going on on this thread.



To tell you all the truth, I have no problem with Violets outlook on it. It is her own opinion and she can justify it for whatever reasons. It's like making peace with a child molester/rapists, a lot of people are just not going to do it. So what is the difference if she feels the same way to people that abuse animals? At least she is not blaming people that are innocent or lack the knowledge there of.


However, I do think that a lot of the arguments here is due to misinterpretation as well as perhaps too quick to comment without analyzing or thinking on what the other person may have meant to have said. I can say that I have gotten in a few arguments over such things on other forums because the internet is not really the best way to relay your opinions. I can type one thing and you can interpret it a different way.


All I can say is that this is Violets outlook, and she is vegan. Sometimes violence is the only answer, and sometimes it is not. When you see that things do not change and you rally over and over again, then the likely hood of violence will be even greater. Sometimes it is the only choice of action. At the same time, a peaceful protest may be better for the "image" of the movement and community as well as changing other peoples hearts which would normally may not have happen if done by force.


If you say "Death to Child Molestors", then "Death to animal abusers" should be allowed.


The quotes I had referred to are not actually from Violet, but from someone she was using to defend her attitudes and state that others agree with her. I simply stated back that I think someone so inciteful to violence should not be considered a good referral - allying with one so prone to violence is not what I consider a good way to keep a compassionate heart. It's her choice, but me, I'd rather befriend people who are following their hearts to do good because they believe it is right, not follow those that are using violence as a tool to eliminate their frustrations even if the cause is "noble".


People here respected Violet's stance, but she at times was saying inciteful things to others that they were basically not doing enough if they did not feel the same way. That's where the tension surrounding her posts comes from. There's no question, the language situation has proven to be barrier, but people have directly pointed out what she's done to offend those who are hard-working vegan activists, and still she insists on continuing to act the same and occasionally make things up regarding what she believes are being said regarding her. I have respect for everyone, but once they stop being respectful back at the request of the majority my attitude changes and I won't treat them with kid gloves. I treat her the same way that I would if a meat-eater came here and said inciteful things without really understanding why people were getting worked up over it - I've tried to point out the problem with her approach a few times, but she diverts attention and says that we're "attacking" her and "questioning her intelligence" which has not been done once. Questioning the way she's talking to people on the same side, yes, but never questioning her reasoning for feeling the way she does. She takes criticism of her dialoge tactics personally and looks for reasons to feel hurt rather than acknowledging what exactly it is she does that makes people uneasy. If only she'd listen to what's being said and either agree that people would prefer a different tone or say "This is how I am and how I'll talk to you whether you like it or not!" would be fine, so long as we could just get closure on it. Rather, it keeps dragging out because she dodges the issue at hand that has caused the problems and invents new problems that did not exist, making constructive dialoge very difficult.


Though, I can't agree with the comparison between child molesters/rapists and those who are not vegan, whether people know about the cruelty or not. I knew about the injustices to animals long before I went vegan, but I do not consider myself a "criminal" during that time simply because I had knowledge. If all it took was to impart wisdom on someone to cause change and draw a line in the sand over being good/bad things would be a lot more simple, but that's just not the case. Adopting an attitude of this nature instantly makes everyone the enemy except for existing vegans, and eliminates the ability to draw people into the lifestyle for the right reasons. Activism is a tricky situation and different people need to be handled differently (and I do agree, there may be a need for violence in rare extreme circumstances, but only when there is absolutely no other option left available). But, for those who believe it to be the best method, I say these people are just as bad as those who they stand against. Just as there is a massive majority of vegans who are good people, there are also vegans who are very bad people as well - simply standing behind the motto of "Do it for the animals' sake" does not make someone nice, pure or likeable if they have a heart that's in it for the wrong reasons. I've met a few vegans in my years who I will never speak to again because of the attitudes they held that conflicted with my beliefs on compassion for all, as they only held compassion for those who were already vegan and had utter contempt for all others. Wallowing in hatred only breeds more hate - I've been there in my younger days, and I've never met anyone who thinks in such a way that ends up making a positive impact. Maybe there are a few out there who have, but I sure can't think of any in comparsion to those who used kindness to win over the enemy.


To cap it off, I don't say "death" to anyone - that'd go against the philosophy I've changed my life to model after. There's no place for hatred in the veganism I follow, so I don't go that route.

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Thanks for summing it all up VE.


After considering her first post in regards to Jay, I can see what you mean, however I still think there may have been miscommunication and perhaps a little "bad blood" from past threads, which makes people automatically assume (from either side).


As far as needing other peoples writings to show that she is right, I believe that the same can be done even for non-vegans if that is the case then. It is not valid to write other peoples ideas, because there are always other sides to the coin. It's like a Muslim stating, "Christians are bad", but then when a fellow Muslim does something they say, "Thats not true Islam". I hope that analogy made sense.


As far as her being mad and violent, I bet a lot of us inside perhaps feel the same way, but we refrain from unleashing it on the board because then it would be a very unwelcoming place to those that are new, as well as other members who might feel like theres just not enough love going around.


Also as far as "You saying...." I didn't mean to point it at you and sorry if you got the idea that I was. I meant in general in how a lot of people say such things like, "Cut off his genitals" and stuff like that, yet when it comes to veganism, we are severly limited due to the medias representation of us and such.


I agree that activism is tricky, but I also agree that different approaches may change people. For example, one approach may work on one person than another, yet a different approach may work on that person. Some people will change on their own by formulating it themselves, or some may be easier changed by having it forced in front of their face since they either try to avoid it so they don't think of it, or they just never knew. I personally am not a fan of "Forcing it", however, like I said, if we can do things on other subjects, why not Veganism? It's a toughie.


Also, I agree with you on there being some, "Not so nice Vegans".


The knowledge part is a big deal to me. It's like committing a wrong doing. You can allow someone to die, and you knew they were going to die but you did nothing, comparing that to the person dying yet you had no knowledge of it. Of course the two are very different situations and that is what I meant. If you have the knowledge that this is wrong, why do you participate in it? Is it for the pleasure? If that's the case, what is the difference of molesting a child, you are fullfilling another pleasure, just in a different way. In both cases, you are hurting and affecting someone else. If course that's just my belief on the issue. I know a lot of "non vegans" would be outraged at that statement, reasons being that they do not want to be brought done to that level (not saying you, I mean others). We all have our different opinions on the issues, but we are all vegans trying to make it better for the animals. Again sorry VE if you were confused on my response, it was in no way directed at you.







Violet, instead of what VE said about dodging it, just try and bring peace between all of the forums with you. We are all vegans and are looking for better life for animals, so we are not against you at all. We all have our stance in Veganism, some more right than others, and some more left than others. However, I can see where they are getting the bad vibes from you, and I still think it may be miscommunication and/or perhaps a bit of not wanting to admit mistakes on either side. Either way, like I said, we are all vegans and theres no need to accuse any one here of doing anything bad since we all (at least I hope) try to strive our lives to not depend on the animals and cause them more harm for our own sakes. Also helping out by sending letters, petitions, etc. So theres no need to feel like you are the outcast here, just come and explain why you may have typed whatever you did so we can understand where you are coming from. A lot of us have deep anger and perhaps far more than that than you think, you are not alone at all. The problem is that you just unleash it on us, and we share the same views as you in terms of Veganism, a lot of people can take offense to that. A lot matters in terms of how you word things, which I have learned numerous times. I think that a lot of what you posted wasn't directed to others, and therefore they thought it was, and that is how the arguments started. Either way, lets find a peaceful resolution to this so we can all live in harmony (at least on the boards that is )

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Though, I can't agree with the comparison between child molesters/rapists and those who are not vegan, whether people know about the cruelty or not. I knew about the injustices to animals long before I went vegan, but I do not consider myself a "criminal" during that time simply because I had knowledge.


I don't think Kollision was comparing the severity of the crime of being a child molester/rapist to the crime of being an animal abuser. How I interpreted it was that if people are free and able to proclaim and announce their belief of 'Death to Child Molestors', they/other people should also be allowed to say 'Death to animal abusers' if that is what they/other people also believe.

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Reasons why I dislike Asia....freaking sick. I remember one Filipino telling me that they torture the dog because it brings out more flavor. Talk about savages.

Kollision it's not every single person in Asia, so why lump everyone all together ? It's sick individuals from every part of the world that abuse and torture those less defenseless every day.


I too was horrified, sickened, outraged, angry when I found out what they do to those poor dogs to "make the meat taste better." I called the consulate of the country in question and spoke with someone, who repeatedly assured me that not everyone ate cats and dogs and that these cat and dog markets have been banned. Unfortunately some sick individuals still carry them out as some "set in the old ways" will not stop. I HATE that it happens, I DEPLORE the people who do it, and if I let myself think too long and hard about it.....I'd go insane ! However, I don't hate, blame or lump everyone in that country as sick and evil, because there are people and groups in that country fighting to end these atrocities as well. You want to make a difference ? Stop insulting the country as a whole and support those people and organizations.

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I don't think Kollision was comparing the severity of the crime of being a child molester/rapist to the crime of being an animal abuser. How I interpreted it was that if people are free and able to proclaim and announce their belief of 'Death to Child Molestors', they/other people should also be allowed to say 'Death to animal abusers' if that is what they/other people also believe.


Correct. As far as to "Which is worse" that's up to each person to decide. I personally do not see it as being any better than rapists, but the point I was trying to make is exactly as you said it.



Kollision it's not every single person in Asia, so why lump everyone all together ? It's sick individuals from every part of the world that abuse and torture those less defenseless every day.


I too was horrified, sickened, outraged, angry when I found out what they do to those poor dogs to "make the meat taste better." Crying or Very sad I called the consulate of the country in question and spoke with someone, who repeatedly assured me that not everyone ate cats and dogs and that these cat and dog markets have been banned. Unfortunately some sick individuals still carry them out as some "set in the old ways" will not stop. I HATE that it happens, I DEPLORE the people who do it, and if I let myself think too long and hard about it.....I'd go insane ! zwangsjacke However, I don't hate, blame or lump everyone in that country as sick and evil, because there are people and groups in that country fighting to end these atrocities as well. You want to make a difference ? Stop insulting the country as a whole and support those people and organizations.


What I mean is in regards to their customs and traditions. Of course it is not "All" of the people there, but it is the custom.


To each country has it's own and I am sick with everyone of them.


I don't mind insulting a country whos custom it is do that. I'll support the groups, just not the country. Same as I'll talk bad about America and it's factory farms, and do whatever else I see that is evil.


As far as the consolate, that's what they tell you, which is far from the truth.

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Crash, knowing statement is made by somebody else who defended me, why did you keep posting 'Violet wrote' before you copied somebody else's statement?

You even responded me by pretending statements were made by me.



Tonight I saw cock fight in New Mixico.

That sadistic sickening expression of basterd made me feel like slashing his throat but of course I am not foolish enough to go jail for basterd.

I don't know why people in New Mexico allow such sickening sadistic barbarity in their state but knowing New Mexico is poor state, my guess is they have many corrupted politicians who do anything for $$$$$$$$$$$.

I strongly support death penalty for animal abusers and killers if it is possible by law.

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Crash, knowing statement is made by somebody else who defended me, why did you keep posting 'Violet wrote' before you copied somebody else's statement?

You even responded me by pretending statements were made by me.

Violet ......which statement are you talking about and where did I post "Violet wrote", copied somebody else's statements and pretended they were made by you ? Please point out exactly where I did this.

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The knowledge part is a big deal to me. It's like committing a wrong doing. You can allow someone to die, and you knew they were going to die but you did nothing, comparing that to the person dying yet you had no knowledge of it. Of course the two are very different situations and that is what I meant. If you have the knowledge that this is wrong, why do you participate in it? Is it for the pleasure? If that's the case, what is the difference of molesting a child, you are fullfilling another pleasure, just in a different way. In both cases, you are hurting and affecting someone else. If course that's just my belief on the issue. I know a lot of "non vegans" would be outraged at that statement, reasons being that they do not want to be brought done to that level (not saying you, I mean others). We all have our different opinions on the issues, but we are all vegans trying to make it better for the animals. Again sorry VE if you were confused on my response, it was in no way directed at you.


My bad for the misinterpretation - it was getting to be about 4 AM and things get a little hazy at that point I do agree, we need to keep the peace here because frankly, those we fight against enjoy nothing more than seeing us battle each other over who has the correct approach or the "best" way to get the word out to spread the message of veganism. Every time we fight we set ourselves back a bit, and the movement in general can't afford that, no matter which approach someone believes in. Hopefully Violet can see that there's room for everyone and every approach, but we must maintain civlilty and respect each other's wishes and keep communication open rather than get into squabbles that only waste time. Whether or not this will happen is anyone's guess regarding the situation that's been debated, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed despite failed attempts in the past

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It's ok VE, no problems at all! We all misinterpret things daily, and the internet being the barrier of expression is one of the reasons, so it's only natural


Hopefully Violet can see that there's room for everyone and every approach, but we must maintain civlilty and respect each other's wishes and keep communication open rather than get into squabbles that only waste time. Whether or not this will happen is anyone's guess regarding the situation that's been debated, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed despite failed attempts in the past


Same here, she hasn't responded to my post and I also PMed her (but I'll be optimistic that she just hasn't seen it). We are all in for the same reasons, and that's all that counts

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My bad for the misinterpretation - it was getting to be about 4 AM and things get a little hazy at that point I do agree, we need to keep the peace here because frankly, those we fight against enjoy nothing more than seeing us battle each other over who has the correct approach or the "best" way to get the word out to spread the message of veganism. Every time we fight we set ourselves back a bit, and the movement in general can't afford that, no matter which approach someone believes in. Hopefully Violet can see that there's room for everyone and every approach, but we must maintain civlilty and respect each other's wishes and keep communication open rather than get into squabbles that only waste time. Whether or not this will happen is anyone's guess regarding the situation that's been debated, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed despite failed attempts in the past


thanks for this, VeganEssentials! I know I really appreciate what you say here and agree with it.

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I wanted to comment about your post from way back at the beginning…. I know this got a little side tracked for a while. I often wonder about things like this. Do you or anyone else here think it’s justified to let a small amount of animals “suffer” to save a lager amount of animals. I used the quotation marks here because I don’t personal believe beings someone’s pet is bad or causes suffering in most cases, but I know that some people believe other wish. Anyway, I think living with animals, or seeing others live with animals does let people see that they have feelings and are intelligent, and is in general a good thing.


What about zoos? I’m up in the air on this one. I think they can give people the same kind of insight to a lager diversity of life. I also think that there are many people who are curious about these animals and zoos are a better alternative hunting them. Also a lot try to keep lager animals as pets and can not properly take care of them, zoos are a good place for those animals to live if they could not be released back into the wild.


However, breeding programs fail for them most part and of course those poor animals have to live in tiny little fake habitats.

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yeah madcat i have mixed feelings about pets and zoos. Certainly breeding is problem, I have very little doubt about that. But other than that, although it is captivity, I think there are good things to come from it depending on the conditions, it is complicated

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