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How many calories should I be consuming?


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Hey everyone...i was wondering how many calories I should be aiming for. I have an Iphone app that counts everything and I have an issue with binge eating so I want to start logging all of my food intake so I know! I am a vegetarian...mostly vegan though but I dont like to really label myself. I feel better with a plant based lifestyle and eat vegan 98% of the time. I am 5"4' and 130 lbs but I want to gain muscle and lose weight to get overall healthy and toned. Right now I workout 6 days a week doing beachbody programs. I am doin Chalean extreme which is a 30 minute intense muscle building program. I am also just active all day...never sit down for too long. Any idea how many calories I should be aiming for? Thanks!

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My personal advice would be, if you are after gaining muscle is to have a period of "bulking" with only very moderate cardio (if you can keep a conversation going thats perfect) to get the muscle on. If you don't like the added size you can jus lean up or just lean up a little to cut the added size.


You should start with an extra 500 calories a day with cleans foods.

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The Katch McArdle formula is pretty accurate (if you know your bodyfat%):


BMR = 370 + (21.6 x LBM)

Where LBM = [total weight (kg) x (100 - bodyfat %)]/100


And then multiple that number by the following:


1.2 = Sedentary (Little or no exercise and desk job)

1.3-1.4 = Lightly Active (Little daily activity & light exercise 1-3 days a week)

1.5-1.6 = Moderately Active (Moderately active daily life & Moderate exercise 3-5 days a week)

1.7-1.8 = Very Active (Physically demanding lifestyle & Hard exercise or sports 6-7 days a week)

1.9-2.0 = Extremely Active (Hard daily exercise or sports and physical job)

(note: make sure you're not just considering work outs but also your lifestyle)


If you don't know your BF%, there's always this: http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/


MyFitnessPal is also pretty helpful and relatively accurate.

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OOOH apparently I am eating exactly enough to maintain if I'm "very active" but if I'm "extremely active...." I'm under....I kind of think I'm extremely active but the definitions are kinda loose.


Yeah, I definitely had to do some tweaking to get it just right and I definitely have a 3-400 calorie difference on rest/work days but I don't always adhere to that. Once you know what you do need, though, life gets a lot easier.

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