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Synny's training journal

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Ok back to journal keeping. Have had a rough patch with job stress.


AM: 30 min weight loss program elliptical

PM: 30 min interval program elliptical


Breakfast: 1/2c oats, 2 tbsp whole flaxseed ground up, 2 scoops protein powder

Lunch: 1c black beans, 1/2c mashed sweet potatoes, 2c steamed broccoli

Snack: 1c red beans, 1/2c brown rice, 2c broccoli

Post workout: 2 scoops protein powder

Supper: 1/2 block tempeh, 4 tbsp kraut, 10 asparagus spears

Bedtime: 2 scoops protein powder

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how are you liking the elliptical? I am a stair mill afficianado myself these last three years..but I trained for Mt. Whitney several years back on an elliptical. (I was still running about 40 miles a week, min, back then, tho, too)


won't do the cornbread till I get this few lbs off (the recipe looks to die for!!)...grrrr...I am teeny...I prefer teeny weeny...we all work out for a reason. head space! you inspired me..headed to gm in 20 mins! thanks!!!

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you will be the body you train for...I hated my body till recent...have always dieted...nottill 49 did I like it I have a friend that transformed her body w/ weights---70 lbs! Another, 170...I am sure there are many transformations here. At my heaviest not pregnant , I was 40 lbs more...you will be what you work for!


ya, vday is pitsy some years. funny what a year brings.

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Well another rough day... Went to work early and had to leave early to do a work thing that cost me $60...... Diet wasn't even close to clean my fault but oh well. Felt full of energy and had to stop myself from overtraining anymore than I probably did tonight


AM: 30 mins elliptical cross training program #2

PM: 60 mins boot camp, 20 mins treadmill 3.2 at incline of 5, 20 mins stationary bike random program lvl 4


Seated Smith machine military press: 2 warm-up sets 1 set 20 lbs 10 reps, 1 set 30 lbs 10 reps, 3 sets 35 lbs 8 reps

1 arm shoulder press: 1 warm-up set 10 lbs 10 reps, 1 set 20 lbs 10 reps, 1 set 25 lbs 10 reps, 1 set 20 lbs 10 reps

Side raises: 1 warm-up set 10 lbs 10 reps, 1 set 8 lbs 12 reps, 2 sets 8 lbs 16 reps

Side raises behind the back: 3 sets 8 lbs 12 reps

Smith machine upright row: 1 warm-up set 20 lbs 10 reps, 2 sets 30 lbs 15 reps, 1 set 30 lbs 12 reps

Rear delt raises: 1 warm-up set 5 lbs 10 reps, 3 sets 5 lbs 14 reps, 4 sets 5 lbs 16 reps

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Oh no! You got any anti-inflammatories like Vega's Recovery Accelerator, Vegan Zyphlamend, ginger-tumeric pills, EFA's, and or vitamin C? I hope it heals quickly! It should just be a temporary set back! Don't stress over your training being delayed, just heal up well love =)

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Thanks it only bothers me when I sit on a hard surface with my legs uncrossed. Luckily legs day isn't until Saturday so I will be icing and being gentle on my leg. Lucky for me the elliptical doesn't phase it a bit but I am sure the stationary bike I was eyeing this morning would. But here is something I just don't get at all. Why would you drink a soda of any kind, diet or regular, while working out or doing cardio???? I just can't put my mind around it. I can kinda understand gatorade, can understand the preworkout drinks, and the protein powders but I see people drink soda and coffee at the gym...... Am I missing something? Did I not get the memo???

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Yeah otherwise I go nuts cause I can't burn off the extra energy. Seems once I feel I have burnt off the energy my reserves are full again and I want to do more... I can't figure out what I need to do to slow that down. I feel like I want to go go go go all the time and when stuck at work I get restless, bored and irritated. I need a more active job but silly me I made a promise that I would stay till the end.....

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My guess is, they are either in transition from unhealthy to healthy, and haven't quite kicked the soda (&/or coffee) habit yet. Or they haven't learned that not all calories are the same, i.e.: yes caffeine & sugar can give you the boost, but getting those from soda can rip your body apart. My quick & superficial take on it.

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Ok figured out my binge fest.... I was getting ready for my visitor. Now that she is here I am not feeling the need to stuff my face with everything! So last week probably want the week to start my diet hahaha. I ready need to start tracking so I know when to prepare for extra calories

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Was a damn good day. Got some natural Vit D, diet back on track, kicked it in boot camp and was called skinny hahahaha.


AM: 30 mins elliptical weight loss program, 60 mins gentle yoga

PM: 20 mins elliptical interval program, 55 mins boot camp



Reverse grip pulldown: warmup set 60 lbs 10 reps, 1 set 75 lbs 10 reps, 2 sets 90 lbs 10 reps

Wide grip pulldown: warmup set 60 lbs 10 reps, 2 sets 90 lbs 12 reps, 1 set 105 lbs 10 reps (really 105 lbs?!?! go me!!)

1 arm dumbbell row: warmup set 20 lbs 10 reps, 2 sets 25 lbs 12 reps, 1 set 30 lbs 12 reps

Back extension: warmup set 10 reps, 3 sets 15 lbs 16 reps

Hammer curl: warmup set 15 lbs 10 reps, 3 sets 15 lbs 20 reps

Preacher machine curl: warmup set 20 lbs 10 reps, 3 sets 30 lbs 16 reps (i hate preacher curls.....of any kind)

Ez bar curls: 4 sets 35 lbs 10 reps (found out the bar weights 25 lbs for future reference )



Breakfast: 1/2c dry oats, 1 banana, 2 tbsp flaxseed, 2 scoops protein powder, cinnamon, vanilla

Snack: 2 scoops protein powder

Lunch: 1/2 block tempeh, 1/2c brown rice, 2c broccoli, teriyaki sauce

Snack: same as lunch lol

Post workout: 2 scoops protein powder

Supper: 1/2 block tempeh, 7 asparagus spears, 4 tbsp kraut

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Ok I think I am ready to try running again. I will start out on the treadmill tonight. Last night I was jogging in boot camp and did ok. Really tired of the elliptical right now. Might even throw in the stair mill. Also going for a sports physical tonight after work.

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Running was not in the cards tonight nor was the stair mill. My physical gave me good news and a bit of bad news. It appears I have a faint heart murmur that they wanted to make me aware of but said it could be from changes in hydration. Will have be monitoring it but not fussing over it. But I was also told I seem to be in good health and to keep training.


AM: 30 min elliptical weight loss program

PM: 30 min stationary bike random program




Leg extension: 3 sets 75 lbs 20 reps

Seated leg curl: 3 sets 90 lbs 15 reps

Hack squat: 4 sets 40 lbs 50 reps

Kneeling leg curl: 4 sets 10 lbs 20 reps

Sumo squat: 4 sets 65 lbs 20 reps

Seated calf raise: 2 sets 90 lbs 15 reps


I don't think my diet is working for me. It is way to restrictive on vegetables. I need to sit down and look at what I can do to improve it to still lose but kill my cravings that I can't shake.


Breakfast: 1/2c oats, 2 tbsp flaxseed, 2 scoops protein powder

Snack: chips and salsa

Lunch: 1/2 block tempeh, 2c broccoli, 1/2c brown rice

Snack: 1/2c black beans, 1/2c red beans, 1/2c brown rice, 2c broccoli

Postworkout: 2 scoops protein

Supper: 1/2 block tempeh, 7 asparagus spears, 4 tbsp kraut

Bedtime: 2 scoops protein powder

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What an absolutely fabulous day!!! I think it was in the 40s or 50s today. I grabbed the nearest tank top and capri pants and headed outside! I decided to utilize my clothesline and hung my clothes out to mostly dry, started clearing my garden and started cutting back the bushes. I am going to assume since I did about 2 1/2hrs of yard work that I might have burned a good amount of calories today lol no idea just going to assume.


AM: 20 min walk with basset hound

PM: 60 min yoga, 30 min elliptical cross training program #1 resistance 4



Flat bench press: 2 warmup sets 20 lbs 12 reps, 2 sets 35 lbs 8 reps

Twists: 150 reps each side

Straight arm pullover: warmup set 20 lbs 12 reps, 2 sets 30 lbs 12 reps

Incline Flyes: 3 sets 25 lbs 12 reps, drop set 15 lbs 20 reps

Overhead tricep extension: warmup set 50 lbs 15 reps, 2 sets 60 lbs 15 reps

Assisted Dips: 2 sets 15 reps set at 140, 1 set 15 reps set at 130


Lying dumbbell extensions: 1 set 10 lbs 15 reps, 2 sets 15 lbs 12 reps

Narrow pushups: 3 sets 15 reps

Bench dips: 3 sets 15 reps

Twists: 150 reps each side


Breakfast: 2 servings gluten free pancakes, 2 scoops protein powder

Lunch: 1 Amy's gluten free dairy free burritos

Snack: 1c black beans

Post workout: 1/2c banana pudding

Supper: 1c black beans and 1 slice gluten free cornbread


Not the best diet but I wasn't really in the house to eat properly. Not that I am really to worried about my diet right now as long as I am not eating all junkfood

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