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Act like a cat for a month


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One of my goals is to act like a cat for a month. I've been pretty much on the go for a while now, taking on more projects than I can handle.


I think I would like to spend about a month just eating, sleeping and having someone pet me. Ok, forget the petting part and I will still have to work.


But I'd like to work, go to the gym, eat, and sleep and if necessary, have someone rub my belly.


I spend a little too much time on the computer (as many of you can tell I'm sure) and I don't think I allow my body and mind to rest and recover as much as I should.


I will wait until after my spring contests are over, but then, rather than coming home from the gym at 7PM and playing/working on the computer until 1AM, I'll just go to bed and get a lot of sleep.


Back when I wasn't working full-time and wasn't active on any forums or myspace and wasn't writing magazine articles all the time, I was like a cat. I was much more social then too, but anyway, I would sleep in, eat, train, and watch tv and just relax. Those were the days.


But......my un-cat-like activity lately has been good. I just recently wrote 4 more magazine articles that will be coming out in a few months. I acted in another TV commercial, was an extra in a movie, and have been working on other media-based projects. That is where my main interest is right now....tv/movies/magazines/radio/internet, etc.


I know most of you are also on the run all the time. Do any of you wish you could live like a cat....even for just a month?



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I've been unemployed 5 months. I'm overqualified. I've really enjoyed it. Someday I'll be getting a trust fund and then it will be permanent.


The article I linked.... half are unemployed while the other half are overworked.... we are taught that we must work, work, work; we musn't be lazy.... this ideology comes from the ruling class down to us so we'll be less likely to revolt from our slavery.

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But I'd like to work, go to the gym, eat, and sleep and if necessary, have someone rub my belly.


If you acted like a cat, you definitely wouldn't go to work!

And while many cats will let people they trust implicitely rub their bellies, many others see this as a threat (since in the wild, cats disembowl their prey), but I guess you'd be one of those friendly cats.


My cats recommend taking at least 6 naps during the day, and Bobsie in particular suggests doing a "downward dog--modified!, upward dog-modified! and cat stretch after waking from each nap (cat yoga).


Also, don't forget to clean yourself!


And watch for ODiing on the catnip!

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  • 6 months later...

I live like a cat... but then, I am a cat.... so that is logical.

I highly reccommend it to anyone, for a change from being busy.


I ensure to claw holes in other peoples' furniture, pee in random corners and shoes, cough up balls of hair and sleep in inappropriate places, on a daily basis.

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I have probably the laziest cat in the world, so he could be a good role model. He even sits in the kitchen and meows, then waits for one of his human aides to go collect him and carry him to the living room


He is really funny, has a great personality and has us all so well trained.



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I forgot all about this post


I didn't do a very good job acting like a cat. Ask the folks from Vegan Vacation. I'm pretty high stress, on the go all the time.


In addition to that, I just took on my biggest project yet, and it has a deadline in less than 10 weeks


So people should stay pretty far away from me for the next couple of months, or they may be dealt wit!


After this big project, I'm taking on another big one, due in spring


For me, I have to stay extremely busy to keep in line with my long-term goals. But I could totally use a few cat-like days every now and then


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