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Strong-Man Training Tips

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For all those who are active in Strong-Man training feel free to post some training tips here for those interested in starting this type of training.


I know one of the other threads was making it difficult to post a reply, some sort of bug in the system I guess. So I hope this one works out well.


Thanks in advance for any input on Strong-Man Training.

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I dont really do strongman training but Ill take a guess just to give the big guys a chance to come and correct me . I would guess that training squats, deadlifts and overheadpressed, combined with event specific training should take you quite a bit. Maybe also some grip training, static holds and stuff.

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Major compound movement training is essential. Squats, Deadlifts, Olympic lifts, and overhead press are solid in the gym movements. Throw in the assistance work for those lifts and you should be good to go. Outside of the gym get all the fun event stuff in as frequently as you can handle and you are good to go. It isn't very complicated.





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Thanks Sensless,


I figured it was pretty basic. Lift big to get big. Compound lifts take the greatest amount of energy and muscle power, so it makes sense to make them the base of a strong-man training program.


I'd even think that on a bodybuilding program, one could focus just on those major lifts and be in great bodybuilding shape, and strong too.


For me, I think that is what I'll start doing. I'll still do some of the other smaller exercises because I like them, but I'll make the Bulk of my training heavy compound movements. I think that is the key I've been missing all these years.


Sometimes a good reminder to get back to the basics is very helpful.

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Sorry I took so long to get in on this one! Haven't been to the board much this past few days and I completely missed it.


Strongman training will focus on compound movements in the gym as Sensless mentioned (squats, deadlifts, barbell rowing, overhead pressing, olympic lifts) and event training as well. Since there are so many different potential events and each one is usually different in feel from contest to contest most people tend to train on implements of their own and hope that the carryover is good for the contest they'll be in. Normally you'll get a event listing well in advance of a comp so that you'll know what you need to train for, so most people will focus their training around the events of what they'll be facing for any comps that they plan to get into. Some events are pretty standard and will be in most competitons (overhead log lift, stone lift onto platforms, farmer's walk, tire flip and some sort of vehicle pull with a rope or harness event) but there are also many events that are less frequent that will tax you and are harder to train for, too. The best thing anyone who wants to enter strongman can do is focus on building a strong, solid base of the main lifts that translate to pure strength and meet people with the event implements to train on at least once per week. Finding the balance is key and making sure that you have a decent amount of skill in the popular events will see to it that you can at least finish any comp you enter.


I'll be in at least 3 events this summer, and I'll see to it that we get plenty of pics in traning and on contest day as well to post here in the near future.



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