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Seriously annoying site glitches


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Rob, is there any chance that you could please fix the site glitches that randomly stop me, and others from posting random threads?


I have been trying to reply (with a very funny post) on the storylines and jokes thread in the entertainment thread but every time I post it, I am redirected to the VBB home page. I have tried everything, including retyping the whole lot out, including all the quotes and code. Its really annoying as its happened several times to me, and nearly always on something that I really wanted to post on (the previous time was on the isolation v compound thread where kollision and daywalker were debating).


Many thanks



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Are you using any foul language? some sites are set with certain words you can't post. Or maybe it's just not funny?

Yeah, could be the forum software humour detector stopping you j******n . Except I read the post and it was actually funny. Perhaps the humour detector is not calibrated correctly ?

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Maybe the actual site suffers from humourcolbamin deficiency!

Aohw crap, taht could probably only be cure by massive joking all over the place .

And it also looks like the site is having spelling problem, 'taht', 'cure' instead of 'cured' what kind of english is that .

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I've run into the problem twice over the past 12 months, but I know others have had an issue with being sent back to the home page. To be honest I have NO IDEA HOW TO FIX IT. I'm not a computer guy and some computer guys can't figure it out either.


I will continue to look into it and see what I can do. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Rob, is there any chance that you could please fix the site glitches that randomly stop me, and others from posting random threads?


I have been trying to reply (with a very funny post) on the storylines and jokes thread in the entertainment thread but every time I post it, I am redirected to the VBB home page. I have tried everything, including retyping the whole lot out, including all the quotes and code. Its really annoying as its happened several times to me, and nearly always on something that I really wanted to post on (the previous time was on the isolation v compound thread where kollision and daywalker were debating).

Hehe I was in a bit on that debate too I think . Anyway, when you get to the mainpage are you still logged in? Perhaps it can be something with the authentication or somewaht. Do you have trouble with being logged out sometimes also when youre not posting?

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I know about the "frustrating" part too. I was picking apart Jonathan's message trying to get it up there but it will not allow copied or pasted material. Everything has to be a 'fresh' post. A few categories are set up like that but I don't know enough about computers to know how to fix it.


I'm still trying to learn how to install my printer I got 4 months ago


I know the problem only shows up every once in a while so hopefully we can deal with it for now and then we'll continue to look into "why" it is happening.


Thanks for understanding. It's pretty much all over my head, but I'll dig around on the admin panel and see what's there.

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I just tried to post a post in the advice and feedback section for JW's routine and it diverted me to the main page.


Rob, its not copy and pasted text only as I completely retyped the original post, pasting nothing, as I infact did for the post in advice and feedback.



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I hope to get it all sorted out soon, but luckily it only affects a small percentage of the posts. For example, I have over 2000 posts and I've only run into that problem 3 or 4 times.


But I know it is a problem and I'll try to get it all sorted out. Thanks.

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Yeah, it is really frustrating for me because I don't know much about computers. I'm doing what I can to search on the Admin page and I'm looking all around and working on a solution. I do have a few "tech" friends and of course my website guy who lives 4 hours away, so I have a few resources.


Again, I apologize and hope it doesn't slow is down too much. I'm learning all the time and I might even take some computer/web classes at a college just to help myself do a better job.


Thanks for info and input,



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