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Robert's Training Journal - A Tale of Yeah's and Buddy's

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It was great! I ate there the past two nights


I trained Chest today at Quad's one of the top gyms in the country!


It was pretty sweet. Pressed some good weights, free weight exercises, and then some dips, did some rock climbing for 20 minutes or more and then headed to dinner and met up with a bunch of people who joined me from myspace and facebook for a dinner at Chicago Diner.


Flying to Boston in the morning.

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I used a bow-flex for a bit a couple of days ago and this morning RAINRA and I hit up a chest workout at Gold's Gym. Good times today. I pressed 90's and didn't go for 100's today. Sleep was short and calories were low. Sure, I still got swol, but I didn't quite have the 105-lb strength I have sometimes.


Good workout today. About time to eat again.


I may go to Rhode Island tomorrow just because I've never been there.

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Trained arms and back tonight using free weights, a pull-up bar and a Bow Flex


Awesome time.


Got totally swol with great lighting and almost took more pics, but I'll be patient and wait until I get bigger.


It pretty much looked like this (taken yesterday) but with better lighting:




Back at it tomorrow and Wed before flying home.

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I sent that photo above to my boss, and he said my forearm scares him. Very nice!


Today I trained abs, a bit of chest, some arms as well. It was a 30 min workout and I may hit up some more exercises after my talk at Northeastern University tonight.


I did about 5 sets of squats just with my own bodyweight as well.


This is my 3rd day in a row training in Boston and I'll train tomorrow before I fly home.


I'm not homesick at all. I've enjoyed my East Coast swing and with confidence I can say that I could stay much longer in many of the cities I've been traveling to. Being home tomorrow night will be nice too.


If the opportunity presents itself, I'd like to spend my year in 4 cities, not just L.A. and Portland. I'd also like to spend part of the year in D.C. and Boston.


Of all the cities I've been to from Orlando to Chicago to San Francisco; L.A., DC, Portland and Boston are where I'd like to spend the most time.



More legs and abs tomorrow.

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I trained legs tonight.


I did some version of squats, some lower back extensions and then moved over to Leg Press which I used 18 plates, 800-something pounds and then finished with some lying hamstring curls.


Then sat in the steamroom, sauna, hot tub, because it is cold back here in Oregon. I just got in from Boston last night.


I've trained 4 of the last 5 days, so that is pretty good, especially with lots of travel lately.

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I trained Back and abs tonight. I think I'm on 5 of the last 6 days training, even with traveling across the country, high stress, etc.


Good times.


Bent over rows


Lat pull downs


Pull ups


T-bar rows


Machine rows


Hanging leg raises


Lying leg raises




Sit ups



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The last two days were spent at home organizing things before my trip to Hawaii and working 8 hours in the COLD today at a bike race Vega sponsored. Tasha and I froze out there watching oregonisaac compete, as well as other friends,


I should be back in the gym tomorrow, but the 2-day rest was good. I even took a nap while listing to The God Delusion book on CD that liftandcode gave me when we met in Boston last week


So cool to see forum members all over the country. It sure is fun.

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Solid workouts even with all that traveling! Kick a$$!


Hey, I heard a rumour about you having serious problems with digestion. The person who tells this is a former vegan who spreads the word in the Internet that veganism made her really sick and after she started eating meat she got really well.


If you have or have had stomach problems, what causes/caused them and are you fine now?

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I know a few former vegans who are friends of mine or acquaintances but I'm not sure who you are referring to.


I have had a variety of digestion issues which I have been talking about on the forum for years (mostly gassy and bloated) probably as a result of some of the foods I'm eating or not eating.

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I know a few former vegans who are friends of mine or acquaintances but I'm not sure who you are referring to.


I have had a variety of digestion issues which I have been talking about on the forum for years (mostly gassy and bloated) probably as a result of some of the foods I'm eating or not eating.

It's some finnish woman(?) in a Finnish low-carb forum where I rant about their twisted opinion on vegetarian food and vegans (they've read a lot of Weston A. Price Foundation web pages).


So if I get this right, your "serious digestion problems" are farting and having a round belly after eating a lot? Isn't that pretty much the same thing with EVERY bodybuilder in the world!


Thanks for the prompt answer mate!

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Yeah, just gassy, bloated and farting. Not all the time, but frequently. Obviously I'm still busier than 90% of people as I work 7 jobs and seem to manage everything from travel every week to bodybuilding to many other things that I'm involved in.


Not sure who the woman is, but it's OK. I'm used to all kinds of things about me all over the internet. I learn to get used to it.

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I got back at it today training arms and abs. Bis, Tris, then abs.


EZ Curl bar curls x 4 sets


Hammer Strength Preacher curls x 4 sets


Dumbbell Hammer curls x 4 sets


Rope extensions x 6 sets


Dips x 6 sets


A bunch of sets of leg raises, sit-ups, crunches, etc.


Back at it tomorrow. YB.

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I got back at it today training arms and abs. Bis, Tris, then abs.


EZ Curl bar curls x 4 sets


Hammer Strength Preacher curls x 4 sets


Dumbbell Hammer curls x 4 sets


Rope extensions x 6 sets


Dips x 6 sets


A bunch of sets of leg raises, sit-ups, crunches, etc.


Back at it tomorrow. YB.


Cool session! How come you choose only to do two excersises for triceps but three for biceps? Is it that you (like me) have trouble finding good triceps excersises or do you just really really love dips and rope extensions?


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Well, I kinda took it easy today. I mean I still hit it pretty hard, especially the 6 sets of dips, full range of motion nearly 20 reps per set, and the bicep curls too. I normally do more exercises for triceps but because of a number of reasons I had to take 5 days off from the gym, was short on sleep, overworked, etc. I didn't want to hammer it too hard. I still hit it, ate a big burrito, sandwich, etc. afterwards, but that's the main reason I just did 2 exercises rather than 3-5 that I sometimes, or often do.


Normally I'll do 4 and 4, but today was a shorter workout, maybe 40 min on both bi and tri combined and then some abs for 20.


Time to sleep!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't posted in a while (or trained in a while). I hurt my back pulling a bus in the strength competition last weekend and for a period I could barely walk. I didn't really want to talk about it. I was lower back injury free for a year, then had multiple rotated vertebra, tendon nerve damage, etc. all happen last weekend.


But, gotta recover and move on. Maybe I should pick up a new hobby...maybe chess.

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I trained today and my back was OK. I used only machines to take it easy on my back that could barely walk last week. I'm so thankful to John Peck, the chiropractor who worked with me when my spine was out of place and I had damaged tendon nerves leaving me unable to walk or move up and down very well. Now I'm jogging, dancing, and back in the gym.....weeks or months ahead of schedule based on injuries like this have been suffered in the past.


So I'm pleased to have trained chest today. I also focused on chest because it is a muscle group that really sucks on me lately. I really don't like it. I look in the mirror or look at video of myself and I'm not pleased at all and need to do something about it. So, I'm doing something about it.


Say a handful of forum members today: thendanisays, Lean and Green, Tasha, and Jerome.


Good times.



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So I'm pleased to have trained chest today. I also focused on chest because it is a muscle group that really sucks on me lately. I really don't like it. I look in the mirror or look at video of myself and I'm not pleased at all and need to do something about it. So, I'm doing something about it.


I feel you here.

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I haven't posted in a while (or trained in a while). I hurt my back pulling a bus in the strength competition last weekend and for a period I could barely walk. I didn't really want to talk about it. I was lower back injury free for a year, then had multiple rotated vertebra, tendon nerve damage, etc. all happen last weekend.



Sorry to hear about your back, I know how much work you have been putting into getting it rehabiliated...

At least you were doing something hard core when it happened, not silly back session, or twisting the wrong way,

Pulling a Bus! Yeah buddy...

Glad that you are back in the gym and able to move around again...

Good luck getting it healthy and strong again...

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Thanks guys.


Today I got a good recommendation for a chiropractor as well so I'll probably visit him too. He came highly recommended to me by some friends I know and his office happens to be about a 3 minute drive.


It sucked re-injuring it and barely being able to walk, but I had a chiropractor work with me immediately after I hurt myself and fixed me up a bit, and I feel pretty good.


Back in action.....back at it.

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