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Fox owns MySpace


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Yeah, Rupert Murdoch (sp) bought Myspace a long time ago. I'm not too bothered at the moment because myspace seems to be my #1 place for marketing Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness. 20% of our forum members learned about us from myspace, and I've had all kinds of business connections, sold a bunch of DVDs, and had other cool things happen like met friends, roommates, etc. as a result of myspace.


I think having Vegan Bodybuilding so popular on myspace is a GREAT thing. I get "fan" mail by the dozens pretty much daily, thousands of e-mails in total from people praising the Vegan Bodybuilding lifestyle.


I know it sucks that Rupert has myspace and got it over over 1/2 billion dollars, but I'm going to keep rocking myspace for as long as I can. It has been sooooo good to me and to Vegan Bodybuilding (and veganism) in general.


For example, Peta2 has over 65,000 "friends" on myspace. A bunch of young kids are really getting into veganism and it is awesome.


Some people are leaving myspace and that's cool. But I'm here for the long haul so you'll see me all over for a while. It spreads the word of vegan bodybuilding greater than any other avenue I've tried in over 5 years or experimenting with marketing my business/lifestyle.

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The internet is public so anything you put up is not private. It has little to do with Rupert Murdock. But the police have been solving crimes thanks to myspace...some people are just very very candid. There is another social networking program like myspace called thefacebook, and some company is actually making a program to search for select traits which people identify themselves as, something that myspace can do. Anyways lots of fears of it turning into a way for the government to target dissidents. If that is going on though and the government sees the numbers of people that are involved with/interested in/ etc. they might back off of that group or something. I'd rather let them see my middle finger than hide. Still though programs like myspace do make it easier for people to know things about you, but they can only know what you tell them. So use your judgement.

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Myspace is perfect for marketing. Where else can you get that much exposure for free?


Most webmasters have cookies set up that track a lot of information about you. If you're really worried about privacy you could disable cookies, although I doubt myspace is doing anything malicious with your info

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If I were American, I wouldn't be concerned at all, since you don't have any privacy laws and the mentality is completely different.


You have a patriot act, we have a privacy act. In Canada it is not legal for companies to hold personal data. They must abide to laws to protect individuals privacy.


Apart from the privacy issue, Fox is corrupt and evil. I do not want to support them.

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You are American - ya live in the America's dont ya?


I agree with ya about the privacy issue. Honestly though, I do not think virtually anything folks like you or I put online is particularly secure or well-protected from prying eyes. You may well be right that the laws up there are better in this regard but I'm certainly not convinced that the "mentally is completely different" up there. From what I've read, experienced and been told Canadians seem to *generally* have more faith in their public officials and political process than do most folks down south of the line.


From my understanding, CSIS and other Moose-arse licking government agencies up there do plenty of domestic spying, legally and most likely otherwise as well... Not to mention the fact that the US government is quite likely doing it's own surveillance of Canadians, legally and with Canadian government assistance, or otherwise. This sort of thing happened long before the "Patriot act" - which only made things easier and more "legitimate" for these attacks on our privacy and freedom.


I agree with ya about Fox - but do ya really think Mexico's new Presidente (or whichever candidate actually won the election) will be any better?

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And apparently NewsCorp owns The New York Post (shudder) too... which wikipedia says Murdoch turned into the den of arch neoconservativism that it is today... check out their coverage of Al Gore's Movie... and they seem to cover nothing but the most awful events and sensationalism that happens in the city too, the few times I have picked up the paper- And it's not even conservative, conservatives have principles...


I wonder how he will turn MySpace into the Fox News Channel...



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