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We made some more room at the shelter...


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We recently lost our husky Indy. We've all been sad, but our GSD/Rottie mix Amy was really down in the dumps. So we decided to get her another friend, and make some room at the shelter. The 3 of us fell for Kia right away. She is a beautiful red Siberian with light blue eyes.


Can you guess how old she is?


Here she is in her 2nd training session:







Laying down...




And a video of her putting it all together...

(click on it to play)




Ok, ok, so she didn't really need training. But she did need a home and a new family. Hard to believe her previous owners gave her up to be euthanized . Their loss is definitely our gain!

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Aw, thanks Montana and Loveliberate! She really is lovely. She looked pretty in the pics we saw of her online before we met her, but seeing her in person is just a whole different ball game, she's quite a catch!


(that is, if you CAN catch her - Finn had to chase her through the neighbor's yard today - she kinda can't be trusted and she's a livewire...keeps us on our toes to say the least!)


Those are some great guesses, but I'm not handing out any prizes yet! Any more guesses before we spill the beans, I'm ready to burst at the seams here!

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